Question about unworthiness and taking the sacrament


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As to the original question i think Elder Hollands Talk in our regional stake conference hit the nail on the head. We need to learn to forgive ourselves.

When interviewing RTs who joined the Marine Corps, it is troubling for me in reminding them when they are forgiven they need to the principle of self-forgiveness.

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When interviewing RTs who joined the Marine Corps, it is troubling for me in reminding them when they are forgiven they need to the principle of self-forgiveness.

It is a hard thing to do. We remember them when we should not. Is that a lack of faith? We know that when we are baptized we are washed clean yet some still have guilt over things they did before baptism. Same with those who have confessed and made right things in their lives. Do we lack faith that for some reason Christ's atonement doesn't cover those sins or is it the natural man trying to hold on to those thing? Whatever it is I know for some it is a very hard thing to do and for others it isn't. I guess it is another challenge that some face in their lives. But I do know that once people really catch the spirit of what the Atonement is all about and realize it they do seem to become strengthened and able to move past those past sins.

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Thanks for bringing up this topic, SBG, I believe it's an important one. Wow, we certainly have gone a ciruitous course with all the differing (and informative) threads!

I've learned some importang things concerning the sacrament. I do believe that unless we have sinned so grievously as to need to confess to the bishop, it is important to fulfill our covenants each week by taking the sacrament. For me, this is truly the case. I have struggled with this. I have a word of wisdom problem in that I smoke. I didn't take the sacrament for years because of was a self-imposed abstinence. A friend of mine encouraged me to talk to my bishop about it and ask if I could still partake, even though. Wouldn't you know? He gave me permission to still take the sacrament?! I was so surprised! What a blessing!

I struggle with making it to church each Sunday, I could so easily slip into inactivity at this time in my life. Feelings of inadequacy and despair in relation to the gospel and how I'm living it creep in so easily. But, just this past week I made it to church after lapsing a couple of weeks. The Spirit was so strong as I walked through the doors. I could feel how pleased He was with me for being there, that this was where He wanted me to be. When it came time to take the sacrament, I too wondered if I was ready to do so, if I was truly "worthy." Again, I felt the Spirity strongly as I partook. That the covenants I was making were binding, that it was appropriate for me to do so, that He acknowledged them, and was pleased. What a blessing to feel all that!

The sacrament is so important to participate in. It's up to us to "ready" ourselves, or make ourselves available to feel the Spirit as we do participate. To treat the process lightly or without due respect becomes our loss, and His sorrow. I have struggled, not having children, with how noisy family wards can be during the sacrament. I really respect the example of one sister of a ward I was in. During the sacrament, she would bow her head and become very reverant and still. It was very clear that she was worshipping at that time. I'll never forget that.

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