I need to learn a lesson..three actually.


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So, hey I'm new here, I don't even know if I'm posting in the right section, so sorry if I'm way off, but i need some help. i recently started going back to church and getting things worked out with my bishop. One of the things my bishop asked me to do was prepare three lessons with subjects of my choosing, and then present them to him in a month. Sounds easy right? here's the problem, i haven't been to church for a little while... and i have no idea on how to go about this, i have my topics chosen, but i don't know where to start. So any help at all would be appreciated! Thanks so much!

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So, hey I'm new here, I don't even know if I'm posting in the right section, so sorry if I'm way off, but i need some help. i recently started going back to church and getting things worked out with my bishop. One of the things my bishop asked me to do was prepare three lessons with subjects of my choosing, and then present them to him in a month. Sounds easy right? here's the problem, i haven't been to church for a little while... and i have no idea on how to go about this, i have my topics chosen, but i don't know where to start. So any help at all would be appreciated! Thanks so much!

LDS.org - Prepare a Talk

LDS.org - Prepare a Lesson

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Well, I think it would be pretty hard to fail this test. :) Since you get to pick three topics, you might as well just choose them and go from there. What about starting with the first principles and ordinances of the gospel. You could do one on faith and then one on repentance and then one on baptism.

Anyway....good luck with your choice and don't worry about failure. Pretty impossible, you know?

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There are many ways to search for what your looking for. :) And of course lds.org has alot of information for you too look up. One thing I find that helps, is to kinda briefly write down how i feel about that topic, what I understand of it. And what questions I have. Then look it up read and meditate about what your reading. And digest everything into how it makes you feel, and what you have learned, and of course what it is! There are tons of resources! Good luck!!

And I'm very glad you have chosen to go back to church! Its always nice to see people who find their way back to the church one way or the other!!

-My husband is inactive, and I'm very active in the church...hahah


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Hey thanks for the help everyone, very much appreciated, i think I've decided that my three topics should be something i feel strongly about, so the atonement is the first one, then prayer, and faith. And those lds.org links will help a lot, i just didn't know where to really start but now i should be good. And only a little nervous about presenting it to the bishop because the eventual plan is for me to give the lesson in gospel doctrine...terrifying. But I'll cross that bridge when i come to it. Thanks again for all the help!!

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