Animals Pets and Families


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One of my concerns is the mentality that exists among so many people that believe animals fit in very well into their human family. Once again we see in the news of a lady that had taken a chimpanzee (considered the most intelligent animal – next to man) and attempted to force integration of that animal into human society. It is also interesting to me that sometimes owners of the animals believe that some of their human social interaction is achieved better with animals.

I worked in an insurance office to help support getting a college education and was amazed at the number of times during a crises (like a fire, earthquake or storm) that a family pet (dog or cat) became terrorized during the event and turned quickly from a fun cuddly family joy into a wild crazed animal desperately attacking anything moving in its vicinity, bringing great danger (especially to children) during a desperate circumstance.

One case caught on film is the amazing collapse of the Tacoma Narrows Bridge. As the bridge was waving out of control in a harmonic breeze a man attempts to rescue his dog in a car on the failing bridge. The effort was rewarded by several animal wounds and a near loss of life for the rescuer.

I do agree that some humans are also inclined to become viscous during a crisis and there are cases of heroism in some animals during a crisis. It is just this – why expect that anyone or anything would behave differently from what they are – especially in a crisis. I believe we can be justified in our surprise when a human behaves like a wild animal but shame on you if you expect an animal to react with human qualities – especially during a crisis – and especially if your foolishness endangers children – especially if the children are your own or in some other way trusted to your care.

The Traveler

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So just a shot in the dark ... you must not own any pets then right?

Not really - I grew up with a collie that I rescued and took care of since she was 1 day old. I have had several dogs that I loved dearly – but not as much as my children and grandchildren. I currently have 3 grandchildren that are greatly allergic to pet dander and our home is equipped with special filters and free of pet dander for their safety. I do spend time with our neighbors pets that appear as happy to see me as their owners. J

The Traveler

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

Not really - I grew up with a collie that I rescued and took care of since she was 1 day old. I have had several dogs that I loved dearly – but not as much as my children and grandchildren. I currently have 3 grandchildren that are greatly allergic to pet dander and our home is equipped with special filters and free of pet dander for their safety. I do spend time with our neighbors pets that appear as happy to see me as their owners. J

The Traveler

I have to goldens that rock!

I dont no any animal lovers (such as my self) that put our animals before our kids maybe our husbands but nope no way not our kids!!;)

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I hope I am not misunderstood. I do not intend that animals be treated harshly or without compassion. I do believe in having pets and having good relationships with animals. I use to care for horses growing up – just so I could ride and take care of them. But I would think someone nuts to keep a horse in their home as a pet. I realize that there can be extreme circumstances and an animal may require temporary close care. What I do not think is wise is to put other humans – especially children at risk in our caring for animals.

The Traveler

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

I hope I am not misunderstood. I do not intend that animals be treated harshly or without compassion. I do believe in having pets and having good relationships with animals. I use to care for horses growing up – just so I could ride and take care of them. But I would think someone nuts to keep a horse in their home as a pet. I realize that there can be extreme circumstances and an animal may require temporary close care. What I do not think is wise is to put other humans – especially children at risk in our caring for animals.

The Traveler

When i think of house animals i think of and dogs and cats.

I dont really have anymore room in my bed for a horse.:)

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that put our animals before our kids maybe our husbands but nope no way not our kids!!;)

Sorry to interupt your thread Traveler but I feel this to be VERY IMPORTANT!!!!


I have reported you to the Mods and you can consider a " private message " in route!!


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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

Sorry to interupt your thread Traveler but I feel this to be VERY IMPORTANT!!!!


I have reported you to the Mods and you can consider a " private message " in route!!


I will be waiting with a smile. I love pm's.. bring'em on baby!!!;)

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I have to goldens that rock!

I dont no any animal lovers (such as my self) that put our animals before our kids maybe our husbands but nope no way not our kids!!;)

Many people say they would not knowingly put others at danger but then act so surprised when pets are out of control - current news is a case in point.

One time a dog owner had a very aggressive dog that was not behaving well around some children. I worked for some time in a kennel and recognize dangerously aggressive behavior. I asked the owner to secure the dog but they refused. I told them fine – they can leave the animal loose but if he attacked one of the children to even nip a child I would kill the dog without any more discussion. The owner secured the dog. I do not believe in taking chances – especially with children.

BTW goldens are great pets. They may have too much energy at times and they may run over someone but usually they will lick something to death before becoming agressive.

The Traveler

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I have to goldens that rock!

I dont no any animal lovers (such as my self) that put our animals before our kids maybe our husbands but nope no way not our kids!!;)

lol when I got married remember saying to Gabelpa that he had to share the bed with my dog Sally as I had, had her longer. Having said that even within a family there is hierachy as to who to save first, my current dog and cat are not on a par with my kids, but Sally I have to confess was not far off. I'd rescued her and brought her back from illness a couple of times and she was with me until she was 20.


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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

Many people say they would not knowingly put others at danger but then act so surprised when pets are out of control - current news is a case in point.

One time a dog owner had a very aggressive dog that was not behaving well around some children. I worked for some time in a kennel and recognize dangerously aggressive behavior. I asked the owner to secure the dog but they refused. I told them fine – they can leave the animal loose but if he attacked one of the children to even nip a child I would kill the dog without any more discussion. The owner secured the dog. I do not believe in taking chances – especially with children.

BTW goldens are great pets. They may have too much energy at times and they may run over someone but usually they will lick something to death before becoming agressive.

The Traveler

my dogs are so lazy im gonna put them on my treadmill while im eating chips and drinking my pop watching biggest losers!

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Guest Ceeboos_Boss

But there are some dogs that i wouldnt trust at all.

when my son was born i had a chow and as sad as i was i new she had to go i just couldnt trust around kids.

What im scared of is,is my son loves animals and he will walk up to any dog and i cant tell you how many times i've yelled at him for that because we dont know that dog or how he acts. THAT SCARES ME. but ya know he is a kid a thinks he knows everything...

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What I do not think is wise is to put other humans – especially children at risk in our caring for animals.

The Traveler

I agree. When i was living in Florida I can't believe how many people got upset that they couldn't bring their dogs to hurricane shelters. All these families crammed into a school gym sleeping on cots and the floor and people are irate that their dogs and cats couldn't be there as well.

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BTW goldens are great pets. They may have too much energy at times and they may run over someone but usually they will lick something to death before becoming agressive.

The Traveler

We had one we had to get rid of because she was keeping my son from walking. Great dog that didn't realize how big she was.

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But there are some dogs that i wouldnt trust at all.

when my son was born i had a chow and as sad as i was i new she had to go i just couldnt trust around kids.

What im scared of is,is my son loves animals and he will walk up to any dog and i cant tell you how many times i've yelled at him for that because we dont know that dog or how he acts. THAT SCARES ME. but ya know he is a kid a thinks he knows everything...

I agree it depends entirely on the dog - with Sally I would never have thought twice about her with the kids, my current dog Lucy seems fine but I don't trust her the same. When she was dying my dog Sally had a blessing that she could pass on now as I had my husband to protect me the job she had been given to look after me she had executed with as much loyalty and love as could be expected of a dog, and she could die in peace knowing she was surrounded by people that loved her. Sally spent my difficult teenage years looking out for me.

I have taught Ellie to ask the owner is your dog friendly seems to work well.


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Whenever having any animals its important to remember that they are animals and either have purpose for you or not, cows and goats for milk and meat, chickens for eggs meat, I have a dog, he barks when soemone tries to get in the house/yard, if it were not for this purpose we would not have him but while he is here we will love him, if your looking for something becasue its cute and cuddly get a teddy bear, if your looking for attention/care/love get a companion or spend time with the one you already have

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People need to treat all animals with the respect they deserve and to care for them in a manner that is in their best interest. This means that wild animals or exotics as some call them should never ever be kept as pets. How in the world did that 70 year old woman think that she could control that enormous chimp? But it also means that people with pet animals need to care for them as well. I cringe when I see someone driving down the road with a dog in their lap or worse yet with a dog loose in the back of a pick up.

However when good animals do go bad they should not be assigned human traits. Animals act or react in a given way to a given situation they cannot be expected to think it through and react as a human would. Many years ago a child was killed by a dog in AZ. They killed the dog but never stopped to look at or report the circumstances ... the childs mother was a house keeper, the child was on a balcony where it didn't belong and fell over the railing onto a litter of puppies, the mother dog attacked. Who's fault was it??? Not the dog ... she did what nature had built in her to do ... protect her young. The fault was with the mother of the child.

The situation on the Narrows Bridge that was mentioned could have been avoided if the owner had had the dog confined in a crate or tethered so as to keep the animal under control. Animals should never be underestimated nor should they be expected to react like a human.

Sorry ... I am a dog breeder/handler and it just fries me when people like that dippy woman with the chimp or the people with the dogs in San Francisco that killed the woman whine that they didn't know ... use your head for something besides a hat wrack. When buying a dog or any animal a breeder should tell the buyer the good and the bad ... and if buying from a shelter research the characteistices of the breeds involved.

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I believe the problem is not with the animal but with the owner of such animals. And to be honest I believe that many pet owners cannot handle an “Alpha” personality in a pet. All social animals have a natural hierarchy dependent on alpha personalities. The problem with such a pet in a family situation is that an alpha dog will see weakness or misbehavior in a child and instinctively become aggressive to correct the behavior and that could be fatal to a frail child.

Most animals will give off warning signs before becoming aggressive as well as showing subservient behavior. I am more familiar with dogs because working at a kennel I would help train dogs. Dogs that growl or nip at their owners is most often confused and challenging the authority of that person. Such a dog is very dangerous to children and should be secured (always) whenever children or strangers to the pet are present. I also hate to admit it but there are some children and adults whose behavior is so dangerous around animals that either the person or the animal needs to be secured. Unfortunately, there are pet owners that are irresponsible and do not know or do not care about the responsibilities in caring for a pet and allow warning signs to go without any response or with the incorrect response. Thus the animal usually ends up with the blame for the error of the owner.

The Traveler

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I love my animals (not as much as my h or kids) but they are a part of my family. 2 dogs 4 cats 1 guinnea pig. That being said, they know their place, (that they are the pets). We had a dog growing up on our farm that saved my dads life from being attacked by a bull we had. My sister had a dog that bit her every week, (the pet trainer said the dog thought he was the boss and she and her h were the pets). I think if you have pets you have a responsibility to take good care of them and let them know where they fit in the family (pack). Love my animals, but if I had a biter I would put them down.

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I believe the problem is not with the animal but with the owner of such animals. QUOTE]

Absolutely correct ... man was given dominion over the earth and animals from the beginning. When someone elects to own an animal it becomes their responsibility for it's life. As a breeder I will take back any dog from my breed for any reason for it's entire life. That is a commitment that I made early on ... these pets did not ask to be born that was my doing so I am responsible to them ... I owe them. They give me so much it is the least I can do for them.

I understand there were some changes in the situation with the chimp that set him off. Animals don't handle change well .. they are creatures of habit. From what I was told the chimp got out and the owner called the victim to come help her get him back in because he knew her. The victim had changed her hair color and was holding a toy in front of her face. this could easily have set off the chimp (as I said animals do not react like humans) ... the attack remains the owners fault. No question.

I have multiple dogs at this point ... all but one are intact. Males and females. The Alpha in our house is me and they know it and respect it. Year ago I worked for Petco and tried to help a lady with a dog and one chair. The dog would not let her sit in her chair ... this was a Yorkie. She wouldn't correct the dog .. so I told her to sit on the floor.

Of course there are people that let their kids run wild so why would we expect them to control their animals? Off my soap box:cool:

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