Barack Obama

Guest loveofthelord94

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Guest loveofthelord94

My dad sometimes get's angry with me because i don't understand when he says that barack obama will ruin the country.

Can someone please tell me why this will happen?

I'm worried


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Asking that in a public forum will not answer your question. Politics is a personal matter and you will get every answer under the sun. There are some that like him and some that don't. But all anyone can offer is opinions.

Your father is only offering his opinion as well.

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At the point this becomes nothing more than a heated argument or debate about politics again it will be closed.

I'm asking people to give their reasons to answer Tobias' question but no mud slinging.

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I agree with Pam's response. But you shouldn't worry. We are living in the last days. These days will be Great and Dreadful. I believe we will see the wonders and miracles of the Lord in all it's magisty more often. It will be dreadful because we are living in the days when the Lord will bring things to a close. The Lord will test the faith and resolve of his saints and his children. I am worried as well about this crises, but have decided not to worry as much anymore and to focus on my eternal salvation and my postion before the Lord. It has brought me a great deal of peace.

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And Bill Clinton's image was good?

Everywhere except the US, yup unlike Bush he did actually do something to reduce terrorism in my country, Bush made it more likely:) and did nothing about the terrorism we already had.

Bush came across as a complete prat here. Even the conservative voters couldn't understand why anyone voted for him


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I guess I just can't get past the whole lie about the Monica Lewinsky thing. That sure makes for a good image.

Everyone has a stumbling block. The one I have with Bush deals with the whole waterboarding issue and how prisoners should be treated. For me that's a bigger issue than Clinton's. But then again that's my opinon. In my mind I just feel that it's not right to do these things.

Edited by AngelLynn
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One advantage of being LDS is if we follow and listen to the prophet is we don't need to be worried, we will continue to be blessed and cared for no matter what happens, put your trust in the Lord. Tough times are coming but Barack Obama may or may not be the reason for it time will tell. But we have guidance to make it through.

People don't like change, all my time as a Latter Day Saint I have heard American's talk on one side of the other like the person taking the Presidency over will ruin the world depending on who they voted for. Around my local town in North of Scotland when Obama was voted in there were signs saying Woohoo now Bush is out I can go home now.

Obama will make changes and is doing, like with all leaders we need to see if his choices are good or bad. But we should be praying he makes good ones and listens to the guidance our Heavenly Father gives him and that Heavenly Father will keep him safe, Its like our current Prime Minister (I am in the UK) when he was in charge of the countries finances brought in tax credits, quite frankly we needed them when he brought them in and for us they were a blessing and helped us get on our feet and become more secure - HOWEVER in my opinion they played big part in the country's financial demise as they are responsible for the ridiculous inflation. So for us they were a huge blessing but not a good choice for the country, many choices all leaders make are like that they will bless people and curse people

Watch this and smile about the changes instead


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I guess I just can't get past the whole lie about the Monica Lewinsky thing. That sure makes for a good image.

I do agree perjury is serious but if I was to compare Clinton to Bush on the world stage no comparison. Bush did your country serious damage image wise abroad, Clinton made the US look good and that has important impact on things like trade and tourism.


Edited by Elgama
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I try to keep an optomstic mindset about Obama. Doesn't necessarily mean that I will agree with every blessed thing he does. But I know that he is 'trying' to help the country. Whether it helps or not will have to be determined. Of course we will have agreements and disagreements about this on both sides.

And you're not the only one who has a father who is worried. My dad voted for Obama but he worries that his programs and things he's doing is not good enough and that he should do more. He feels that the country will fall apart or come to ruin not because of Obama but because of the contention between Republicans and Democrats. But that is his opinion.

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