Hello from Michael Newman

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Greetings Brothers and Sisters,

Although I am new to your VBulletin forum, I have been an Administrator of another forum for the past nine years. So it comes as no surprise to me on how to navigate your great site here!

It has been with great interest for past nine years to see the growth in Internet Forums which use the VBulletin software, such as this site. When I first trained as a Moderator and then as an Administrator, the number of VB forums was about one million worldwide. That number is closer to four million now, and the improvements which are seen today in the latest software version 3.8.1 are enormous.

The other site I serve as an Admin has one of the most restrictive Forum Rules which evolved over time. The core authorship of the Forum Rules is based on the D&C of our church, although it is not that obvious except to other LDS who read it. It has worked out quite well with over a half-million discussions and 40,000 members.

Your Moderators here are probably chosen with great care. I know that our moderators are chosen carefully, and we put them through a Moderators Training School for a few months so that they understand the tools they use as well as the hearts and minds they are to serve.

Nine years ago our church was extremely reluctant to jump into an interactive web presence. Today, the technology and the administrative tools allow sites such as this to prosper. I am delighted to find your forum to be one of the few which will serve the members and prospective members with respect and thoughtful consideration.

If I can be of service to anyone, please let me know

My best to all,



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Hi New man, welcome! ... Yes we are selected very carefylly .... (caughing) :D

I am just a bit lucky... and besides I need to learn to handle a forum, as there is a finnish version of this that I try to look after.:)

This is an awesom forum! Enjoy!

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Hi New man, welcome! ... Yes we are selected very carefylly .... (caughing) :D

I am just a bit lucky... and besides I need to learn to handle a forum, as there is a finnish version of this that I try to look after.:)

This is an awesom forum! Enjoy!

Hello, Maya!

Luck: When opportunity meets preparation.

Don't be too hard on yourself. Sometimes the spirit directs worthy people to call those to serve in a great cause, regardless of their skills at the moment. I am sure there are plenty of skilled internet types who know more than any of us, but are they worthy to be called?

Prior to when I was called to be a Moderator in 2000, I spent the previous 4 years from 1996-2000 on Prodigy and other groups. I learned quite a bit by watching good and bad moderators in those early days. The software back then was UBB (which is another generic version of the LDS software (VBulletin), and the learning curve for me was difficult. But as we carry on day by day, we learn by doing. I am sure you will become an expert! Time does fly when we are having fun.

Do you have a private Moderators Forum where you and other moderators have access to? That would be a wonderful area to share ideas, tips, and other skills when it comes to the latest forum software version. You are a member of a unique team, and I am sure there are many new features you can learn to enjoy. (I know each time I see a new version on the other forum site I work on, it becomes special week for me while I browse all of the new options).

If you ever have a question about the software, let me know. From what I see on this site, Heather has certainly put a lot of work into having a great menu of features available to the members.

My very best,



(First LDS Romance Novel I read as a new convert)

Edited by Michael_Newman
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Hello Michael; welcome to the site.

Hi True-Grits! (That's a good name)

Thank you for the welcome.

I took a look at your profile (I still have to do mine). I am happy to see you and your husband chose to look after your parents. That is something very few people choose to do these days. Please tell your husband (when he is not on he "road") that at least one guy here gives his hats-off to the sacrifice both of you are doing. Parents don't stay around on this planet for very long, and I cam sure when they are gone you and your husband will know you have done a godly service to those who helped you along in the early days.

My best to both of you,


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LOL,..I have to admit I wasnt sure were this was going either but thats ok, Happy to have you here.

Thanks for the welcome, Jolee!

I looked at your profile and was very touched by your testimony. I got the feeling you were blinded by our Saviour for three days (like the Apostle Paul was when he was converted). (Well, maybe you were not blinded - but I figured it was something that you would never forget and never deny). :)

My received my first testimony when I was 13 years old (as non-member in those days). Then later when I was an adult, I received another testimony two weeks before I was baptized.

We all have a uniqueness with our Father and our Saviour. We are touched in a way that is special to us where there is no denying it. Each testimony is special (and often few in terms of numbers).

By the way, does your husband or family participate on the forums?


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Hello and welcome to the site!

Thank you!

(I'm trying to figure out your User Name of LesterTheeMT). The MT may be Montana, and maybe the Lester is your husband!)

I found your profile encouraging, especially if I am ever in need of emergency help. I wish I had the skills for such a calling, as it serves many when they are in their darkest hour.

As for children, my callings have been with the youth - and I have found that the youth can always use another voice from an adult who cares and nurture. I hope you callings include the youth and the primary. Leaders are many times a surrogate mom and dad.

Thank you for stopping in,


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Thanks for the welcome, Jolee!

I looked at your profile and was very touched by your testimony. I got the feeling you were blinded by our Saviour for three days (like the Apostle Paul was when he was converted). (Well, maybe you were not blinded - but I figured it was something that you would never forget and never deny). :)

My received my first testimony when I was 13 years old (as non-member in those days). Then later when I was an adult, I received another testimony two weeks before I was baptized.

We all have a uniqueness with our Father and our Saviour. We are touched in a way that is special to us where there is no denying it. Each testimony is special (and often few in terms of numbers).

By the way, does your husband or family participate on the forums?


There has been times my daughter and husband both have shared there opinion on a few of the questions here on the forum but its mostly me. :)

It was a comformation that was undeniable, and its not something you could put into words but it was very clear to me that Heavenly Father was fighting for me, which in turn confirmed there was indeed an adversary. It was a question that I had and he answered my question by allowing me to feel it, and that you cant describe.

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Thanks for the warm words. And yes these mods here are a really nice. Yes we have a place to discuss and learn. Almost no moderator actions here are taken without s discusition and I have not seen any actions taken without reason or because of personal feelings. A few cases have been a bit too fast and they have been undone as fast as the misunderstanding has been clared. Like everywhere we all are here voluntarily even the mods. :D I am sure you know how it is, how you loose the voluntary feeling, when some people for some reason keep stepping on the line all the time or telling your work is not good enough. And that is sad me thinks... This sure is different from the first forum I was in... no need to sighn up to write adn NO moderating at all... you can quess how that looks like as a mormon forum, I stil go there sometimes to get the truth of LDS church out. Ok enough of that.

Heather is doing a lot of good and she is the Admin of the finnish site, so every time I need somethiog I turn to her. But it is good to know you can also be used. Thank you. I try not to bother Heather so much she is so buzy, so many good things she has her fingers in. :)

Edited by Maya
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Hello Michael,

Is it your observation that the Simple Machines board software is better than phpBB? Or perhaps the other way around?

Hello Marcel,

Thank you for the question.

SMF (Simple Machines Forum software) is the best FREE software for those who have a small site and are limited on funds. SMF is actually a php Bulletin Board software (See their biographical origin link). It is one of many, many generic and often free BB softwares that came about after UBB (Ultimate Bulletin Board) chose to go in a different direction in the late 1990's.

VB (VBulletin forum software) is the best PAID software for those who can afford the one-time purchase of $180, and a $60 Annual Support fee for unlimited support and free version upgrades.

In my browsing of the SMF Support Forums, I found requests from ex-VB owners asking for help in making their transition from VB to SMF. Most of the ex-VB webmasters were making the transition because their web sites were small and they wanted a BB software that is free every year.

In my browsing of the VB Support Forums, I found ex-SMF owners whose SMF forums had grown and they wanted more features in managing the growth.

Whenever you have a free software, you get the basics and very little beyond that - because the developers are volunteers and not paid. When you look at VB where the developers are paid, you will see an enormous and powerful software that has grown over the last 10 years, and becomes more integrated into other web features that a free software does not.

I suggest you sign up for a free Guest Password at vBulletin Community Forum - Powered by vBulletin and start navigating the site (which is running VB Version 3.81, their latest upgrade). There are screen shows of the Admin Panel, and many other features you may be interested in.

If you are looking at Goggle Ad-words to promote your site, you will see that VB now has a nice interface.

The other difference is security. Be prepared for your site to get hacked, as there have been numerous security breaches for forums using PHIP. Bulletin's team are paid professionals, and they have stopped the breaches over the past years by coming out with new patches to make the fixes.

In the end, after your initial investment, I feel that $60 a year is a very reasonable insurance premium to keep the best paid forum software current and ever growing.

Let me know if I can help you further,



Encyclopedia of Mormonism Link

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I am sure you know how it is, how you loose the voluntary feeling, when some people for some reason keep stepping on the line all the time or telling your work is not good enough. And that is sad me thinks...

Here is an idea, Maya,

On the other forum I work on, we found several years ago there were a lot of members who started posting comments about how wonderful our moderators were and how grateful they were for the forum we established to serve them. Rather than let these comments and posts go into off-topic discussions, we opened a new forum titled:

Testimonials: Forum Members who enjoy The **** Forums! .

The byline description read:

"Unsolicited comments by forum members who have enjoyed the many resources contained in the ***** Forums.

We then had our Sr. Moderators begin to move the threads and comments to the new forum so that they were altogether in one place. Since then, the new forum has become one of the favorite areas of our forum site where members can post their gratitude to the Administrators and Moderators.

Moderators and Administrators who volunteer need to see some sort of gratitude when the day seems to be hard for them. By taking a few moments during those tough times to read the forum testimonials, we are all reassured that our service is worth the effort and that there are members who are supportive in our endeavors.

(You might post this idea in your Moderators Clubhouse)

Thank you for your service,


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