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I am helping a lady in wheel chair when she needs help. Today I helped her to connect her telephone that had come out of contact behind the sofa.

About a year ago my husband ran there... I had no idea he even left, until after a while. She ahd called as her husband did not react to her. I went there too and tok the 8 year old out with me for a walk while they tried to get life in him. Now she needs help every now and then. She had fallen off the wheel chair about a week ago. I think alcohol had something to do with that. It is hard to live alone and be in the wheel chair.

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You can volunteer to read to the elderly; they greatly appreciate the company as well as the reading.

Look around your area, and see if anyone needs their lawn mowed; a mailbox re-set.

I volunteer to watch the children of several sisters in my Ward, while they do their weekly/monthly shopping; much easier (and faster!) to concentrate and organize yourself, get the things you need, without fussing/energetic little ones to contend with.

If you know of someone that is sick/home-bound, ask if you can do errands for them.

Once you start looking, you will most likely find more "service" needs, that you have the time for.

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Here in the midwest where I am located...some things we do.....we will call the Salvation Army and ask them if they have any projects they need help with...for the winter time....they need help sorting coats for kids.

You could also call your local community and see of they have anything .....

When all 4 of our kids were at home...each year we took them to a local nursing home and they played music....

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I live in Highland Ut. I want to dedicate one night a week to doing service for my fellow man. I need it bad. anyone have any ideas? anyone wanna join in?

I also need to teach my kids (6 and 1) the importance of service.

anyone need anything?

Some ideas about service:

1. You can be of service in our own home. It is a good place to learn service. I suggest you start with you wife. Try the Boy Scout thing - do a good turn daily. Every day do something for your wife that she does not expect. Even if it is just opening a door. Next consider your children.

2. Do some service for someone that you do not like. It may be an in-law or someone that has wronged you or taken advantage of you but make it a goal to do something every day for someone that you do not like. This will get harder in time because you will start liking everybody. For me the hard people to like are the people that drive like idiots – I call them U-tards. So I just let them in before they can butt in.

3. When you are doing something for someone because it is your job let them know that you enjoy making things better. My wife and I were on a cruise and I was amazed with how kind, helpful and serviceable the workers were. When I would track them down to thank them they would always say, “It is my pleasure to make your stay with us enjoyable.” On our last day I was talking with our room cleaning lady and expressed what a good friend she was. She responded that even though this was her job and often it got tiring she said she had found great joy in serving especially those that appreciate the service. I told her that this has been hard because I felt very much like I should go to her room and clean it up – but they will not give me access to that part of the boat.

4. When someone does something for you – acknowledge and thank them. Some people have a hard time accepting service. I am like that because of my upbringing. I like to find out how cleans the church building and thank them – even if I helped. I should thank posters on the forum more. I have to think about it because it is not my nature to thank – some of us have to work on things like this.

The Traveler

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It can be hard to find the time when your kids are little. My current goal with service is to say something positive about or to everyone I meet or whos name comes up in conversation. It can be daunting at times, but has been a great lesson for my family in eliminating gossip. If you have to think of something good to say about someone who may be a bit difficult your to busy to be thinking of gossip about them.

Also I have found when i don't have a lot of time phone calls are great. My kids even make them, just to ask how grandma or grandpa or etc is. Email is great too. I am starting to have my kids email some far away relatives and it is a good connection for them.

For myself I do a lot of handwork that I am able to donate. It not only keeps my arthritis moving but when I make quilts, newborn hats, winter hats etc, I think and ponder on who they may bless and send them with all the love they are made with.

The service that I love the best when I receive it is just to visit with my neighbors in the yard on a nice day. It seldom happens because we are all overbusy but it is what I enjoy the best. Good luck, I would love to hear about what you come up with.

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