my son cracks me up


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OK my son son came in the Kitchen and said- mom,how did you and dad make me?:eek:

And of course I got a nevrous smile and said umm thats a very good question honey maybe you should ask daddy though!:confused: I didnt know what to say.I froze with a smile!:o

So my son goes and asked his daddy and my hubby said well, do you think you could ask me that question in 4 or 5 years and I will answer you then because right now I think your alittle to young. My son said ok dad and walked away. THANK GOD!:)

Im sure all you parents were or will be faced with this question so how do you tell your kid how he was made and at what age?? gosh, where is the parent hand book when you need it?


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I had my 2nd child when my eldest was just short of 4 years old, throughout the pregnancy she was asking those sorts of questions, I think I told her about the 'special cuddle' that parents do to make children..

I was more embarrassed about her insistence on knowing how the child was born, then demonstrating at nursery school!!! LOL :)

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I have a cute story about kids and babies. When I was expecting my third the two older ones were already in elementary schoo. Wasn't suposed to have any more according to my doctor. Surprise. As you can guess I didn't have any baby clothes etc. So my mom decided to give me a baby shower. I told the older ones we were going to grandma's house for a baby shower. There were a lot of ladies and we played games and had a real nice time. My mother in law had mad cream puffs for a snack. My mom had bought these decorative and smelly soaps for gifts. My kids hung on me every minute. When we started to break up to leave my oldest daughter said "Wait when are we going to shower the baby". Explain that one before the baby shower.

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your son is 7ish right? i have a 7 yr old that came home from a friends house and said he needed to talk to me... he then, a bit embarrassed, basically said "the other neighbor boys were talking about something called sex."

he got a pretty in depth talk at that time. i did show some line drawings from my pregnancy books, about how a baby develops and gets out, the structure of the male and female sexual organs, etc. i didn't get into everything, we'll touch on that another time. part, a big part, of the talk was about how sacred it is and it's something for parents to tell their children. it's not his job to educate his younger brothers, etc. and how to handle it on the playground when the subject comes up again.

i think in a couple of months i will get more detailed about how he will change and develop in a few yrs.... then i'll give him some time before he gets the girl talk. lol

honestly i think 7 is a good age, i wanted to wait till 8 but i wouldn't wait longer than that. unless you have talked to him about something that would make the "how did you and dad make me" make since then i'd say he's already heard something and is fishing to see if it was accurate or not.

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I just copied this from a blog entry of mine last year entitled:

The Birds, The Bees and Oprah

No photo tonight for a couple of reasons. Takes too much time and I don’t think I could find an appropriate photo.

Tonight my son came to me and said, “Mom, I know something about s-e-x.” He had just been away for a week at the Outdoor Science School and immediately all my worst fears seem to be coming true.

I took a deep breath and said, “Really, tell me about it.” He flashes me a conspiratorial smile and said, “well, there was this kid in the bunk next to mine (cue: panic) and in his sleep, he keep murmuring, I want to have sex with Oprah.”

He giggled like we were sharing secrets behind the backstop. Made me feel almost young.

Then I remembered–I am the mother. I cannot waste this teaching moment to make sure he understands that this power is sacred. We talked about not making jokes about sacred things. Then he said, “But mom you did laugh.”

Okay, I will do my best not to indulge but the thought of a ten year old dreaming of Oprah in any amorous way is laughable.

Wait till my son is older and I tell his wife....

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The time when my children asked such simple questions were the times when I answered them simply and honestly. I knew the time would come and I made my mind up in advance not to be embarrased about it. My elder daughter was 3 when I had the younger one and at 3 she knew her baby sister was growing in Mummy's tummy from a seed planted there by Daddy. The older she grew the more detail she wanted. The younger one probably wanted to know at a younger age because her older sister was asking the questions. I think us not being embarrased about the subject and talking to them in a reverent way explaining how this was a sacred part of creation which we shared with our spouse and Heavenly Father has helped them to have respect for their bodies and not be impressed by the smutty jokes and whispers in school.
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So my son goes and asked his daddy and my hubby said well, do you think you could ask me that question in 4 or 5 years and I will answer you then because right now I think your alittle to young. My son said ok dad and walked away. THANK GOD!:)


Sounds to me like someone needs to explain all this to your son's Daddy ( your hubby ):):)



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Our hubbys can be the hard'est child in the house to deal with..... Since my hubby has been laid off its like entertaining another child... ( Honey what are we gonna do today???????) I still have chores etc.. He wants to go for a ride, fish etc.... Gotta love him... My youbgest is 13 I oh so miss the younger years with my boys they were soooo fun . I will upload one fo my favorite pic's of my boys minus the youngest...

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Guest Alana

During sharing time at church the other day we were making poems about our parents by thinking of words that describe our parents. When I asked my son who is almost 5 what made him think of his mommy (me) he thought and thought and finally yelled out "BOOB!"

Thanks, son....

I'm just glad I was the one asking.

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During sharing time at church the other day we were making poems about our parents by thinking of words that describe our parents. When I asked my son who is almost 5 what made him think of his mommy (me) he thought and thought and finally yelled out "BOOB!"

Thanks, son....

I'm just glad I was the one asking.

soooo funny. dont ya just love kids.

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