but this is "good" fascism....


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Looks like a-train and I were on the same thought process on this one.

We seem to be losing the war against murder and rape also. Why don't we legalize them and lower our nations violent crime rate.

Just because prohibition didn't work doesn't mean it was wrong to try. We gave in to crime. Do you really think it was in the countries best interest.

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We seem to be losing the war against murder and rape also. Why don't we legalize them and lower our nations violent crime rate.

Just because prohibition didn't work doesn't mean it was wrong to try. We gave in to crime. Do you really think it was in the countries best interest.

Now you're just being silly. Destroying your body by smoking or drinking is completely your right as far as I'm concerned. Rape and murder involve removing the rights of those who are raped and murdered. Other people smoking and drinking, in and of themselves, do not remove my rights to not smoke and drink. If you want to kill or impair yourself by partaking of those things, who am I to say you shouldn't have the choice to do so? However, if you blow smoke in my face or drive drunk, then you have taken your right to do those things too far. Those involve removing the rights of others to choose to be free of those things.

And, yes, I do believe that organized crime gained a huge hold on the country as a result of Prohibition, as they do with just about any other illegal activity that is viewed by the general public as a 'victimless crime'.

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john doe, it sounds like you just made an argument to legalize marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and other illegal drugs.

While I would vote against that action, I can see where the argument for it could be made. I guess I'm a little bit Libertarian that way. I also believe that safe havens from those things should be allowed as well.

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Now you're just being silly. Destroying your body by smoking or drinking is completely your right as far as I'm concerned. Rape and murder involve removing the rights of those who are raped and murdered. Other people smoking and drinking, in and of themselves, do not remove my rights to not smoke and drink. If you want to kill or impair yourself by partaking of those things, who am I to say you shouldn't have the choice to do so? However, if you blow smoke in my face or drive drunk, then you have taken your right to do those things too far. Those involve removing the rights of others to choose to be free of those things.

And, yes, I do believe that organized crime gained a huge hold on the country as a result of Prohibition, as they do with just about any other illegal activity that is viewed by the general public as a 'victimless crime'.

I agree with you. Whenever one of these groups pops up someone is about to lose some individual rights. I'm just saying if you're going to pick a villian, pick the one doing the most harm. In my opinion alcohol is far more dangerous that tobacco. We have had students at my school killed by drunk drivers. I have never heard of a couple breaking up because one uses tobacco. I'm sure it must happen, but not like alcoholism.

On this topic. April 1, Kentucky is putting another tax on cigarettes. Ten dollars per carton. Ohioans near the border go to Kentucky to save money. There a long line today.

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We seem to be losing the war against murder and rape also. Why don't we legalize them and lower our nations violent crime rate.

Just because prohibition didn't work doesn't mean it was wrong to try. We gave in to crime. Do you really think it was in the countries best interest.

Perhaps you are right. We are also losing the war on obesity, we should implement federal restrictions on food consumption. In fact, each American should see a doctor every month and be given a "goodie ration" based on their weight and health grade. Those in better health will be able to get more rations for cake and ice cream. Energy drinks should be banned, as well as twinkies and a whole assortment of evil things. Maybe then we can finally get rid of these trashy fatsos that make America look so bad. After all, we are going to do all this out of love for them.

It was not wrong to enact the Prohibition because it was ultimately unenforceable, rather it was morally wrong because it was a violation of individual natural rights. It was not the reluctant legalizers of the alcohol business in 1933 who gave in to crime, but the fascists who trampled individual rights in 1920. It is not those seeking the legalization of marijuana that are giving in to crime, but those who seek to prevent the individual's right to possess and use it as they see fit.

Government has no right whatsoever to tell a man what he can and cannot take into his body. I do not have that right, you and I do not have that right, the whole of us do not have that right. The federal government does not have that power granted it by the Constitution. At least the prohibitionists had enough respect for the law to amend the Constitution to put in motion their fascist efforts. These modern statists simply ignore the Constitution.

ALL drugs should be legal to possess and use. The drug war itself is a greater harm to mankind than drugs ever were.

Murder and rape are violations of individual rights and we are morally responsible to protect the innocent. Why then don't those same individual rights that a man possesses with respect to his body apply constantly?

It would be nothing but a whimsical and arbitrary government that would protect a man's rights over his body in only certain cases, but take them from him in others. Such is the modern American fascism.


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Aren't we "morally resposible to protect the innocent" when it comes to children that are preyed upon by the drug pushers. Not going to convince me that people should be allowed to use drugs as an individual right. What about when they break into my home to get money to support their habit. That attitude affects to many other people. The governments job is to protect it's citizens from all enemies both foreign and domestic. Those that prey upon others are enemy's.

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