Tithing question


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Tithing is a very touchy subject for me. I understand it and want to be obiedient to God. I want blessings, but I actually went inactive for several months over a talk that was given in church. For about 7 years I had been caring for my mom and ALL of my money went directly to her account (direct deposit) so if I wanted some money to tithe I had to ask her to write me a check which took food out of her mouth. I had felt okay because I gave all of my money to charity (so to speak), so surely God saw that as a good use of my money. In the talk the woman was very firm on her position of tithing and made it clear that I was literally 'robbing' God. I remember getting home and sobbing, asking God what more I could do, and why, when I was going above and beyond the call for self sacrafice, and doing what I saw as the right thing, he could be so unforgiving.

They finally found my brain tumor and with the time off work for the surgeries and stuff my mom was forced to find her own income, but then I have been laid off, so I still haven't recovered enough to tithe regularly. Is it something I want to work on? Of course, but I am so sick of people being on a high horse about it, and to be completely honest about it, I am so sick of hearing the "If you tithe, money will just appear out of no where and you will be able to take a vacation to Mexico every other week!" explanation. I understand that this has happened so some people, but in a way I think it takes advantage of people who choose not to pay for prescription medication for a month and tithe hoping that money will fall out of the sky to cover the difference often ends up hurting people.

Sorry, this is the one topic I really still have a hard time on!

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I have worked all my life from the time I was freshman in high school (55 now). I have paid in on what I got during the time ...

Okay, that makes sense to me. Sorry for my little tirade.

Part of the reason it hit me is that so many people here are so anti-government, some even right-wing extremists, because the government wants to help people who need help, like you and like me. I get very irritated with that. So when I saw what you had written, it seemed hypocritical to me.

But it's not, and once again, I apologize.


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Okay, that makes sense to me. Sorry for my little tirade.

Part of the reason it hit me is that so many people here are so anti-government, some even right-wing extremists, because the government wants to help people who need help, like you and like me. I get very irritated with that. So when I saw what you had written, it seemed hypocritical to me.

But it's not, and once again, I apologize.


No problem ... I know where you are coming from. Like now ... how many are really out of work or are just out of work because the money is so easy to get? Ticks me off big time. Then there are the 3rd, 4th & 5th generation welfare families ... big soap box for me.

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there are the 3rd, 4th & 5th generation welfare families ... big soap box for me.

Okay, I'm going to have to challenge you again.

There are no more 3rd, 4th & 5th geneartion welfare families. Since welfare reform, you can only be on welfare, at the most, for five years, and to make it that long would take some doing.

Most people are on welfare a total of two years, and must be seeking, or training, for employment during that entire time, or they will be cut off.

Obviously people are going to defraud "the system," but most people who use it need a hand up, including those who have paid taxes for years, thus funding the welfare they are receiving.


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Okay, I'm going to have to challenge you again.

There are no more 3rd, 4th & 5th geneartion welfare families. Since welfare reform, you can only be on welfare, at the most, for five years, and to make it that long would take some doing.

Most people are on welfare a total of two years, and must be seeking, or training, for employment during that entire time, or they will be cut off.

Obviously people are going to defraud "the system," but most people who use it need a hand up, including those who have paid taxes for years, thus funding the welfare they are receiving.


Not here ... I know people in that state. People have even been told they have to get divorced so that they can draw because a married couple can only get food stamps. Welfare here goes by the number of kids ... the more you have the more you get. May be isolated cases but it happens. i don't mind a hand up everyone needs help at one time or another but blatantly defrauding the system is wrong.

Edited by Madriglace
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Under technical, temporal policies, this would be correct. If this man can meet with his bishop every year and declare himself a full-tithe payer, and if he can answer that he pays a full-tithe in his temple recommend interview, then the Church will consider him a full-tithe payer.

Now, on the non-temporal side of things, it's a much different story.

You are correct. When I said that I didn't believe so-and-so would be a full tithe-payer "in God's eyes", I did not mean in the eyes of God's earthly kingdom. As you point out, in order to qualify as a full tithe payer, all you have to do is say you are. Whether you're telling the truth or lying is another matter.

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Sounds like we want to make sure we don't give the Lord to much of HIS money back.:mellow:


The irony is that those of us who have received our endowment have already pledged our all to God's kingdom. In a literal sense, we do not own anything; we have agreed to give it all to God's kingdom, and we are merely stewards. If the bishop were to ask us to sign over our house and our bank account to the Church through him, we would be morally obligated to do so, at least if we believe the covenants we have made.

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I am so sick of hearing the "If you tithe, money will just appear out of no where and you will be able to take a vacation to Mexico every other week!" explanation.

I've never been a big fan of miraculous tithing stories, either. I think they're well-intentioned and probably often true, but too often they miss the point. I don't pay tithing because I'm sure God will make everything good for me. I pay tithing because I've covenanted to do so. It's a matter of integrity and honesty.

Having said that, I must admit that God has always taken care of me and my family, even when I didn't deserve it (which is usually) and even when we didn't see how things could possibly work out. Honestly, I do attribute much of that to our faithful tithe-paying. No miraculous bags of money or groceries falling on our heads, but somehow our meager but honest efforts and our even more meager income suffice.

So maybe now that makes me a miracle-tithing-story-teller...

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interalia-hopefully you have found your answer. :lol:

I would suggest that people really study the law of tithing AND the law of consecration. Read all of the passages you can find in the D&C. Pay close attention to all the passages about the poor.

The current law of tithing is contained in D&C 119 and has TWO parts, though we only pay attention to one. I suggest reading the whole thing with a prayerful heart.

ETA: My point is that everyone needs to seek the council of the Lord in this. Don't worry about what anyone else thinks or says. If you and the Lord know that you are a full tithe payer (or exempt) then that is all that matters.

Edited by TruthSeekerToo
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