Lds & Easter


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Originally posted by JRodan+Mar 26 2005, 02:57 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (JRodan @ Mar 26 2005, 02:57 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'>
Originally posted by -Outshined@Mar 26 2005, 02:48 PM

Originally posted by -JRodan@Mar 26 2005, 08:31 AM

<!--QuoteBegin--Outshined@Mar 26 2005, 06:47 AM

That's odd; I've never heard the name "Joe Smith" mentioned in an LDS Church. Maybe you were in the wrong building.

Seems alphy may be on more familiar terms with his majesty than you are comfortable with.

Seems you assume too much... :rolleyes:

:lol: "alphy" doesn't seem to know any more about it than you do. His most intimate family never called him "Joe". And JS's name is rarely mentioned in most Sacrament meetings.

Don't let facts get in the way, though...

I'm not going to assume what Sacrament meetings you attend, but I hear his name mentioned fairly often in the ones I attend, especially on F&T Sundays. I wouldn't begin to assume what terms of endearment his immediate family may or may not have used. I wouldn't even assume you knew, though it appears you seem to think you've a firm assumption of the "facts." Your comfort level does seem a bit agitated by anyone not Mormon referring to him familiarly and that's to be understood.


I'm not even going to assume what sacrament meetings you attend, but right now, I am assuming that you have a problem with Joseph Smith at this time of your life, referring to him as "his majesty" is just a little much don't ya think? The sacrament meetings I attend have more of a Christ centered atmosphere than a Joseph Smith centered one. Of course if the meeting is about JS, his name does come up more frequently. I think that you might need to find a differnt ward to go to if this one makes you feel the way you do, not good for your spiritual well being.

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Originally posted by lindy9556@Mar 26 2005, 05:46 PM


I'm not even going to assume what sacrament meetings you attend, but right now, I am assuming that you have a problem with Joseph Smith at this time of your life, referring to him as "his majesty" is just a little much don't ya think? The sacrament meetings I attend have more of a Christ centered atmosphere than a Joseph Smith centered one. Of course if the meeting is about JS, his name does come up more frequently. I think that you might need to find a differnt ward to go to if this one makes you feel the way you do, not good for your spiritual well being.

Very nice reply, Lindy, and well put.

No hate mail for you! :)

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I'm sorry you had to endure an abusive marriage from a bad apple LDS member ... there are far more kind and caring members there.

It definantly takes two dedicated individuals working together to make a marriage work!

I pray that with time and the grace of God that these emotional and abusive scars may heal. I care! Have a great Easter!! :D

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No hate mail for you! :)

Thanks Outshined! Glad to hear it.....but then again....WHAT would I have to look forward to? ;)

Happy Easter to matter how they chose to celebrate the day!

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Happy Easter Everyone!

Thanks for the suggestions to personally imbelish LDS celebrations of Easter by attending other churches, etc, but I guess what concerns me is why should I have to? Why doesn't The Lord's Church put greater emphasis on this Holiday? As I mentioned I didn't make it to Sacrament meeting today but it would have been interesting to see how many mentioned the death & ressurection of the Savior instead of just the 'atonement', KWIM? How many times do LDS focus on how Christ accompished the atonement rather than just that it happened? I guess that is truly what I think is missing from LDS Easter this year.

Again - Happy Easter! (btw - the blueberry pancakes at the in-laws were delicious!)


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Happy Easter Everyone!

Thanks for the suggestions to personally imbelish LDS celebrations of Easter by attending other churches, etc, but I guess what concerns me is why should I have to?

Well, because it is something that we don't do... if it is something you want on easter Sunday you will have to get it elsewhere.

Why doesn't The Lord's Church put greater emphasis on this Holiday?

I think that there is great emphasis...every week the sacrament remembers The death, resurection and atonement of Jesus. It "ain't" a once a year thing.

As I mentioned I didn't make it to Sacrament meeting today but it would have been interesting to see how many mentioned the death & ressurection of the Savior instead of just the 'atonement', KWIM? How many times do LDS focus on how Christ accompished the atonement rather than just that it happened? I guess that is truly what I think is missing from LDS Easter this year.

Just the atonement? are you serious?

What is your understanding of the atonement and what it was?

Again - Happy Easter!  (btw - the blueberry pancakes at the in-laws were delicious!)


Happy Easter to you too.

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Originally posted by inactivetx@Mar 17 2005, 02:59 PM

...but I feel a void since the ward isn't really doing anything special to replace it. Becuase of conference, Easter Sunday will be a F&T meeting. Where is the celebration? honor? recognition?...


What are you talking about? The ENTIRE purpose of Fast and Testemony is to let each person have the chance to personally testify to the glory of Christ in their lives. To express to all who will hear their belief and faith and knowledge that Christ lives and is the cornerstone to their lives.

How did Christ enter the city of Jerusilum? On the back of a donkey.

Would it be better if we had Metallica preform live to celebrate Easter?

True fasting brings us closer to God than anything else we can do. Do you need me to explain the "celebration,honer,and recognition " in that miricle?

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Wow - didn't mean to step on toes here

1 - since I didn't attend Sacrament yesterday, I was not aware that it was a regular sacrament meeting. I was told it would be a F&T meeting several weeks back. I was mistaken. I feel much better knowing the meeting was focused on the sacrafice of our Savior.

2 - I believe I do understand the atonement. My concern was that it is a word that is used frequently in the Church, so much so that it becomes ordinary and loses it's true meaning. I think it would be fair to focus on the meaning of the atonement in an in-depth way and Easter provides the perfect opportunity. I understand that bearing testimony is giving honor and recognition of the atonement, but so would a study of the atonement - why and how - would be equally beneficial.

Again, my frustration with this matter is due to my religious past where Easter was a week long process where each action of the Passion is re-acted in a physical way from the waving of Palm Branches to foot washing and institution of the sacrament, the stripping of the altar, the Vigil, looking upon the cross and hearing Christ's plea to the Father as he dies. Reading as a congregation the trial of Christ and having to admit that yes, I, demanded His Death. And then experience the jublilation when the empty tomb was found and hearing of the apostles visitations by Christ and take joy in the knowledge that He lives! And because He lives, I live and have hope and joy for the future. My sins can be forgiven and I can return to the presence of Heavely Father. And after 40 days of Lent this week is a truely heartwrenching and jubliant journey. It is this experience that I miss in the LDS church.


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Originally posted by inactivetx@Mar 20 2005, 02:53 PM

Thanks for all the responses. I was just thinking on the way home from Sacrament meeting this morning that next Sunday (Easter) is a Fast & Testimony meeting! What are they thinking? Fasting on Easter?!? Fortunately(?!) I am pregnant so don't observe the fast, but come on, you are asking kids to wait until dinner to dive into their Easter Baskets (or do LDS have Easter Baskets?). I won't be attending Church next Sunday since I will at my in-laws pigging out on Easter Brunch & chocolate bunnies! LOL!

I think what I might do when my son & future child are older (or even born LOL) is to follow the nights of Holy Week but as a week-long family home evening. We'll see about this next year.

If you put it in the right perspective, why not celebrate with others of differing faiths. I know I have done so with my own family, and we have always been members. All religions have truths and carry a spirit with them. Done in the proper understanding, celebrate how you want to. Just my opinion.
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Originally posted by inactivetx@Mar 28 2005, 12:29 PM

Wow - didn't mean to step on toes here

1 - since I didn't attend Sacrament yesterday, I was not aware that it was a regular sacrament meeting. I was told it would be a F&T meeting several weeks back. I was mistaken. I feel much better knowing the meeting was focused on the sacrafice of our Savior.

2 - I believe I do understand the atonement. My concern was that it is a word that is used frequently in the Church, so much so that it becomes ordinary and loses it's true meaning. I think it would be fair to focus on the meaning of the atonement in an in-depth way and Easter provides the perfect opportunity. I understand that bearing testimony is giving honor and recognition of the atonement, but so would a study of the atonement - why and how - would be equally beneficial.

Again, my frustration with this matter is due to my religious past where Easter was a week long process where each action of the Passion is re-acted in a physical way from the waving of Palm Branches to foot washing and institution of the sacrament, the stripping of the altar, the Vigil, looking upon the cross and hearing Christ's plea to the Father as he dies. Reading as a congregation the trial of Christ and having to admit that yes, I, demanded His Death. And then experience the jublilation when the empty tomb was found and hearing of the apostles visitations by Christ and take joy in the knowledge that He lives! And because He lives, I live and have hope and joy for the future. My sins can be forgiven and I can return to the presence of Heavely Father. And after 40 days of Lent this week is a truely heartwrenching and jubliant journey. It is this experience that I miss in the LDS church.


As another poster asked, how do you think the atonement came about?
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Originally posted by inactivetx@Mar 28 2005, 11:29 AM

Wow - didn't mean to step on toes here

1 - since I didn't attend Sacrament yesterday, I was not aware that it was a regular sacrament meeting. I was told it would be a F&T meeting several weeks back. I was mistaken. I feel much better knowing the meeting was focused on the sacrafice of our Savior.

2 - I believe I do understand the atonement. My concern was that it is a word that is used frequently in the Church, so much so that it becomes ordinary and loses it's true meaning. I think it would be fair to focus on the meaning of the atonement in an in-depth way and Easter provides the perfect opportunity. I understand that bearing testimony is giving honor and recognition of the atonement, but so would a study of the atonement - why and how - would be equally beneficial.

Again, my frustration with this matter is due to my religious past where Easter was a week long process where each action of the Passion is re-acted in a physical way from the waving of Palm Branches to foot washing and institution of the sacrament, the stripping of the altar, the Vigil, looking upon the cross and hearing Christ's plea to the Father as he dies. Reading as a congregation the trial of Christ and having to admit that yes, I, demanded His Death. And then experience the jublilation when the empty tomb was found and hearing of the apostles visitations by Christ and take joy in the knowledge that He lives! And because He lives, I live and have hope and joy for the future. My sins can be forgiven and I can return to the presence of Heavely Father. And after 40 days of Lent this week is a truely heartwrenching and jubliant journey. It is this experience that I miss in the LDS church.


Does a week long list of activities make a church more true? Why?
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  • 3 weeks later...

Originally posted by inactivetx@Mar 17 2005, 03:59 PM

Hi - haven't been on the board in  a while so thanks in advance for reading.

I am an adult convert that has recently re-activated after a six year absence and during that interim I had attended my former faith, the Episcopal Church. Now to my concern:

In the Episcopal Church, nothing has more ritual and formality than Holy Week - Palm Sunday, Holy M, T, W, Maudy Thursday, Good Friday, Great Vigil and, finally, Easter Sunday keeps us quite busy following in the footsteps of the Savior during his last days of mortality and ultimate ressurection.  I had previously attended all services and was caught up in the spirituality of the whole thing.

This is the first year in many I haven't kept Lent nor plan to attend Holy Week services, but I feel a void  since the ward isn't really doing anything special to replace it. Becuase of conference, Easter Sunday will be a F&T meeting.  Where is the celebration? honor? recognition?  I had asked a life-long LDS what special stuff does the ward do and there is only a stake choir performance and special Sunday School lessons. That's it?!  She commented that since LDS honor the atonement everyday, a special service isn't really necessary.

Any other converts having Easter withdrawl?


A bit late, but I just re-discovered this board...been awhile (years) but I am back...

I have Easter withdrawl and I'm not a convert. It is sad how much it is overlooked.

In May, we have special Priesthood restoration lessons and Sacrament Meeting...

All year, we are celebrating Joseph Smith's 200th birthday...

A few years ago, we celebrated the 150-year anniversary of the trek to SLC...

But there is no Holy Week celebration? Especially Easter (and Good Friday)?

Ironically, the Jews were commanded to recognize Passover specifically once per year in preparation of the ultimate sacrifice Christ would give...

But do we think that commandment has turned into no more recognition of that which fulfilled the Passover celebration? No, the thought makes reason stare.

It is disappointing...especially considering how fundamental (and yet misunderstood) the Atonement is. We don't tend to discuss the Atonement much above mentioning the phrase "the Atonement" and "Gethsemane". There is so much more to it that is also vital in the most glorious eucatastrophic sacrifice ever given.


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