Barack Hussein Obama: US "one of the largest Muslim countries in the world" Barack Hussein Obama:


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Were you as outraged when President Bush not only also sought Abdullah's counsel, but held his hand while doing so?


After seeing that photo Bush doesn't seem quite so insane.

But even if we assume there are six million Muslims in the US, that makes it only the 34th biggest Muslim country in the world - behind Indonesia, Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, China, Ethiopia, Algeria, Morocco, Afghanistan, Sudan, Iraq, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Tanzania, Syria, Malaysia, Niger, Senegal, Ghana, Tunisia, Somalia, Guinea, Kenya, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Burkina Faso and Tajikistan.

And guess what? That'd still make America one of the largest in the world!

How many countries are there on this planet (around 200+ at the moment!)

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I think it's important to realise that this economic platform isn't solely Obama's by any stretch of the word, but Congress's. This model was begun by Bush, and expanded since Obama took office.

Though, I would say to a degree it was a model accepted and therefore pushed by Democrats since the bail-out was passed by a Congress that had a majority democrat house.

But at the same time, a very similar model would have arisen under a majority Republican house because the policy making is done in accordance with the vested interests and they don't change all that much no matter whom is in office.

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I think it's important to realise that this economic platform isn't solely Obama's by any stretch of the word, but Congress's. This model was begun by Bush, and expanded since Obama took office.

True, the US isn't run solely by the President, but right or wrong the president gets the blame (and the praise) for everything that happens.

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Why do you seem to hate a president whom is doing good things and acknowledging other human beings as being Gods children, are muslims not human beings? are we not all brothers and sisters in the lord? Can we not at least try to make things a little better in this world? :)

I don't hate President Obama....and what good things? I thought you hated Bush? He is just repackaging Bush policies and wasting a heck of a lot more money......inept and disastrous economic polices are my sore spot with Obama and most Democrats. I would take Bush or Clinton back in a heart beat.

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True, the US isn't run solely by the President, but right or wrong the president gets the blame (and the praise) for everything that happens.

Well, realising that all of us need to take it a step further and look past the puppet to see the people or groups that are really to blame for the economic conditions: the international bankers and corporations themselves.

The vested interests, which the government HAS to serve in this horrible system.

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Seems pretty standard for a vocation that consists of selling yourself to as many people as possible.

Or else uniting as many people as possible into peaceful relations. The United States stands as a demonstrable caldron of this idea: We are a plural society yet we coexist in peace. Why not talk about our pluralism and our success?

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Or else uniting as many people as possible into peaceful relations. The United States stands as a demonstrable caldron of this idea: We are a plural society yet we coexist in peace. Why not talk about our pluralism and our success?

[Foghorn Leghorn]

That's a joke... I say, that's a joke, son.

[/Foghorn Leghorn]


From the Greek polys meaning many and the Middle English tyke meaning blood sucking insects (though technically arachnids). ;)

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