Helping the needy


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Maya, the way it is done here in the US it is as confidential as possible. Usually the only people who know you are getting food assistance are the bishop and the relief society president who visits you and helps determine what items you need. All people involved are bound by confidentiality, kind of like a 'need to know', if you don't need to know, you probably won't be told by those who do know.

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Uh Pam... some fun you should have in this life.... :cool:

But I do agree people eat too much junk and many eat too much food too! Too strong food. I am a good giorl and have always eaten what has been put on my plate... and it shows... so people DONT be good, learn to know your limits! And dont push in more, not even to missionaries. :D

Oh that too was in the conferance...

But yet the purpose of the Church Welfare program is to assist in providing the "basic" necessities of living. Not to provide "fun" food. Though I must say, the pork roasts that are at the Bishop's storehouse here in Utah were pretty I guess I did have "fun" eating them.

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And dont push in more, not even to missionaries.

I'm fairly sure I offended some people on my mission by turning down food. Most annoying was I had say, "No thank you." or "I'm good." several times in a row before they'd give up, and some never would.

Of course that's some pretty substantial thread drift.

/me yanks the wheel.

There ya go, carry one.

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Washington Spokane Mission (aka Wa-Spo Crew).

More specifically:

Lewiston, ID

Hayden Lake, ID

Spokane, WA

Moses Lake, WA

Moscow, ID

Post Falls, ID

You can crew? Do you know if it has any resemblanse to Finnish language... kind of monotonic?? It was so weird once when I heard a programm on indians in USA... dont know which ones it was, but when they spoke I had a feeling I should have understood it! :eek:

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Maya, the way it is done here in the US it is as confidential as possible. Usually the only people who know you are getting food assistance are the bishop and the relief society president who visits you and helps determine what items you need. All people involved are bound by confidentiality, kind of like a 'need to know', if you don't need to know, you probably won't be told by those who do know.

Same here. Sometimes it irritates as you notice you could ahve helped too... but I quess my HF has seen that I have enough trying to keep my house standing... :D

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The Palouse? Its pretty in the spring, never got a chance to see it in the summer though. The land of taters, wheat and lentils. :)

You can crew? Do you know if it has any resemblanse to Finnish language... kind of monotonic?? It was so weird once when I heard a programm on indians in USA... dont know which ones it was, but when they spoke I had a feeling I should have understood it!

I think we've a language barrier. Crew as in a group of people, like a crew that mans a ship. I think you may be thinking of Crow, which is a native american tribe, but I only ever spoke English on my mission.

Edited by Dravin
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Where is it that you get food vouchers from church to go to a regular store? I have always seen the Bishop's Storehouse list and don't recall any soda or chips on the list. All are food stuff and staples that a family would need not necessarily want.

California, Nevada, Idaho, Utah all have Bishop's Storehouse. I am sure that there are areas of the country where funds are given to buy these groceries but in the West that is very seldom. In other parts of the world it is even less.

Ben Raines

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Ben I can understand that in areas where there is not a Bishop's Storehouse that food vouchers to a local grocery store would be appropriate. I guess my beef is..if areas that do have storehouses ONLY stock basic necessities for families and individuals...why are those in other areas not held to the same standard?

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in our area we take a receipt or bill to Bishop/Branch President and its reimbursed or the RS President goes to the store with someone.

I know with ours my Branch Prresident said I wasn't spending enough and gave us a box of food as well with biscuits and treats in it. I had only taken some yoghurts for the kids.


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But were those biscuits and treats coming from your Branch President or coming out of fast offering money? Please don't misunderstand me when I say treats are nice to get. I just have a problem with someone given a voucher and allowed to buy their share of junk food which is a want and not a need.

Edited by pam
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I think a lot will be a cultural split both my RS President and my BranchPresident insisted I took assistance I had asked for help to cut my bills they felt I wasn't spending enough on food, and couldn't see how I could cut my bills I could but would have taken more work.

It was lovely to get the box though we hadn't had biscuits in the house for 4 years


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I think we've a language barrier. Crew as in a group of people, like a crew that mans a ship. I think you may be thinking of Crow, which is a native american tribe, but I only ever spoke English on my mission.

You are right... I quess you could say my bad one... :roflmbo:
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The Bishop's Storehouse also has ice cream, and I believe cookies and crackers. Yes, the point is to provide basic sustenance, but there is nothing wrong with an occasional treat as well. I think the problem comes in when a large portion of the 'food' turns out to be junk food of low or very little nutritional value and more expensive than it needs to be. If fast offering money is being used to purchase things for your benefit, it is a wise steward who will make the best use of that money and be frugal in their spending of it. It is not to be viewed as free money, it is to be viewed as the Lord's money set aside for you as needed.

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Maybe the ward could put on a function at the wardhouse once a month like a movie or some kind of activity where they could have refreshments like soda, popcorn, cookies and ice cream. That way they could have their sweets and treats and chips and dips once in awhile.

That would have of course have to follow a pot luck of good old Hungarian Goolash as the main course if possible.

That way you would get a staple of nourishment and some treats.

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It has been a few years since I have needed the assistance and I did forget about the ice-cream. But again, the ice cream has to be approved before you pick it up. I still stand by my opinion that there has to be a monitoring of the kinds of items you can get when relying on Church assistance that is paid from fast offerings.

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Guest SisterofJared

I have received church assistance in an area where there was no bishop's storehouse. This was in California... and yes, they have some bishop's storehouse there, but not everywhere. The way it was handled was I was given a budget, and wrote up a list with a member of the RS presidency... she shopped and brought the stuff to me.

The bishop's storehouse also has candy during certain times of the year. I see nothing inappropriate about giving someone some treats on a limited basis. I think "What would Jesus do?" and I can see him giving children some candy with a kind twinkle in his eye and a smile.

I have a dream to someday become wealthy enough to pay for a produce truck to go to the bishop's storehouse and unload tons of groceries: celery, green peppers, cucumbers, avacados, kiwi, pears, mangos, and all sorts of things that were not available when I had to use the bishop's storehouse for several months years ago. Not that I wasn't grateful... I was and will be forever grateful... but what fun it would be to throw a little variety into someone's life when they're down and out a bit.

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I suppose the fun and vareity will be up to the other menbers... like if you know (no one usuallu know) you could by a big bag of candy or bake a cake and take it to a family who is in need.... Could leave it on the door step ring the bell and hit for the bushes... :P

I just heard :eek: Quess what the preasthood meeting was about in the stake conferance last weekend..... yes bishops warehouse :eek:

Maybe I beter shut up now.... very quietly opening the door in my room and creeping under the bed .. with the rentalrabbits.. :whistling:

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