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My dear friend.

I spent ten years investigating THE Church, and it was all due to SATAN trying to throw me a curve ball. It was so bad at one point, that I was almost certain that the church was the work of the devil himself.

However, I sat down, and thought and prayed about it, and immediately, I couldn´t shake that feeling, that when I had taken the first three discussions (out of eight in those days), that my heart had burned confirming the truth about families being together forever.

One night I was doing the dishes, when I suddenly started thinking, that I had never completed the lessons (my father had died and I lost contact with the church, but the missionaries had sent me and my family a sympathy card), no sooner had I let go the thought, the door bell rang.

I went downstairs, and there were two missionaries. I took all the lessons, but still doubted. Then I got scared. I felt it was right, but I hadn´t prepared myself for baptism. I still loved my cups of tea. The missionaries suggested I drink de-caffinated drinks, like Barley cup or infused herbs like cammomile or peppermint (which isn´t made from the tea plant, even though it is still called tea). It tasted dreadful. I persevered, and after six weeks, I was ready for baptism.

SATAN wasn´t happy, and I lost my appartment. After just over a year, I was in 5 callings (it was a very small Branch), I was getting ready to go to the Temple, to get my endowment . Then my brother died. I was devastated. I nearly had to cancel the trip because of the funeral. You see I didn´t live next door to the Temple, and I had to spend about GBP700 or USD1400 at the time to go to the Temple, but I made it.

A year later, I went through the temple for my brother, and got my Patriarchal Blessing.

I prayed about my blessing, and asked The Lord, where I would find this choice daughter of his he promised me. The still small voice said Manchester in England. I didn´t know anyone there, and didn´t even know where the church was, so I shunned it and procrastinated.

Years later, I moved to the U.K., Scotland to be precise, but everything went wrong. I then got a job in Manchester, by the suggestion of a NON-MEMBER pen friend. We started dating and got involved. As I still didn´t know where the church was, and was working every week-end because of my job, I became LESS ACTIVE. A BIG MISTAKE.

I spent years with that woman, and I regret every minute of it. I finally left my job, and decided to become active again. SOMETHING I DON'T REGRET - There I met a choice daughter of God, whom I would have met, had I followed that still small voice. Because I didn´t, she had married someone else, but they divorced 4 years before I met her. It was love at first sight for the both of us. We got sealed on Valentines day, and are expecting a bundle of joy around the NEW YEAR as promised during that ceremony.

When you join THE CHURCH, I can guarantee you adversity, but the spiritual blessings, especially of having the priesthood in your home, will make up for it.

Since you have read so much, you will have learned, that the story about the hat and stones is false.

The TRUE story, is, that Joseph Smith used the Urim and Thummim (Lights and Perfection) which were attached to a silver bow, which was affixed to the breastplate which he wore during translation.

The story about the hat and stones, is a distorted version, of a stone which brethren had found that "enabled" them to get (false doctrinal) revelations. - Joseph Smith told them that it was the work of the devil to try and deceive them and to drag them away from the Church.

Eventhough many members, even the pioneers of the Church, have been lead astray and walked away from The Church, they NEVER withdrew their testimony about having witnessed the seeing of the Golden Tablets.

Just think about the following. Around the time Josep Smith Jr. is born. THE ROSETTA STONE is discovered. It holds the key to decipher Egyptian hyroglypics. This knowledge was ONLY available among scholars at the time.

Yet Joseph Smith Jr. through the use of The Urim and Thummim, was able to translate the Book of Mormon, and it was verified by a Scholar that his translation was correct.

The Scriptures tell us, that books from the people of the north will verify The Book of Mormon. Among the Vikings, there was a book known as "VÖLUSPÁ" which litterally means The Pebble Prophecy, or as it is commonly called, The Seeress Prophecy. It is the Viking equivalent to The Christian Book of Revelation. What is remarkable, is this, I have read three different versions of translations into English, and non are correct, as they are filled with the Philosophies of Men, reading into what is written, and translating their interpretation of what is written, rather than translating WHAT IS WRITTEN.

The awe inspiring verse (translated into English) reads Thus: "There shall again in the grass be found, GOLDEN TABLETS, which THE GODS, owned from time immortal." This was written over 1100 years ago, and is prophecy about GOLDEN TABLETS (The BOOK of MORMON) coming forth a SECOND TIME - The Book of Mormon does in fact prophecy that it will come forth again for the sealed portion to be translated. - There is no way, that Joseph Smith Jr. or Sr. for that matter, would have known about this little known book, let alone read ancient Icelandic.

I´m a freelance translator/interpreter, and have been assessed by many institutes, incl. The Translation Department of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I´m also currently unemployed, and took time out from my job hunting to answer your posting on this website. My getting a job means alot to me and my family, but the worth of souls is greater - for we all love you and your family, even though you are not yet members.

I hope to hear of your baptism soon, and you receiving your endowment (that will really blow your mind).

I leave this words with you,

In the name of Jesus Christ,



You can look up Sigurjon Helgi Kristjansson on both and


I´m sorry, I must sound like a fool, I hadn´t read far enough down all the postings, to see you got batised. I´m very happy for you, and if you ever need a friend, WE ARE ALL HER FOR YOU AND YOUR FAMILY.

Edited by Helgi
Addendum (See P.P.S.)
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Joseph Smith replace the Jaredite glasses due to the size and was given another stone to look upon, which was found in a well. It was not by accident this stone happen to be there for his use. Currently, sitting the church archives is the same stone that Joseph used. Even Brigham Young had a seer stone and was turned over to the church after his passing.

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Yes, the U&T of the brother of Jared was so large for Joseph, that it gave him headaches. The Lord provided Joseph the stone for revelations. The Church still has it in its possession, locked away for safe keeping.


I'm elated for you and your wife. I know that when I was 16 and looking, I felt there was a big hole in my chest. Something big was missing. Only the fullness of the gospel could ever fill it.

I've had my share of trials over the years. But I've also had many extremely rich spiritual experiences that encourage me, give me hope and faith, and have made my testimony firm. Still, the stronger we become, the more Satan tries to find chinks in our armor. I've learned that we can never let our guard down.

A couple years ago, a video came out from antis that attacked Joseph Smith. One day, I had my foster son watch a wonderful LDS film called "the Testaments" and asked him how he felt. The next day, we watched the anti-LDS film. I asked him how that one felt to him, and to compare the feeling on the two. He said that the LDS film was peaceful, but the anti-LDS film felt wrong.

The Spirit continually tries to help us see/feel the difference. We just have to be careful not to let the philosophies of men confuse us.

Always remember your spiritual experiences. They will lift and carry you over the tough times.

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My sincere thanks for everyone's replies...both here and through PM's.

The unbelievable sincere responses from everybody has been a real blessing.

I've been reading these replies daily over the last day or so...many of them multiple times.

Last night...I was sitting down and talking to my wife about some of these replies. I was talking about the struggle I was happy the spirit makes me feel and that there is 'something about this church that just will not leave me'.

For example, when that gentleman walked into my X-ray room and I realized he was a Mormon it was as if someone placed a mirror in front of me and I immediately saw where I was and where I had been. I saw a spiritual reflection and I suddenly realized where I was and how far I had gone in the wrong direction. Immediatly I felt the spirit on this man...the same spirit I had felt many times at church that I had not felt in a long time.

Anyway...too continue my post...I was talking with my wife last night about these things...and the struggle I was continuing to have...and what happens you might ask? Ahh...nothing but a knock on the door...who could it be? Who Else! The Elders made a random visit last night. They suddenly 'felt' to come by unannounced. I was never so happy to see the Missionaries as I was last night. I bore my heart and soul to them over these issues and the calm and peaceful spirit I felt from them gave me an assurance that I needed to help me have peace.

I have kept my scriptures close to my heart today...reading them often as work would allow. I have not tried to be rude about it at work...usually I am the shy type so I would not read scriptures in public, however, my earnest desire to continue to read was too much to hide today.

I have prayed a little bit...compared to 'never' and I felt peace each and every time. I came home today and I told my wife that did not want to wait any longer. I have felt this strong feeling all day to 'just follow me....follow your heart' and it has lead me to baptism.

My wife and I are scheduled to be baptized not this weekend but next weekend on the 27th. I am so excited. I know that I might be tried hard this week but I am going to pray through it. I can't give up now...I'm not going to let the adversary stop me now. He has stopped me so many times in the many times have I became depressed and saddened as I would fill my mind with things that only brought me pain and anguish.

A leap of faith indeed...but I suppose that is why it is called faith isn't it?

I am truly thankful for the support and kindness...I have been soaking it up like a sponge over the last couple of days...


Could someone please hand me a kleenex?:)

Good for you, Jorsen. Good for you! Keep us posted, ok?

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