Just A Question

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by USNationalist@May 8 2005, 12:26 PM

Im immature? Im not the one that failed to kill themself. If you fail at suicide it means 1 or 2 things. Your either just retarded, or you never really wanted to kill yourself you just wanted the attention, and in that case your also retarded.


Stop being a ######.

Did you lose your faith in Christ, because Christians don't treat people like this.

Sorry if the responce im giving you arent what you wanted to hear. I know when you decided to milk your "im an attmepted suicide survivor" bit for what it was worth you wanted to hear praises and lots of other garbage that most the people dont even mean when they say. Maybe after a few shots of sour milk from sucking on the sympathy teet you will grow up yourself and stop trying to milk something for attention when really you should be ashamed of it and try to keep it a secret.

Pushka, don't listen to him. Talking about these things are healthy, as long as you are not just trying to get sympathy, and...despite what he says...I do not believe you are. It was completely appropriate for you to share how you were feeling at the time to clarify WHY people don't always think of others when they are depressed.

Obviously USN doesn't know much about depression.

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<<Did you lose your faith in Christ, because Christians don't treat people like this.>>

-sure they do. Im doing it right now. Besides- just because you think a liar is telling the truth doesnt mean they are. I happen to think she is an attention whore, you don't. But if your going to be welcome to your opinion its only fair i get to have my own.

shameful display tao, shameful.

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USN, you are clearly seeking attention and I'm glad you are. It shows that you still have some hope in you. You brought up suicide and have made several very clear expressions of wanting to kill yourself. You are exibiting some classic warning signs. One being you are working out a plan of action, ie, "If I were going to do it I'd do it right and not fail"etc etc.

USN, if you are having these feelings I hope that you will take a moment and think about it more. Talk to somebody, anybody you can find to listen.

If you don't want to seek help right now I suggest you look at some dead bodies. Look them up at Rotten.com or go to the funeral home near by and see if they can help you out. I think it may help you to see just what death is and that it can NEVER be taken back.

Suicide is the most sinscere form of self-critisizim. *spelling, its late*

and its the most cowardly action you could ever take.

Take this advise from someone who has lived with death, caused death, and embraced the motto "Die not for your country. Make him die for his!"

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There's no understanding what you did,

Or why, or what we now should think or do:

No way to see what your last sorrow hid.

What unimaginable agony amid

Our ordinary lives unraveled you?

There's no understanding what you did,

No way for you to tell us why you rid

Yourself of us and family, and . . . who?

No way to see what your last sorrow hid.

Or was it you were just a spoiled kid,

Trying to make us all feel bad for you?

There's no understanding what you did,

Whether mere curiosity had bid

You to sneak ahead a lethal view;

No way to see what your last sorrow hid,

Nor penetrate that awful, granite lid

That lies between our thoughts and what is true.

There's no understanding what you did,

No way to see what your last sorrow hid.

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Death is nothing but a moment's rest

Until the Second Coming of the Lord

When He shall gather to Him of the best

To take them to the place of their reward.

I've felt the power of Jesus in my soul

Shining like a golden sun within,

Melting my hard heart to make me whole,

Burning out the remnants of my sin.

I've felt Him work within me, so I know

The glory that will come when I awake.

I'll sleep just like a child who'll homeward go,

And in my dreams of love great pleasure take.

So do not mourn my death, and do not grieve.

The Lord will come for me: This I believe

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"Just a Question" yeah right. ;)

To Pushka, I applaud your courage in sharing your experience with us. You are defiantly doing some empowering things to rebuild your life. Keep doing these things which build your strength. :)

I have dealt with short bouts of situational depression and it isn't fun. One of the greatest blessings I have received it the gift of numb.

I have never wanted to end my life. When I see people who have a terminal illness who fight to live it rings out in full color how precious life really is. We don't know which day will be our final day on this earth so we should try to find joy in each one. Accidents happen everyday, and lives can be forever changed.

During one of my depression cycles I was serving in the Young Women and I went to my bishop and asked for him to release me from that calling. I loved those girls so much I couldn't stand for them to see me in despair which was becoming a bigger part of my life. My bishop said that he would release me. He also gave me a huge lesson that day. He said Strawberry, you need to take sometime to do something you enjoy everyday. I looked at him straight in the eye and said "Bishop, I don't have a clue who I am or what I enjoy anymore". He told me that I need to find it again and that was to be my calling. Make a list of things that bring you joy to fall back on when times get tough and you "forget". Joy is very important in life without joy we might as well be robots.

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Strawberry thanks for your remarks about what I am now doing to fill my life. Setheus, thank you for that lovely poem...

I am sorry to read that USNational thinks I am lying in order to gain attention...I certainly do not take pleasure in being called an attention whore...that is all I have to say to him now.

I hope that his 'just a question' thread will have least have given some hope to people suffering from depression, if they can ignore his insensitive remarks that is.

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Your all so right. This thread is a cry for help. Oh please give me your attention so i dont have to kill myself.


<<I hope that his 'just a question' thread will have least have given some hope to people suffering from depression, if they can ignore his insensitive remarks that is.>>

-Yeh, right. What they need hope for is to hope they don't fail if they try to take the whimp way out. Who wants a live a life in which every single breath they take is a testimont to their failure?

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Originally posted by USNationalist@May 10 2005, 05:06 AM

Your all so right. This thread is a cry for help. Oh please give me your attention so i dont have to kill myself.


<<I hope that his 'just a question' thread will have least have given some hope to people suffering from depression, if they can ignore his insensitive remarks that is.>>

-Yeh, right. What they need hope for is to hope they don't fail if they try to take the whimp way out. Who wants a live a life in which every single breath they take is a testimont to their failure?

"Mormon Mom Where are YOU?"

USN needs to be sent to his room at the very least. <_<

USN, Take a look around this post that you started. People are trying to help you and you thank them by getting personal and trying to cause them pain. A good friend of mine really likes you (Mormon Mom) so I know that there is good in you. I believe that you owe a few people here an apology and I would bet that they would accept it if it was sincere. If you would like to continue with this thread, apologize, and then stick to the facts and no more attacks. Otherwise, I think it would be best for us to consider you to be "trolling" and completely ignore you.

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Pushka,SF, Setheus and Tao,

Good post! :)

Sometimes when we reach out and try to help others, we expose the weaker underbelly of our heart and mind without its prtective armor in place.

Good, caring, christains/human beings do this, not for sympathy or attention, but from a genuine sense of caring and wanting to help those that they see struggling with life.

Unfortunately, personal an sensitive information can be exploited by those seeking to hurt others. Don't fall for it.

In your heart you know that your intentions were noble and just! :)

May God Bless! :D

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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by USNationalist@May 10 2005, 04:06 AM

Your all so right. This thread is a cry for help. Oh please give me your attention so i dont have to kill myself.


Don't give up USN.

There is so much to live for.

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No i have never considered hanging myself anyone who thinks of that needs some help but i have O.D. on meds before lett me tell you it suck having my stomach pumped was horrible trust dont even rty to commit suicide it sux. what are the consiquinces to it alot i will name one rigth now devastaded family and friends if you truly care about htose people you would not act apon stupid thoughts about that.

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Isnt it obvious to you dorks yet that im just being a ######? I probably havent even ment most of what i have said. This thread was started in the attempt to ensuate that you should hang yourselves.

However you finks think im at the brink or something, and when i make fun of those of you who failed at failing you come back for more. Im obviously just jerking you people around- and it has only been in this thread. And if you keep comming back for more im going to keep being mean to you. Because i want to. This is my thread and i shall do as i please so long as it remains.

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