Just A Question

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hanging oneself? No! Never!

I'm very happy with all the blessings that the Lord has bestowed upon me! God gave me great parents and I have some really good friends too. :D

I'm not rich or famous, but I'm very healthy and enjoy life and I'm excited about all of the possibilities that it offers! :D

I'm truely concerned about people that are so depressed as to contemplate suicide. :(

I would go out of my way to try and help someone overcome this state of depression. I pray that everyone can feel the joy of living! :D

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Originally posted by USNationalist@May 4 2005, 02:33 AM

Ever consider hanging yourself? How about as a passing (but serious) thought? Just curious.

Hey what's up USN is this something you are considering? Things always get better, just just need to look for the light all around you. :)
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Guest Taoist_Saint

Originally posted by USNationalist@May 4 2005, 01:33 AM

Ever consider hanging yourself? How about as a passing (but serious) thought? Just curious.

I always figure that if things are THAT BAD...life can only get better :)
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<<I always figure that if things are THAT BAD...life can only get better>>

-things are always capable of getting worse. With the exception of rock bottom- death. There is no such thing as rock bottom if it isnt death.

<<Hey what's up USN is this something you are considering?>>

-nope. Not considering.

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Ok the truth is when someone hangs him or her self.

There is no fast death. 99 % of the times you chock to death lose control of you bodily functions. This happens because hanging ones self is not the old fast drop short rope. they see on TV.

Families and friends of the person who choose to die are left to find it all.

Some times days later.

I believe in the old saying “what dose not kill us makes us stronger.

I know a young man in his late 20’s, Brian chose to do this, he was not buried next to his father and brother who died years before in a house fire; because he was Catholic and was buried in none consecrated ground. His mother sat next to me at the lunched afterwards and hang on me like she would loose control.

For years I placed silk flowers on his grave, for his mother to see so she would time someone cared about him.

His many so called friends never showed their face at his funeral. :(

Few people who kill them self’s ever think about what pain they leave behind.

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Winnie, you can be such a good friend. :)

I think that the reason many people who kill themselves don't think about the pain they leave behind is because their own pain is sooo great that they can't see past it.

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As a 'survivor' of a big suicide attempt, which left me in hospital for a week, receiving blood plasma transfusions, I can say USNational, that I was so distressed at the time that I made the attempt that I could not consider the consequences to my family members...had I been able to think clearly then I would not have made the attempt. I have since received counselling and have altered some parts of my lifestyle so that, hopefully, I will not reach rock bottom again, I have much more support of friends now, and am kept busy with volunteer work with those friends so that I cannot sit and ponder the negative thoughts that still try to invade my mind and my dreams/nightmares.

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i dont think i am capable of "attempted" suicide. Im not dumb- so i would do it right if i wanted to. And im really not the cry for help, or give me your attention kind of dude.

Ever wish you hand't failed? Did the fact that you failed ever make you want to do it even more? Or was it more of a reliefe thing? Like thank God that didnt work.

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I'm glad that you didn't succeed. Human life is too precious to waste that way. I think that it is great that you were able to receive the help and support that you needed.

Have a big high five for the volunteer work! :D

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Things rarely are as bad as they seem, but when a person becomes overwhelmed with the stresses of life they may not be able to think clearly and not know where to turn.

Depression is a very natural ailment that can visit anyone of us. There should be no shame in seeking help for it.

The important thing to remember is that just as our bodies can get out of balance and need professional help from a doctor, ... so can our minds get out of balance and need professional help.

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Originally posted by USNationalist@May 5 2005, 06:46 PM

i dont think i am capable of "attempted" suicide. Im not dumb- so i would do it right if i wanted to. And im really not the cry for help, or give me your attention kind of dude.

Ever wish you hand't failed? Did the fact that you failed ever make you want to do it even more? Or was it more of a reliefe thing? Like thank God that didnt work.

USNational...believe me, I DID try to make it successful...taking over 200 warfarin and epilim tablets I thought would have done the job...it didn't, I wasn't to know that it wouldn't...I was trying to take more tablets after I woke up (as I had fallen asleep, probably as a result of some of the tabs I'd taken) but was prevented from doing so by friends who called an ambulance...also I started to vomit, unintentionally, which took some of the effects away from the tablets...I wasn't 'dumb', mother nature just decided it wasn't my time yet or something! I still did not feel I was worthy to survive, however I did feel very guilty when I was receiving treatment in order to make me recover from the after effects, and I did state that I would try my best never to attempt suicide again...for my family's sake.

Thanks for your comments Begood2...the voluntary work really is my lifeline at the moment...my friends are brilliant!

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Pills would be a bad way to go. You would feel like crap when you died to. So that wouldnt be cool.

There are much better and more effective ways of killing ones self. And if any foresight is put into it, it wouldn't be hard to keep people from interfearing to.

This guy seems to have thought it out- http://www.jerryhunt.org/JerryHunt/kill.asp

Thats what i mean by someone not being dumb about trying to kill themselves. If you fail its your fault- your failure.

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USNational...you are insensitive to the extreme...I am sorry for the people who commit suicide 'successfully' and for those who attempt to do so but fail...I would think that anybody trying to commit suicide does not put 'foresight' into it...they just make the attempt with whatever is available to them at the time...I'm no good at knots, and don't have any rope just lying around in my house, so that wouldn't have worked for me either...I wouldn't expect that I could cut myself deep enough to make that successful too...pills were my 'best option' at the time...

Please try to grow up and have more sensitivity around issues of depression and suicide.

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USNational, why did you create this thread in the first place if you did not expect people who had lived through suicide attemps, or known of people who did so, or knew people who didn't survive their attempts to post on it? What a pointless thread.

I refuse to consider myself either retarded or out to gain attention. I am not hoping that I will receive tons of praise for my change of lifestyle since that attempt...I have received encouragement from some people, and criticism from others, I have dealt with both. Since when has it been considered immature to fail to kill oneself?

On your final comments about me growing up...I have been growing up throughout the time that I have been suffering from the depressive illness, the attempted suicide and since that time...I am still growing and learning how to cope with the normal activities that many people do not struggle to do. I was ashamed of what I had tried to do, I couldn't look my family in the face when I next saw them, fortunately when I was nearing my time to come home from the hospital rather than in the first few days after the events. I do not feel that keeping suicide attempts a secret does myself or anyone else who may be feeling depressed any favours...attending self help groups where the issues that lead to the attempt successful or not, are discussed with others who have gone through the same thing, or the families who have been affected by their relatives going through this, is extremely helpful in knowing how to prevent suicide attempts in the future.

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I have had suicidal thoughts. I thought about making an attempt in my teens. I got though that sad times & things get better. I still suffer from depression & I take a drug called Celexa to control my mood. I came down with Multiple sclerosis which is a disease of the brain. I have had a drop moderate drop in stamina in my legs. I also have started to use a walker when I do my part time job. Because not everybody with it ends up in a wheelchair I can't predict that outcome for myself. But I worry about that possibility sometimes. My disease is not fatal. I choose to live. It's when a person chooses not to live that depression becomes a problem.

I know of people with worse health problems than me. Sooner or later the suffering of life will be over. If death is not an end you will take depression to the grave with you. You will find life & more life not a release from the mental part of your pain.



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