Facial Hair Showdown!


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I know, another image posting thread, we've never had one of those right?

Anyway I propose a facial hair showdown, go Google diving and find the craziest or most outrageous beards (or mustaches) you can, I'll start out:

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Hey, that looks just like my driver's license picture! :o

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Every time I'm lazy and skip a day shaving the next day I look in the mirror and debate growing my goatee back.

the goats fine, it's anything on the cheeks she vetos. and apparently you need quite a bit on the cheeks to build a bridge.

But perhaps i can go for length, and do the Eiffel tower or statue of liberty :D

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the goats fine, it's anything on the cheeks she vetos. and apparently you need quite a bit on the cheeks to build a bridge.

But perhaps i can go for length, and do the Eiffel tower or statue of liberty :D

Could you get away with something like this (except goatee and mono instead of bibraided)?


Honestly the only reason I had a goatee was because I grew a full beard first (to lazy to shave), it was kinda amusing when I ditched the goatee, I decided to see what just a mustache would look like, I looked like an 80s cop, all I needed was some aviators. :)

Edited by Dravin
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