Coming Back to the Church


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I left the Church in late March. Ever since I left I've felt the urge to return, and now I've decided to act on it. I'm studying in Germany at the moment, so I don't really know what will happen. My baptismal/membership records got mixed up somehow so I just yesterday sent my old Bishop the information he needed to complete them. I will no longer be a member of that ward because I was at boarding school and I've graduated. I can't go to Church at home because my parents are very controlling and won't let me go because they are against the Church. Thankfully I leave for my university a week after I return to the States.

I'm going to Church this Sunday. What do I do? Do I need to do anything? Is my patriarchal blessing still valid? Do I have to wait for a while before getting a Temple Rec? (My old one expired last week). Is there anything else I should know?

Thank you,


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I didn't send a letter of resignation. I just stopped going. I talked to my bishop through email about sending in a letter, but my membership records were incomplete (I was baptised out of the country and it made everything really complicated) so I just didn't do anything. The bishop said he needed my address to proceed, but my family was moving so I couldn't send him anything. I emailed him my new address yesterday and told him I wanted to come back. It's possible he used my school address to make my leaving official, but I doubt it. Just in case he did, what happens then? What happens if he just left my records incomplete?

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It would take a little more than telling your bishop to make leaving official. If they can track down your records and you are listed as a member in good standing, then coming back will be fairly easy and painless. Just decide to start going, and do it. You won't be able to get a new temple recommend until your records become found and transferred to your new ward, which I assume will be in the university area. Was it a 'baptisms for the dead only' recommend or have you recieved the endowment?

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Thanks for the help, guys! My Bishop sent me a message saying that all I need to do is start going back to Church and everything will be fine. He also said he will look into fixing my Patriarchal Blessing, which had some spelling errors in it. So it looks like everything is going to work out.

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You know what I say about this? "Once a Mormon ALWAYS A Mormon!" It doesn't matter how long you been away of the church, what really matters is that you're taking the initiative to go back. You are LDS no matter how many years pass by or how what "bad" things you do while you're away. Heavenly Father just wants you to use your free agency and head back to his house. And believe me, he will have a message customized just for how you're feeling and what you're going through. You will feel peace in your heart and that message during sacrament will be meant for you. It has happened to me.

I've been out for almost 1 year (and change) but I finally had the strength to go back this past Sunday. My husband, after 12 years of marriage, has bailed on his family and is asking for a divorce. I don't think you could ever imagine the devastation I've lived during this past month in my heart. Even though I knew I had to find Heavenly Father-prayers simply did not feel like enough- I was scared about the act of "going back." You know, you don't want people to wonder why you were gone or why were you back. I felt ashamed of being away for so long; for leaving my calling as a librarian and for now being a member who is going through divorce, but I did the only thing that would make me feel some sense of peace in my heart, I prayed the night before.

In my prayers, I asked for strength to face whatever came my way (and for the strength not to cry). Well, I went there that morning and during sacrament, one of the speakers was talking about finding strength during rough times, which was exactly what I needed. It was weird, for I felt as if she had been called there that morning to talk specifically to me. It felt as if she knew the pain I felt in my heart and the feelings of abandonment I was facing every hour of every day. She spoke to me and incidentally enough, she even-for some strange reason- kept centering her words in my direction.

So, I felt better and most importantly, I did not cry. My bishop came to talk to me and I felt even better. People came up to me telling me how much they had missed me, etc.

Listen, I don't know how my life is going to be in the future. Trying to cope with just the emotional part of my husband giving up in his family has hit me hard, but there's one thing I know for sure. I know that Heavenly Father received me with open arms this past Sunday Morning, to the point that I could hear him talk to me and saying, " Welcome back my child."

I haven't said this in a long time- offer my testimony- but I will share it with you here. Listen, I know this church is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true also- don't ever find that phrase cliche because it isn't. It really is true and the most powerful book I know. I also know that life itself is hard and harsh for some of us, but rest assure that when Heavenly Father puts you out there He is certain that even during the harshest times, you will always know in your heart- even if you murmur against him like I've done- that you know He loves you. He knows this and accepts you with open arms each and every time you decide to go back because he would never give you or send anything your way that you won't be able to handle.

So my sincere advice is for you to give yourself a hug for making this move- the best move you've done in months. I commend you, my friend and hope that you never forget that you're LDS no matter what. Don't ever let anyone let you question your faith or judge for being inactive. Only Heavenly Father can do that but even He with all his power would never ever do that to you.

Stay're not the only one.

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You know what I say about this? "Once a Mormon ALWAYS A Mormon!" It doesn't matter how long you been away of the church, what really matters is that you're taking the initiative to go back. You are LDS no matter how many years pass by or how what "bad" things you do while you're away. Heavenly Father just wants you to use your free agency and head back to his house. And believe me, he will have a message customized just for how you're feeling and what you're going through. You will feel peace in your heart and that message during sacrament will be meant for you. It has happened to me.

I've been out for almost 1 year (and change) but I finally had the strength to go back this past Sunday. My husband, after 12 years of marriage, has bailed on his family and is asking for a divorce. I don't think you could ever imagine the devastation I've lived during this past month in my heart. Even though I knew I had to find Heavenly Father-prayers simply did not feel like enough- I was scared about the act of "going back." You know, you don't want people to wonder why you were gone or why were you back. I felt ashamed of being away for so long; for leaving my calling as a librarian and for now being a member who is going through divorce, but I did the only thing that would make me feel some sense of peace in my heart, I prayed the night before.

In my prayers, I asked for strength to face whatever came my way (and for the strength not to cry). Well, I went there that morning and during sacrament, one of the speakers was talking about finding strength during rough times, which was exactly what I needed. It was weird, for I felt as if she had been called there that morning to talk specifically to me. It felt as if she knew the pain I felt in my heart and the feelings of abandonment I was facing every hour of every day. She spoke to me and incidentally enough, she even-for some strange reason- kept centering her words in my direction.

So, I felt better and most importantly, I did not cry. My bishop came to talk to me and I felt even better. People came up to me telling me how much they had missed me, etc.

Listen, I don't know how my life is going to be in the future. Trying to cope with just the emotional part of my husband giving up in his family has hit me hard, but there's one thing I know for sure. I know that Heavenly Father received me with open arms this past Sunday Morning, to the point that I could hear him talk to me and saying, " Welcome back my child."

I haven't said this in a long time- offer my testimony- but I will share it with you here. Listen, I know this church is true. I know that the Book of Mormon is true also- don't ever find that phrase cliche because it isn't. It really is true and the most powerful book I know. I also know that life itself is hard and harsh for some of us, but rest assure that when Heavenly Father puts you out there He is certain that even during the harshest times, you will always know in your heart- even if you murmur against him like I've done- that you know He loves you. He knows this and accepts you with open arms each and every time you decide to go back because he would never give you or send anything your way that you won't be able to handle.

So my sincere advice is for you to give yourself a hug for making this move- the best move you've done in months. I commend you, my friend and hope that you never forget that you're LDS no matter what. Don't ever let anyone let you question your faith or judge for being inactive. Only Heavenly Father can do that but even He with all his power would never ever do that to you.

Stay're not the only one.

Thank you so much for your kind reply! It's true, during all the meetings I felt as if some of the messages were meant for me. I made some new friends, including an investigator, and I just feel that since I made my decision I've had so many more blessings.

Again, thank you, and I hope that everything is going well for you. It sounds like you're going through some hard times. Don't ever lose hope!

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