Thought this would help those of you going through a hard time

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"You, the youth of the Church, were generals in the war in Heaven, and one day, when you are in the spirit world,

you will be enthralled by those with whom you are associated. You will ask someone in which time period they lived,

and you might hear, "I was with Moses when he parted the Red Sea," or "I helped build the pyramids," or "I fought with Captain Moroni." And as you are standing there in amazement, someone will turn to you and ask in which prophet's time period you lived. And when you say, "Howard W. Hunter" or "Gordon B. Hinckley" a hush will fall over every hall and corridor in Heaven, and all in attendance will bow at your presence. You were held back 6,000 years because you were the most talented, most obedient, most courageous and the most rightous. ARE YOU STILL?"

-President Thomas S. Monson.

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Mormon mythology.

This has been attributed to President Monson, Elder Packer, President Hinckley, Elder Faust, and any number of other Apostles. None of them have ever claimed it. In fact, it became so widespread at one point that it was presented to the 15 (at least five years ago by now), to see if any of them had ever in fact said it, and not one of them said that they had.

Not that it's not inspiring, but it's not verifiable.

9. Please do not share any "true" or "faith promoting" stories, unless you can verify the source.

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It was announced in each ward across the world that it was just a myth (or it should have been) some time back now. A few weeks after it was announced in ours, a mission presidents wife was doing a talk in my ward and she stated it as fact. A bit worrying, I have no doubt she repeated it to the missionaries as well. I get very concerned about things like this, where someone in an authority position will happily pass unverified information onto those they are in charge of, not just in the church but outside as well. E-mail forwards are a good example of this.

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Ezra Taft Benson has used a similar theme in a couple of his talks...I posted it a while back.

I want you to know that it is a great honor to be with you and feel of your spirit. You young men and women are choice spirits; you were reserved for this special time; you have a unique task to accomplish in this world, and our prayers are constantly with you that you will live up to the expectations the Lord has for you. We love you. We have confidence in you. We pray for you.

The people of every generation, I suppose, see the time in which they live as being exceptional. The truth of the matter is that you do live in a most exceptional time in the history of the world. You young people will see events transpire which were promised from the beginning of the world. Prophets of old have seen your days and rejoiced in them. And yet, you will face challenges and circumstances the severity of which has been unparalleled in generations past. For this you must be prepared. -Ezra Taft Benson

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"You, the youth of the Church, were generals in the war in Heaven, and one day, when you are in the spirit world,

you will be enthralled by those with whom you are associated. You will ask someone in which time period they lived,

and you might hear, "I was with Moses when he parted the Red Sea," or "I helped build the pyramids," or "I fought with Captain Moroni." And as you are standing there in amazement, someone will turn to you and ask in which prophet's time period you lived. And when you say, "Howard W. Hunter" or "Gordon B. Hinckley" a hush will fall over every hall and corridor in Heaven, and all in attendance will bow at your presence. You were held back 6,000 years because you were the most talented, most obedient, most courageous and the most rightous. ARE YOU STILL?"

-President Thomas S. Monson.

If we hadn’t had enough debunking yet:

A statement has been circulated that asserts in part that the youth of the Church today “were generals in the war in heaven . . . and [someone will] ask you, ‘Which of the prophet’s time did you live in?’ and when you say ‘Gordon B. Hinckley’ a hush will fall, . . . and all in attendance will bow at your presence.”

This is a false statement. It is not Church doctrine. At various times, this statement has been attributed erroneously to President Thomas S. Monson, President Henry B. Eyring, President Boyd K. Packer, and others. None of these Brethren made this statement.

Stake presidents and bishops should see that it is not used in Church talks, classes, bulletins, or newsletters. Priesthood leaders should correct anyone who attempts to perpetuate its use by any means, in accordance with “Statements Attributed to Church Leaders,” Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 1 (2006), 173.

--First Presidency Letter, 25 February 2008

The following new release from President Packer also makes clear the false nature of this quote

LDS Church News - Pres. Packer refutes quote

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This is a quote I used in a talk yesterday about hope. While not as 'exciting' as the faith promoting rumor that has been flying around for ages, it still lets us know who we really are, and what our divine potential is...

George Q Cannon, in Gospel Truth, said the following regarding us and our generations:

“We have got to be watchful, for I tell you God has sent us here to test us and to prove us. We were true in keeping our first estate. The people that are here today stood loyally by God and by Jesus, and they did not flinch. If you had flinched then, you would not be here with the Priesthood upon you. The evidence that you were loyal, that you were true and that you did not waver is to be found in the fact that you have received the Gospel and the everlasting Priesthood. Now you are in your second estate, and you are going to be tested again. Will you be true and loyal to God with the curtain drawn between you and Him, shut out from His presence, and in the midst of darkness and temptation, with Satan and his invisible hosts all around you, bringing all manner of evil influences to bear upon you? The men and the women that will be loyal under these circumstances God will exalt, because it will be the highest test to which they can be subjected.” (Gospel Truth, 1:7;)

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