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Many Christians that claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior trust in His words and as a result know they are going to live with God again. As a Latter-day Saint, and as of this moment, do you know you are going to live with God again or do you feel you'll have to wait and see after this life?

Thanks and IJA,


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Originally posted by Setheus@Jul 17 2005, 05:04 PM

I am possitive that if I died right now I would not even see the distant light of Heaven.

And I think that you are too hard on yourself....maybe you just don't see what others see in you. You may not see it....but it's still there.

Chin up buckeroo.... if you don't think that you would even see the distant light of Heaven.... I think we are all in big trouble. :ph34r:

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Originally posted by Setheus@Jul 17 2005, 06:04 PM

I am possitive that if I died right now I would not even see the distant light of Heaven.


For what it is worth I did a lot of thinking about you this weekend while I was away. I am very thankful to you and others who serve our country.

I believe Lindy is right that you are too hard on yourself. :(

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I have been on this board for a long time and I know with a surety that you are wrong, our father in heaven is a wonderful and loving father, and all's it takes to be forgiven is you asking. You are not as aweful as you lead on, we all have our faults here and we are all here trying to perfect ourselves at our own rate. Take one day at a time and you will do just fine.

Big Hugs

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Originally posted by LaurelTree@Jul 18 2005, 08:35 AM


  I'm possitive I am, now in what glory? " to that is another question?" B)

Gotta Love you LT.... My thougts exactly!

I don't want to leave my friends behind....so I think a lower level will suit me just fine ;)

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Yes, I'm going to live with God again. I know this because I make my faith in Jesus Christ a priority in my life. I'm not perfect and I sometimes make mistakes, but I try to do my best each day and when I fail I ask God for his forgiveness.

What I don't know is, what level of glory I will attain in heaven. I'm working to obtain the celestial kingdom, but I don't know if I will be able to follow the straight and narrow path for my entire life and avoid the temptations along the way.

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I agree with Lindy, SF and LT, and think that you are too hard on yourself. God not only sees our faults, but also the good things that we do in this life. :)

I have read several of your post, and I can see a good man that has compassion for others. You seem to have a special guardian ability in your advise to the younger and/or more vulnerable posters. :)

As a soldier, you are also a protector of our country. Without this protection, we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms that we have become accustomed to. :)

If you haven't already done so .... take a look at the thread : "Just A Reminder, To Remember". Lindy shares a poem by: Dennis Edward O"Brien, Chaplain United States Marine Corp. I think that this poem is just great and have added it to my collection! :D

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Thanks for your responses, all. I've learned a few things and gained great insights. I enjoyed the respones that said something to the effect that "Yes, by my faith in Jesus I know I will live in heaven, but what kingdom . . . .?" Anyway, thank you.

Shawn @ BAM

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Originally posted by begood2@Jul 19 2005, 02:42 AM


I agree with Lindy, SF and LT, and think that you are too hard on yourself.  God not only sees our faults, but also the good things that we do in this life. :)

I have read several of your post, and I can see a good man that has compassion for others. You seem to have a special guardian ability in your advise to the younger and/or more vulnerable posters. :)

As a soldier, you are also a protector of our country. Without this protection, we would not be able to enjoy the freedoms that we have become accustomed to. :)

If you haven't already done so .... take a look at the thread : "Just A Reminder, To Remember". Lindy shares a poem by: Dennis Edward O"Brien, Chaplain United States Marine Corp. I think that this poem is just great and have added it to my collection! :D

SUNSHINE! ...... (my special word for the week ;) )

Great post BTW BG2!

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