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I'm new here. I'm living in the Michiana area now near the boarder of Indiana and Michigan.

In 1999 I sold everything I owned so I could move to Orem where I went to Orem Insitute of Religion all day long every day for a year.

I received my ecclisiastical endorsement from the LDS church to enter the Army as a Chaplain. The concept of an LDS chaplain is not well known in the LDS church but they do exist. A chaplains job is to minister to all persons in the unit, military, hospital, jail, police station or where every they may be. So regardless of the peoples faith we must minister to them where they are at. I was slated to go into the Army as a chaplain and had the endoresment form the church but I ended up getting a divorce and full custody of my children. So with the responsiblity of raising my children alone I moved near family back in the Michiana area.

I wrote a book about the experience called

Confessions of a Mormon Minister: Professionally Qualified as Clergy and Endorsed for the Military Chaplaincy by the LDS Church

It is now on Amazon at Confessions of a Mormon Minister: Professionally Qualified as Clergy and Endorsed for the Military Chaplaincy by the LDS Church (9781448627684): George Blake: Books

I miss being in the Orem Institute of Religion all day every day. It was the most spiritual place I have ever been (other than the temple).

My personal web page is George Blake | Niles, Michigan | Author, Writer, Director, Consultant



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Welcome. Yes an LDS as a chapalain is a a bit new thing. I dont think they would allow that in Scandinavia... :(... gret to see a pioner on that area!

Thanks for the welcome. I'm not sure if I'm exact on this, but there is about one LDS Chaplain per 250,000 members. So even though they are in your area you probably never ran into one.

I was trained by the LDS Church and received my Ecclesiastical Endorsement from them. Now I am a non-denominational chaplain.

The course manual for chaplains at BYU is called "Introduction to Military Ministry."

That is course C 540 R.

Religious Pluralism is Lesson 1. In Ensign July 1986 A handout from that manual Elder Wm. Grant Bangerter says "Do we really believe that all ministers of other churches are corrupt? Joseph Smith certainly did not intend to communicate that"

Elder M. Russell Ballard whom I met with 40 LDS chaplains, most in military uniforms, at Church Headquarters said in 1988 Ensign November page 28 "We might ask ourselves how the newcomers in our wards would be treated if we were the only ones they ever met. Every member of the Church should foster the attributes of warmth, sincerity, and love for the newcomers."

I was baptized in the LDS Church in 1986, but I am a newcomer here.

I thank all of your in this thread for the warm welcome.

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I was a school eacher here in Norway and they were very suspicious of my religion teaching. Luckily we had 4 classes together so the teachers could tell I was teaching ok and not pushing my beliefs to 5-6year olds.:P

One teacher could not even remember the story of Jesus as 12 year old in the Temple... :eek:

It is a bit an other thing here in Scandinavia...

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