Can You Say Ludicrous?


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A secondary school is to allow pupils to swear at teachers - as long as they don't do so more than five times in a lesson. A running tally of how many times the f-word has been used will be kept on the board. If a class goes over the limit, they will be 'spoken' to at the end of the lesson.

The astonishing policy, which the school says will improve the behaviour of pupils, was condemned by parents' groups and MPs yesterday. They warned it would backfire.

Assistant headmaster Richard White said the policy was aimed at 15 and 16-year-olds in two classes which are considered troublesome.

'Tolerate but not condone'

"Within each lesson the teacher will initially tolerate (although not condone) the use of the f-word (or derivatives) five times and these will be tallied on the board so all students can see the running score," he wrote in the letter

"Over this number the class will be spoken to by the teacher at the end of the lesson."

In an unrelated story a discovery has been made that the world is full of morons,

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I had to laugh Snow.... looking around that page I know it's not an American newspaper site...looks like it's from England to me! LOL

I am asking your permission to use you're byline:

"In an unrelated story a discovery has been made that the world is full of morons,"

This was just too good to pass up :) There's a kid in Czech Republic I know who will really get a kick out of this one.

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I have to agree, that policy is ludicrous.

It’s basically like telling someone that doing "that" is wrong, but it’s okay to do "that" 5 times in each lesson, and then after that, we’ll talk.

And I wonder what they'll talk about? Why someone shouldn't do "that" at all, or why someone shouldn't do "that" more than 5 times in each lesson?

And what's next? Will they allow all their students to call someone a bad name up to 5 times in each lesson, and then after that "we'll talk"?

And btw, please notice that I didn't personally attack the people who made this policy. I'm only responding to the policy itself and how I do not see that "that" makes any sense at all.

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Guest Member_Deleted

Originally posted by Snow@Aug 29 2005, 09:50 PM

A secondary school is to allow pupils to swear at teachers - as long as they don't do so more than five times in a lesson. A running tally of how many times the f-word has been used will be kept on the board. If a class goes over the limit, they will be 'spoken' to at the end of the lesson.

The astonishing policy, which the school says will improve the behaviour of pupils, was condemned by parents' groups and MPs yesterday. They warned it would backfire.

Assistant headmaster Richard White said the policy was aimed at 15 and 16-year-olds in two classes which are considered troublesome.

'Tolerate but not condone'

"Within each lesson the teacher will initially tolerate (although not condone) the use of the f-word (or derivatives) five times and these will be tallied on the board so all students can see the running score," he wrote in the letter

"Over this number the class will be spoken to by the teacher at the end of the lesson."

In an unrelated story a discovery has been made that the world is full of morons,

Well we have been warned, I am just glad I will be dead before most of them are old enough to hold office or become anyone in power.

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Well we have been warned, I am just glad I will be dead before most of them are old enough to hold office or become anyone in power.

So what happens to the world doesn't matter once you are dead? What about your children and your grandchildren?
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Guest Member_Deleted

Well we have been warned, I am just glad I will be dead before most of them are old enough to hold office or become anyone in power.

So what happens to the world doesn't matter once you are dead? What about your children and your grandchildren?

They will have to live with it, just as I had to live with my generation and believe me having both my brothers go to Nam and most of my generation die young from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and a multitude of other diseases as well as care for our elderly who lived forever long, WAS NO PICNIC.

The way I see it God is the one they need to lean to, not me. My turn will be over, I fought the good fight, but I won't be doing it for my children, they will be doing it for themselves as I did.

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So what happens to the world doesn't matter once you are dead? What about your children and your grandchildren?

They will have to live with it, just as I had to live with my generation and believe me having both my brothers go to Nam and most of my generation die young from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and a multitude of other diseases as well as care for our elderly who lived forever long, WAS NO PICNIC.

The way I see it God is the one they need to lean to, not me. My turn will be over, I fought the good fight, but I won't be doing it for my children, they will be doing it for themselves as I did.

Interesting thought.

I guess I have just seen this world getting progressively worse in my 40 some years here. I have always worried what the world would be like for my children and my childrens children. I remember when I was just a youth Saturdays Warrior came out. I thought "I" will be that generation. Now I feel afraid for my children and their families. I guess that is just me. :unsure.dontknow:

It has been said that if we are prepared we should not fear. What I have seen in the past four years or so has thrown me out of my comfort zone. I do feel prepared in some area of my life but how do we cope with a country in peril?

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Guest Member_Deleted

Originally posted by Strawberry Fields@Sep 2 2005, 11:07 PM

So what happens to the world doesn't matter once you are dead? What about your children and your grandchildren?

They will have to live with it, just as I had to live with my generation and believe me having both my brothers go to Nam and most of my generation die young from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and a multitude of other diseases as well as care for our elderly who lived forever long, WAS NO PICNIC.

The way I see it God is the one they need to lean to, not me. My turn will be over, I fought the good fight, but I won't be doing it for my children, they will be doing it for themselves as I did.

Interesting thought.

I guess I have just seen this world getting progressively worse in my 40 some years here. I have always worried what the world would be like for my children and my childrens children. I remember when I was just a youth Saturdays Warrior came out. I thought "I" will be that generation. Now I feel afraid for my children and their families. I guess that is just me.  :unsure.dontknow:

It has been said that if we are prepared we should not fear. What I have seen in the past four years or so has thrown me out of my comfort zone. I do feel prepared in some area of my life but how do we cope with a country in peril?

When I read what it took to get this country and what our forefathers had to suffer to settle it, looking at what it will take to keep it or lose it, doesn't bother me.

We have had our own trials as have our parents. My parents had to live through the depression when they were young, and served in two wars.

I don't know that there has really ever been 'a perfect time' to live.

I remember the fear the nuclear bomb brought and many of the hippy generation felt that the world was not safe to bring children into. Then there was the vietnam war which was devestating for all who had children or family in it.

Some even committed suiside because it looked like such a frightening time to live and that there was no hope for a future.

I actually think our children will have a better life than we did. They will be stronger and if they have the Lord on their side, what can destroy them?

Physically everything can be devestating. But there has been something physically frightening in every generation of history. I think it is part of Father in Heavens plan.

Look at what the Jews went through, what the pioneers went through, what every generation through out history has gone through.

This earth never was made for a pleasant trip through time. It was meant to gives us experience and trial.

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When I read what it took to get this country and what our forefathers had to suffer to settle it, looking at what it will take to keep it or lose it, doesn't bother me.

We have had our own trials as have our parents. My parents had to live through the depression when they were young, and served in two wars.

I don't know that there has really ever been 'a perfect time' to live.

I remember the fear the nuclear bomb brought and many of the hippy generation felt that the world was not safe to bring children into. Then there was the vietnam war which was devestating for all who had children or family in it.

Some even committed suiside because it looked like such a frightening time to live and that there was no hope for a future.

I actually think our children will have a better life than we did. They will be stronger and if they have the Lord on their side, what can destroy them?

Physically everything can be devestating. But there has been something physically frightening in every generation of history. I think it is part of Father in Heavens plan.

Look at what the Jews went through, what the pioneers went through, what every generation through out history has gone through.

This earth never was made for a pleasant trip through time. It was meant to gives us experience and trial.

Very good points. Thank you dor sharing them. :)

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