Katrina Cleanup Photos


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I've been asked to give more information regarding the Katrina cleanup. Our Stake (the Beaumont, TX Stake) was asked to go to Waveland, MS the weekend before last.

We got on two busses, with approximately 150 men from the stake, at about midnight on Friday night. We drove all night and arrive about 5:30 on Saturday morning. We set up camp (which consisted of tents), ate breakfast and began working around 8:30 a.m. on Saturday. As you can tell, much of the work was cutting up trees that had fallen on people's houses. We also tore out possessions from the homes that were flooded. This included couches, carpet, flooded sheet rock, books, clothes, etc.

We worked Saturday until 6:00. We would have tried to work until dark, but the military had put together a 6:00 curfew.

Sunday morning, we ate and went to sacrament meeting at the Waveland building. There was about 3 feet of water that had entered the building, but it had all cleared out by then. The local members (those that had not left town forever) and all the workers went to church. First time ever I went to church in Levi's and a t-shirt. But all 300 volunteers (which included several other stakes that had joined with us) did the same. We just had one hour of church and worked until about 3:30. We then packed up camp, got on the bus and drove home. We arrived home around 10:00.

Although 150 men from our stake worked pretty hard for a couple days, we didn't really seem to make a dent in the overall destruction. There is just so much more to be done. But I will say that the members and non-members that we helped sure were grateful.

Here is a link to the photos again. If you have any questions, let me know.

No, we did not have any electricity, there was no running water, no showers, and no porta-potties. :) Just lots of trips to the woods. :)



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Originally posted by hcraighall@Sep 19 2005, 10:12 PM

I've been asked to give more information regarding the Katrina cleanup.  Our Stake (the Beaumont, TX Stake) was asked to go to Waveland, MS the weekend before last.

We got on two busses, with approximately 150 men from the stake, at about midnight on Friday night.  We drove all night and arrive about 5:30 on Saturday morning.  We set up camp (which consisted of tents), ate breakfast and began working around 8:30 a.m. on Saturday.  As you can tell, much of the work was cutting up trees that had fallen on people's houses.  We also tore out possessions from the homes that were flooded.  This included couches, carpet, flooded sheet rock, books, clothes, etc. 

We worked Saturday until 6:00.  We would have tried to work until dark, but the military had put together a 6:00 curfew. 

Sunday morning, we ate and went to sacrament meeting at the Waveland building.  There was about 3 feet of water that had entered the building, but it had all cleared out by then.  The local members (those that had not left town forever) and all the workers went to church.  First time ever I went to church in Levi's and a t-shirt.  But all 300 volunteers (which included several other stakes that had joined with us) did the same.  We just had one hour of church and worked until about 3:30.  We then packed up camp, got on the bus and drove home.  We arrived home around 10:00.

Although 150 men from our stake worked pretty hard for a couple days, we didn't really seem to make a dent in the overall destruction.  There is just so much more to be done.  But I will say that the members and non-members that we helped sure were grateful.

Here is a link to the photos again.  If you have any questions, let me know.

No, we did not have any electricity, there was no running water, no showers, and no porta-potties. :)  Just lots of trips to the woods. :)



That is really interesting. It's amazing to me to see the good that is done for others in times of need. I know that there is also bad but I choose to focus on the good. :D

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Hcraighall sd: "Its amazing the opportunities the church gives us."

I think it's great that you went to help with the cleanup/relief effort. However, people from all faiths, and from no faiths, were/are there helping. It's amazing how so many people have come together during this disaster. Anyway, thanks for sharing. Some of those photos are unbelievable.

(It's also amazing how many people have been split, politically speaking, but I'm trying to focus on the positive.)

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Originally posted by shanstress70@Sep 20 2005, 06:53 AM

Hcraighall sd: "Its amazing the opportunities the church gives us."

I think it's great that you went to help with the cleanup/relief effort.  However, people from all faiths, and from no faiths, were/are there helping.  It's amazing how so many people have come together during this disaster.  Anyway, thanks for sharing.  Some of those photos are unbelievable.

(It's also amazing how many people have been split, politically speaking, but I'm trying to focus on the positive.)

I was in no way inferring that people of other faiths were not participating/helping. However, if you are not part of an organized group, you were not let in Waveland (unless you want to risk running past the guys in camo with big guns). I was just stating that it is so nice that the church is able to organize this for us, so that we can participate in such meaningful service. Yes, there were other faiths there helping as well.

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Originally posted by Faerie@Sep 20 2005, 08:16 AM

great pictures :) our stake is going down 3 different weekends beginning this weekend to help out....

shan: the cleanup work in our stake is left to the priesthood...since they will be gone the entire weekend...

How cool is that... where are you from Faerie? Our stake isn't doing anything but collecting money... no one is going down that I knowof...

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Originally posted by Faerie@Sep 20 2005, 09:16 AM

great pictures :) our stake is going down 3 different weekends beginning this weekend to help out....

shan: the cleanup work in our stake is left to the priesthood...since they will be gone the entire weekend...

Hi Faerie, good to hear from you. How's the baby?

Not trying to start trouble here, but I'm just curious to know why it isn't OK for women to go the entire weekend. I'm sure most mothers of young children wouldn't want to, as I would not leave my child for an entire weekend. However, there are lots of women who are not mothers, and then there are mothers of teens who would easily be able to get away. I'm saying this because I'm sure there are females who would like to be of service as well.

Is this a churchwide rule, or just something in your stake?

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i'm sure a lot of it has to do w/ the fact that they will be spending the night...plus i'm sure wanting a big priesthood presence is part of that...they're sending them into the really hard hit areas where they will be walking around in muck and tearing down houses...my hubby had to go buy rubber boots and masks and such...not that women can't do that, but i'm sure it's just easier to delegate to a bunch of men...

we live outside of chattanooga, so we're only about 10 hours away from NO...i'm a wee worried due to rita, but i don't think the stake president would send our guys into harms way...

also want to point out that i'm sure the relief society is doing stuff to help, haven't been to church in a couple of weeks so i couldn't tell you...

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