I'm desperate


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What's wrong, Pam? Did someone steal your account and change the password?

Do you have basic questions?

What's the issue?

If it's the first one, which would make the most sense, you would have to phone them and provide the information you provided when you first signed up your account. If it wasn't accurate and you don't remember, they will not be able to release your account to you sadly.

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Actually your first thought has crossed my mind. It was working just fine late Monday night. Went to log into it yesterday and it asked for a password. Tell me username and/or password incorrect. So I go to try and reset it. Asks me the security questions. No question that my answer is correct. Tells me it's incorrect..so another option is to have it sent to my email addy. Well the email addy they want to send it to is of course the one I can't get into.

I've already sent off a validation of account request but was told it could take several days. My problem is I fly out in 5 days and the person I need to contact is of course in my email. I've learned a lot of lessons over this but unfortunately they don't help me now.

I've tried calling a number I found..but it says "Will only assist those subscribed to a premium service."

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So out of desperation I was hoping someone knew of someone that might be able to assist me. Someone that has access. I know a long shot..but when you are desperate.

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