What to do when you get no answer to prayer?


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Just wanted to say thanks again everyone. I also wanted to thank those who earlier gave advice on some other work opportunities I could do that might be more flexible. I didn't get a chance earlier.

Now I have to take Vicodin and go to bed. The tooth I was supposed to get fixed today turned out to be worse off that we'd originally thought, and it had to be pulled. I had a headache going in to the office, and now my head is throbbing so bad that I want to vomit (I get headaches like this almost every day; I've missed so much work and school because of them). So I'm off.

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I used to get headaches like that and a few things helped...first off I completely cut 5 things out of my diet...like COMPLETELY...they were bananas, chocolate (terrible, i know), caffeine, anything with tomatoes, and hot dogs...odd list..but the neurologist suggested it and i've not had any since i was 8 and am doing pretty good! Also, they put me on a Beta blocker, its usually a heart med but does wonders for these kinds of headaches! Maybe you could look into it with your doc, I am on proponolol (sp?) in low doses and haven't had a bad headache in ages. I hope your feeling better!

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Just wanted to post an update.

Yesterday I was feeling pretty crummy with having that tooth pulled, knowing that I was going to be off work for a couple of days, feeling sick from the pain and woozy from the pain meds. I felt sure I was going to get fired. So I prayed to Heavenly Father and basically told him, "I'm so confused, I really don't know which decision is best and I'm really upset about this. Can't you just give me a hint?" At that very moment this popped into my head: "Leave of absence". Later that night DH told me that he'd been praying that day about what we should do, and the same phrase popped into his head (I hadn't yet told him I'd felt that prompting too).

This morning I called work to let them know I would be missing more shifts and why, and told them that I was worried about losing my job and what were my options? What did they advise me to do? You guessed it: apply for a leave of absence. Normally that option would not be available to me (you have to be there a year and I've only been there four months), but the head of personnel is going to see what she can do, since I have medical documentation that I have been seeing a doctor about these headaches and I have a note from the dentist about the tooth and that he wants me off work for the weekend (I can't drive with the painkillers I'm on, nor can I stand for very long without feeling very dizzy and light-headed, and my job involves standing all day).

So it seems I really was asking the wrong questions! It had never occurred to me that there might be more than two options. I still don't know for sure if I'll be able to get a leave of absence, but even if I can't and end up losing the job, at least I'll know I tried. I'll be able to look my bishop in the eye and tell him that I did try to save my job.

And if I can get the leave of absence, then it buys me some time to find out what the heck these headaches are and find some way to hopefully get rid of them, or at least keep them under control, as well as check into my mental health. Maybe I'll still end up needing to leave the job, but hopefully I will be in a better position mentally and emotionally by then to make that decision. And maybe we'll discover that we can get by without my income after all (since I won't get paid for that time off).

So even though things are still up in the air as of right now, I'm feeling so much more peaceful about this whole situation today.

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MormonMama, I got no "burning in my chest" that I should marry my husband, no angels visited me in a dream, no amazing miracle at all. For a time, I was confused, maybe I shoudn't marry him? But why? He is a good guy, who loves me more than the world. I did marry him, best decision I have ever made. Do we have our problems? Yes, but I would never take that decision back. Some times, God trusts your own decisions, and wants us decide for ourselves. Some times there is no "right or wrong" answer. Just go with your own instinct, what you feel is best, pray for help and understanding, and God will support you. Best wishes

And does anyone know of any legitimate ways that I could work at home to bring in some extra money? I'm not talking about running my own business, just something I can do in my free time to make extra money. I'm already going to school and raising three kids, and my husband works two jobs as it is, so I don't have a lot of free time.


Hehe, I would like to know the same thing! I'm searching for a job, I'm expecting my first kid and we have some financial troubles, I need a job to relieve some of the stress I'm feeling. I'm researching into it, if I find any thing I'll let you know

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Just wanted to post an update. I still don't know what is going on with my job. The personnel director was out sick all week. She's back today and I've called 4 or 5 times but cannot get hold of her.

Today we found out that DH's car will take over $1300 to keep it running. We don't have that kind of money and won't anytime in the near future, so now we're down to one car. DH's work is a 90-minute round-trip away (and we live nowhere near public transportation or anyone he works with), so I will be driving a total of 3 hours each day to take him to and from work so that I can have the car for school and to pick up the kids (two of them have to stay after school for tutoring and have no way home). Since DH often gets field trips with last-minute notice, I won't know from one day to the next what time I should pick him up. This will make it almost impossible for me to keep my job, even assuming they still want me. I don't know when we'll be able to afford to replace his car. We can't afford even a small car payment, and we certainly don't have the cash to buy a cheap used car, not even on sites like Craigslist. We just have nothing to work with.

I went to the doctor today about my headaches and he prescribed yet another medication, along with something for the nausea and vomiting that I often get with them. He also ordered x-rays and blood work to rule out anything sinister, but he thinks I have migraines. He also thinks I have bi-polar disorder and has ordered a referral to a mental health specialist (I suspect he's right).

So things are still going downhill, with no relief in site. Our income has dropped and our expenses have gone up. It seems as if the decision about my job situation has probably already been made for me. I just don't know what to do anymore. I'm sick with the stress. Part of me wants to just give up, but I know that will only make things worse.

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Numerous times Prophets have spoken out regarding the Mother working outside the home. Re-read the Proclamation to the Family and visit The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and read some of the talks given about Mother's working outside the home. Also, a very good book I recommend is "So Much More" It is a Christian book, but supports the LDS values and it speak out on womanhood and our role.

My Mom has always stayed at home. She had 8 kids and even now we are all raised, but Dad is the sole provider. No, financially I can't say our family was blessed. We went without a lot growing up. None of us could afford to be involved in sports. We had to pay for our own music lesson with the babysitting/housecleaning money that we earned. We wore clothes that were not name brand and often were handme downs from cousins or friends. At one point in our growing up, we lived completely off of our food storage. And yes I remember being hungry. But, I didn't starve to death. I grew up to be healthy (because my parents educated themselves on health and we did our best under the circumstances). I don't know if this is in direct relation or not, but all eight of us are active members of the church. My sister's don't work, nor my sister-in-laws and my nieces and nephews are ALL going on missions, having temple marriages and leading productive, righteous lives. I believe it's because we have grown up secure with learning to work hard for what we want, obeying the Prophet no matter what and knowing Mom's there. I think this is a greater blessing to our family than a few more dollars. I think you will be surprised at how well you can make things work on one income. It sounds to me that you have your answer. Go to the Lord and tell him you are quitting and ask him to give you the courage to do what you know you need to do. Then quit! Also, read Dr. Laura's books. She's non-lds but has great sound advice for stay at home Mom's. you CAN do it!!!! It is worth every effort!!! Keep us posted! I am curious how it will turn out for you! And yes, it's true that "No other success can compensate for failure in the home" Your family needs you home!

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I don't want to bash the OP but I see this kind of thing in my own ward were people are struggling to make ends meet, going to school and having kids at the same time. They end up on church welfare and recive government assistance this bothers me a lot because the church teachs us to be self reliant and to avoid debt, yet the culture of the church sets people up for this very same thing. I saw this behavior growing up and decided that I would take a diffrent route. I got married when I was 27 not 21 or 22 or even 25 I didn't have kids, paid off all school loans, paid off all debt even the cars, have no credit card debt, then bought a house and had a kid....this took 7 years I am 34 and my daughter is 3 mo old. when we had the baby we decided as a family that my wife would not work, this has caused financial hardship and I considered myself prepared...LOL....but it is whats best for our child. I only mention this because Life in and of it's self is difficult I think that our culture of mormanism...if i can call it that leads to the type of situation that the OP finds herself in. Divorce in the church is now at the national average for divorce. MONEY issues are the number one reason for divorce, and in our culture alcholisim, gambling, abuse are not the majior problems that people have....

to the OP I feel for you and your family as you go through these struggles. is there family you can call onto help you out? maybe borrow a car? Just remember that your health and the health of you family come first get yourself taken care of....

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I don't want to bash the OP but I see this kind of thing in my own ward were people are struggling to make ends meet, going to school and having kids at the same time. They end up on church welfare and recive government assistance this bothers me a lot because the church teachs us to be self reliant and to avoid debt, yet the culture of the church sets people up for this very same thing.

I had my kids before I joined the church (I was married previously). I'm 37, so I'm not exactly just starting out and biting off more than I can chew. At one point I was a stay-at-home-mom and DH was making thousands of dollars a month. We bought our minivan for $19,000 cash and took 8 people to Disneyland one year. But we didn't save that money wisely. We thought it would always be there. Then things fell apart, seemingly all at once. We are on church assistance and welfare because DH's job died out and right after that we had major unexpected expenses, including having to replace all the plumbing in our house due to several leaks in different places (and that's where most of our credit card debt came from, because we didn't have the cash to pay for it). We had no running water to most of our house for weeks. Only one bathroom had water, and we had to schlep water from there to the kitchen, heat it on the stove, and use that to wash dishes with. Then we discovered that the bathroom was leaking as well, and that was it. No more water. We had to take out credit cards to pay for the pipes to be replaced, as no one would fix them because they were so old and rusted. And that was just one thing that happened. There were several other major things as well, and they all seemed to come right on top of each other, after DH's high-paying job fizzled out.

We don't want "extra" money for frivolities, we want to be able to pay our own bills! We don't have car payments, I don't have to make payments on my student loans while I'm in school, I get paid to go to school so it doesn't cost me a dime, my ex-husband covers most of my daughters' school and sports expenses (they're going to have to get scholarships for college, which is why we are encouraging them to do sports and other activities that will help with that). DH has two jobs and we still cannot pay our basic living expenses like water, electric, mortgage, etc. We haven't paid our own mortgage payments in over a year now. The church has been paying it, and we have a VERY small mortgage payment! Less than a 1-bedroom apartment costs. Yet it's still more than we can pay.

That's why I had to go back to work. Our bishop even told me to get a job so we could become self-sufficient. But the job situation just hasn't worked out. Not right now anyway. We still need the extra money and I'm not looking forward to telling the bishop next week that we need even more help than before. But with one car, there is no way DH and I can both work. Not with him already working two jobs and having late nights at his day job at random intervals. I never know from one day to the next when he will get off work. It's kind of hard to schedule a job for myself around that when I have to provide his transportation. It's going to be hard enough to work that around the two nights a week that I'm in school. He may be waiting a long time for me to pick him up if he gets off work late on those nights.

And unfortunately both of our families are in the same boat. My dad just lost his job. My mom is about to lose hers this month. My sister is about to lose her home. My in-laws have both had their hours and pay cut. Our extended family members are no better off. No one has a car we can borrow because everyone works and is too far away to share rides with. We're just stuck right now.

It's enough to make me want to dump "civilization" and live in a tent in the woods.

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Sounds like you are having it really rough. I'm Canadian so things most likely work different down there but have you looked into financial alternatives? In Nova Scotia we have alternatives to things like bankruptcy.

OPD or orderly payment of debts is a government program where you consolidate your debts, they freeze the interest rate at prime, you pay into the program the amount they determine with you based on a budget analysis of what you can afford. They then take the lump sum and distribute it to the creditors. It damages your credit rating while on it but most companies quickly restore it when you are discharged.

Consumer Proposal is a new one, you can go through a trusty in Bankruptcy or credit councilor and figure out what you can do. Then contact various creditors and give them a proposal for dealing with the situation. Some people show they don't have the ability to pay the entire debt but contract to pay 50% in exchange for a reduction in interest rate and removal of the other 50%. There are various suggestions you can make. The theory is the creditors want to get at least something, if they put the person into bankruptcy they get nothing.

Bankruptcy is also an option to consider, while the church frowns upon it sometimes it is the only alternative. At least up here there are many cases where the home can be excluded from the proceedings as the mortgage is often cheaper then rent.

Things are tough all over right now. I learned, I thought, from previous financial mistakes. But ended up renovating the home we bought and pretty much ignoring our financial picture for 4 years while doing all the work. Now we are up to our eyeballs. Between the roof last year, van repairs and a new septic field this year we are close to maxing out our credit. My wifes part time job that was a nice boost is now the only thing keeping our heads above water. We got ourselves back on track but have a long haul ahead to get clear and if anything serious goes we might go under.

It sounds to me like you working out side the home is going to be more costly to your situation then helpful. I mentioned before a few home based business thoughts, I am sure you could find more in your area. Maybe some of your family could get together and create something to help you all out. If is amazing how much duplication our little family units go through and extra expense it causes. Bulk buying, group cooking, work parties etc can help boost spirits and save money. Pooling resources especially with family can help everyone out.

You sound like your family has had a very hard struggle for some time now. Wish there was a wand we could wave to make things at least stable but that I guess is not Heavenly Fathers way. I guess we only have two alternatives, keep treading water until it gets shallower or sink into despair. I consider despair from time to time but figure when I come back up I'll still be in the same place only wetter!

Remember you are not treading alone.

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I had my kids before I joined the church (I was married previously). I'm 37, so I'm not exactly just starting out and biting off more than I can chew. At one point I was a stay-at-home-mom and DH was making thousands of dollars a month. We bought our minivan for $19,000 cash and took 8 people to Disneyland one year. But we didn't save that money wisely. We thought it would always be there. Then things fell apart, seemingly all at once. We are on church assistance and welfare because DH's job died out and right after that we had major unexpected expenses, including having to replace all the plumbing in our house due to several leaks in different places (and that's where most of our credit card debt came from, because we didn't have the cash to pay for it). We had no running water to most of our house for weeks. Only one bathroom had water, and we had to schlep water from there to the kitchen, heat it on the stove, and use that to wash dishes with. Then we discovered that the bathroom was leaking as well, and that was it. No more water. We had to take out credit cards to pay for the pipes to be replaced, as no one would fix them because they were so old and rusted. And that was just one thing that happened. There were several other major things as well, and they all seemed to come right on top of each other, after DH's high-paying job fizzled out.

We don't want "extra" money for frivolities, we want to be able to pay our own bills! We don't have car payments, I don't have to make payments on my student loans while I'm in school, I get paid to go to school so it doesn't cost me a dime, my ex-husband covers most of my daughters' school and sports expenses (they're going to have to get scholarships for college, which is why we are encouraging them to do sports and other activities that will help with that). DH has two jobs and we still cannot pay our basic living expenses like water, electric, mortgage, etc. We haven't paid our own mortgage payments in over a year now. The church has been paying it, and we have a VERY small mortgage payment! Less than a 1-bedroom apartment costs. Yet it's still more than we can pay.

That's why I had to go back to work. Our bishop even told me to get a job so we could become self-sufficient. But the job situation just hasn't worked out. Not right now anyway. We still need the extra money and I'm not looking forward to telling the bishop next week that we need even more help than before. But with one car, there is no way DH and I can both work. Not with him already working two jobs and having late nights at his day job at random intervals. I never know from one day to the next when he will get off work. It's kind of hard to schedule a job for myself around that when I have to provide his transportation. It's going to be hard enough to work that around the two nights a week that I'm in school. He may be waiting a long time for me to pick him up if he gets off work late on those nights.

And unfortunately both of our families are in the same boat. My dad just lost his job. My mom is about to lose hers this month. My sister is about to lose her home. My in-laws have both had their hours and pay cut. Our extended family members are no better off. No one has a car we can borrow because everyone works and is too far away to share rides with. We're just stuck right now.

It's enough to make me want to dump "civilization" and live in a tent in the woods.

Sad it may seems, the media is painting a picture that everything is on track but in fact, the government folks are glossing over the true numbers to hide what is really happening in the economy. Even next year, this nation is facing over four hundred more financial institution now are floundering may closed their doors in 2010, another round of foreclosures are coming in the spring, fiat spending will only collapse the dollar by next summer, and trying to lead the masses in a positive direction while hiding everything is not beneficial for the public right now. I know it is a true depression we are in but tell it like it is so we can all move on from this point. Seeing what has occurred since 2008, if it wasn’t for the government intervention, we would be facing another 1929. Thought, I agree with the brethren, it will only get worse but need to be positive and focus on the family and the gospel.

I know my own family has blessed in times of economic woes but we have our annual trials of fire from August to December timeframe. Even this year, it has not changed. But our positive outlook of life is brighter than the last four we faced. I truly marvel on our trials as we grow stronger together – bonding ourselves as members of a larger family – we go through struggles together and not separately. As we share what we have with others around us in keeping moving forward in unity.

I only hope for all of us, is not to loose our faith and share what we have to those in need.

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In reply to Will. That's great for you that you made all those wonderful decisions and everything turned out perfectly for you. Just so you know, my Father also had finished school, had a very well paying job, paid cash for cars, home everything. My older brothers and sisters knew of vacations, ate very well and had private tutors. Due to unplanned circumstances that were out of control, (his health was one of them) his financial situation changed for the worse. I am number 7 of eight, so it affected my little brother and me the most. I think you would be wise to take another look at what you are calling "mormon culture". The families that I know of that stay together and do not divorce over money are the families that the mother stays at home and does not go to work. And these families are not on welfare. It is extremely judgmental of you to assume that just because they are on one income that they are on welfare. And even if they are on welfare, it is none of your business. And if they are on welfare, it is not because they heeded the council of Prophets to not put off having children. You need to realize that even when someone puts their best foot forward and makes all the "right" decisions it doesn't always work out as planned. As with my family. My Father is very well qualified and has been his whole life.

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To Mormonmama, Reading your second reply about made me want to cry! I really truly feel for your situation and can identify so well. It is exactly what my family faced growing up. Once the water was actually turned off and a good brother in the ward went to the water company and had them turn it on for us. Threats of the home being repossessed were constant and food was always so appreciated. I guess I don't know what to say. Just hang in there and keep the faith no matter what. Heavenly Father is aware of your circumstances - I know that! Sometimes the trials we face in life don't make sense that we have to face them. At these times I think of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Doctrine and Covenants section 122. He is such an amazing example of enduring in faith to the end. And of course, our Savior was the perfect example of this. Continue searching the words of the Prophets and make it a matter of constant prayer and your answer will come. Maybe not in the way you will like or expect, but it will come.

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In reply to Will. That's great for you that you made all those wonderful decisions and everything turned out perfectly for you. Just so you know, my Father also had finished school, had a very well paying job, paid cash for cars, home everything. My older brothers and sisters knew of vacations, ate very well and had private tutors. Due to unplanned circumstances that were out of control, (his health was one of them) his financial situation changed for the worse. I am number 7 of eight, so it affected my little brother and me the most. I think you would be wise to take another look at what you are calling "mormon culture". The families that I know of that stay together and do not divorce over money are the families that the mother stays at home and does not go to work. And these families are not on welfare. It is extremely judgmental of you to assume that just because they are on one income that they are on welfare. And even if they are on welfare, it is none of your business. And if they are on welfare, it is not because they heeded the council of Prophets to not put off having children. You need to realize that even when someone puts their best foot forward and makes all the "right" decisions it doesn't always work out as planned. As with my family. My Father is very well qualified and has been his whole life.

to the OP I know that financial circumstances can change as I have also gone through the issue of having a great paying job and loseing it in the past adn struggling to pay even basic bills... I understand that I do not know your situation and the circumstances surrounding it, I only wish you the best and hope that you come out of this ok.

Silvermoon if you read my post my wife stays at home and does not work, money is tighter than I want it to be, things have not worked out as I had them laid out, look how long it took me to get were I am at....and there are still things I want to accomplish and am not happy with.

I am not passing judgement on anyone so if you or anyone else takes my previous post personally sorry.

I am only making an observation about MY view of mormon culture, and my personal experiences lets face it the culture teachs us to marry young and start a family when we are least prepared for it, this should change people need to be more prepared......but trust me if you were the financial clerk of your ward it would SHOCK you to know who is on the church dole....there are people in my ward who have had kids knowing that they didn't have health insurance!!! thats just irresponsible...they end up on medicare ...and WIC.... MY tax dollars supporting their poor decisions....of course these types of programs are needed because the child bears no fault of the actions and irresponsibility of their parents..And I agree even when people try to put there best foot forward they may have issues health problems/ a struggling job market through no fault of there own, and assistance may be necessary.....

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Well, it's official. My job is gone. There is no provision for a leave of absence for those who have worked less than 12 months. I was there only 4 months. Part of me is actually relieved, but of course part of me is even more stressed now. At least I can hold my head up when I tell the bishop that I lost my job. I guess maybe this is why I didn't feel I was getting any answer to prayer, because it wasn't my decision to make.

Bankruptcy is also an option to consider, while the church frowns upon it sometimes it is the only alternative.

Bankruptcy is not an option to us. We already have one in our past, and you have to have 10 years between filings. We have been thinking about the credit counseling option (we have similar programs here), though it still wouldn't help with the basic bills. If we could get rid of our credit card debt and medical bills it would help though. I don't know if they can do anything with student loans (or if that would mess up my current financial aid).

Things are tough all over right now. I learned, I thought, from previous financial mistakes.

That's part of our problem. We we had a good income once, but we made the mistake of not saving up for emergencies. When those emergencies came the job was gone and so was the money. I can tell you we'll never make that mistake again!!

I guess we only have two alternatives, keep treading water until it gets shallower or sink into despair. I consider despair from time to time but figure when I come back up I'll still be in the same place only wetter!

Remember you are not treading alone.

You're so right! I feel like giving up sometimes, but I know that is not the answer. It will only make things worse. But that tent in the wilderness option is looking pretty good right now, lol!

At these times I think of the Prophet Joseph Smith in Doctrine and Covenants section 122.

Funny you should mention that. I just read Doctrine and Covenants 121 a few days ago, where the Lord says to Joseph, "...peace be unto thy soul; thine adversity and afflictions shall be but a small moment." (7) and "Thou art not yet as Job; they friends do not contend against thee, neither charge thee with transgression, as they did Job." (10) It really reminded me that even though times are very tough right now, they could be so much worse. I've been trying to cling to that these days.

DH is offering to try and pick up more hours at his second job. Bless him, he is so willing to work hard for us. And at least he's been getting an average of 1-2 field trips the past few weeks. That's about 4 extra hours a week (not overtime though, as he only works 30 hours as it is). That definitely will help when we start seeing the pay from those. Maybe between the two options he can make up for my lost income (even though we were struggling with my income included). And we haven't had to use our coolers for about a week now, so that will help bring the electric and water bills down. We just have to find some way to replace his car before I go to NAU in January (because we could really use that extra money from financial aid and I really want to finish my degree). At least that gives us a few months.

Oh, and we did get a piece of good news last night that I almost forgot about: DH's parents are going to visit his aunt for a week (she has cancer, but thankfully it seems to be in remission), and they're letting us borrow their car while they're gone. So at least for a week DH will have reliable transportation to work. After that we'll just have to make do with our one car.

And check out this quote I just happened to read today. I think it's very appropriate for me right now:

"To be cheerful when others are in despair, to keep the faith when others falter, to be true even when we feel forsaken—all of these are deeply desired outcomes during the deliberate, divine tutorials which God gives to us—because He loves us. These learning experiences must not be misread as divine indifference. Instead, such tutorials are a part of the divine unfolding."

--Neal A. Maxwell, "Be of Good Cheer", Ensign Nov 1982, 66

Edited by MormonMama
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You're so right! I feel like giving up sometimes, but I know that is not the answer. It will only make things worse. But that tent in the wilderness option is looking pretty good right now, lol!

My family would love that, we camp every year! That's what my pic is, our tent under a 30*40 foot tarp that covers our entire camp site.

Look up our families favorite scripture 1Nephi 2:15 I use it in talks and spiritual thoughts all the time, it has many uses. In this case literal would work for you!

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I've been thinking this morning, and I can't help but wonder if maybe this Wal-Mart job was meant to last only for the summer. I spent about 9 months looking for work and didn't find a job until June, just when DH's day job ended (he was off for the summer; school bus driver; sometimes he gets a summer school route, sometimes he doesn't). DH's job picked back up in August, right around the time my headaches got so bad that I was throwing up almost every day from the pain, which caused me to start missing a lot of work. I find that a funny coincidence.

While my job didn't totally make up for his lost income, he was able to work more hours at his second job over the summer and between the two of us we kept our income pretty close to what it was when I wasn't working and he was at both jobs. Lately, DH has been getting anywhere from 1-3 field trips a week at work, which means he will get off work anywhere from 4pm to almost midnight. Since we're down to one car, that means that I have to be ready at any time in the evenings to pick him up. However, the plus side is that it's quite a bit more income. It can add a good $200 to $300 to a paycheck, which is pretty much what I earned at Wal-Mart per paycheck. He works his second job on weekends, and he's planning to pick up more hours during the week on the evenings he doesn't have field trips (which he couldn't do when I worked).

So, maybe it was meant to be. Maybe my job was supposed to only be temporary, to help cover DH's lost income. I was so stressed going to school full-time and working part-time and basically being a full-time mom to my kids (since DH's two jobs keep him away from home so much). Even with money as tight as it is, I actually feel really good about our whole situation today. DH is already getting more hours at his day job and should be able to get more hours at his second job as well (they're always asking him if he can work more, and when I was working he just couldn't; now he can).

I consider myself incredibly lucky to have a husband who is willing to work so hard so that I can continue my schooling. I can't even begin to express how grateful I am for him. I hate that he has to work so much, but he keeps saying he's willing to do it so I can finish school. What a gem! :D How did I ever deserve a guy like this?

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