Do truely good people exist?


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It's pretty clear from scripture that light or goodness or knowledge can be lost. The spirit can be lost and for those that lose it, destruction I guess comes pretty fast.

But I think it is also important to understand that recovery missions are possible. That what is lost CAN be found again. This is part of the good news. And as I always say, God is good at restoration projects. :)

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The use of our agency requires great care, especially when we make judgements about other people. All our judgements must be guided by righteous standards. Only God, who knows each individual's heart, can make final judgements of individuals.

I'm thankful for the gospel in my life and the added gift of discernment. I don't think I would have burned out so quickly in my volunteer work had I had the gospel in my life then.

I love Elder Dallin H. Oaks talk given on 1 Mar. 1999 at BYU and printed in the Ensign, Aug. 1999. The opening statement: "There are two kinds of judging: final judgements, which we are forbidden to make, and intermediate judgements, which we are directed to make, but upon righteours principles."

I don't know how to set up a link but it's an article worth reading.

I don't know, but for me, it took a load off my mind, not having to make those final judgements. Yes, there is evil all around and when I think of people being born evil -- I'm not sure I want to go there with such a final statement. Having studied psychology and been around people who had serious problems with their thinking process and did evil things then yes, I can say they were born evil. They were born with brains who malfunctioned, so to speak. What I don't agree with is letting these inborn psychological problems get them off the hook by being unfit to stand trial. IMO they still need to be held accountable for their evil doings. I still stand by Elder Oaks, only God can know their final judgement.

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I honestly don't believe "bad" people exist (& I have had the misfortune of meeting a gent who fits the characteristics of a sociopath. I think he's an opportunist and my former employer who is perhaps one of the most greediest persons I ever met. ) or pure 100% good people exist because we all make mistakes and are indeed very human.

We do very, but I think there becomes a point where our souls can become so dark that we are truly lost and the bad. This to me is a bad or evil person.

It reminds me of an article I was reading, written by a daughter of a serial killer. She talked of how nice her dad acted to her, giving gifts and activities with his kids constantly, but how she could never feel safe or comfortable with him around. There was not legitimate reason at the time that she could name.

I also met someone that I would describe as evil or bad. He was a child molester and was very guilt on incest. I knew this at the time, but when seeing him I only felt this since of pity since his life was going down the tube and he had dementia, losing his capability to write or speak a coherent thought. But when he turned to me and looked me directly in the eye I litterally felt my spirit jump back....I wanted to be far away from his presence and out of his eyesight because I knew there was something deeply and irreparably damaged about it.

Most people I don't think fit this category....but it doesn't mean these people do not exist. And just as there are very/evil people there are also people I'd consider very very good. There can also be people who are lost themselves, but are certainly not lost causes.

I'm in school right now majoring in psychology. It's going to be interesting. :)

So am I. I've so far enjoyed it though I'm more interested in my minor of international development. People and how their minds work are very interesting, to say the least.

With luv,


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Now that we have answered the question of 'are there truely bad people.'

How 'bout, like in the OP, are there truely good people. There is opposition in all things, so who are some truely good people? And what makes them 'truely good?'

Edited by candyprpl
used wrong word in sentence
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