How Will Satan Be Bound?


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How do we know that, out of curiosity?

Ummm it's really complicated.

Joseph Smith said on April 6 1843:

Remarks on the comeing of the Son of Man by Joseph Smith the Prophet. 3 Made in Nauvoo Christ says no man knoweth the day or the hour when the Son of Man cometh. This is a sweeping argument for sectarianism against Latter day ism. Did Christ speak this as a general principle throughout all generations Oh no he spoke in the present tense no man that was then liveing upon the footstool of God knew the day or the hour But he did not say that there was no man throughout all generations that should not know the day or the hour. No for this would be in flat contradiction with other scripture for the prophet says that God will do nothing but what he will reveal unto his Servants the prophets consequently if it is not made known to the Prophets it will not come to pass;

Here is how I know:

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Ummm it's really complicated.

Joseph Smith said on April 6 1843:

Remarks on the comeing of the Son of Man by Joseph Smith the Prophet. 3 Made in Nauvoo Christ says no man knoweth the day or the hour when the Son of Man cometh. This is a sweeping argument for sectarianism against Latter day ism. Did Christ speak this as a general principle throughout all generations Oh no he spoke in the present tense no man that was then liveing upon the footstool of God knew the day or the hour But he did not say that there was no man throughout all generations that should not know the day or the hour. No for this would be in flat contradiction with other scripture for the prophet says that God will do nothing but what he will reveal unto his Servants the prophets consequently if it is not made known to the Prophets it will not come to pass;

Here is how I know:

That is a really cool timeline! Where did you get that. I would like to print it out and study it.

This gives me more to think about.

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That is a really cool timeline! Where did you get that. I would like to print it out and study it.

This gives me more to think about.

Yes they are hand done, every letter actually which is totally insane I think. I didn’t make them but I do have the Originals and I am sort of in charge of sharing them with as many people as possible… There is that one which I have posted as well as there are many more… The guy who created the drawings is a very extremely humble old man who sits in his study all day and studies the scriptures. He’s been doing this work for the past 12 years. He has really taken everything to the next level as far as I can tell. I spent about a month going through a lot of his drawings and talking with him, he is usually very secretive about his findings but suddenly he expressed a strong desire to share the information with everyone. I told him I could make a website for him and post everything on the website for anyone to see. So that is what I’ve been trying to do. Thank you so much for taking an interest in the work that he has done. I find it very interesting and it will be interesting to see how close everything really is in the next couple of years. Should be very exciting,

Angel Palmoni

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Yes they are hand done, every letter actually which is totally insane I think. I didn’t make them but I do have the Originals and I am sort of in charge of sharing them with as many people as possible… There is that one which I have posted as well as there are many more… The guy who created the drawings is a very extremely humble old man who sits in his study all day and studies the scriptures. He’s been doing this work for the past 12 years. He has really taken everything to the next level as far as I can tell. I spent about a month going through a lot of his drawings and talking with him, he is usually very secretive about his findings but suddenly he expressed a strong desire to share the information with everyone. I told him I could make a website for him and post everything on the website for anyone to see. So that is what I’ve been trying to do. Thank you so much for taking an interest in the work that he has done. I find it very interesting and it will be interesting to see how close everything really is in the next couple of years. Should be very exciting,

Angel Palmoni

So it is okay to print out?:)

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Absolutley print everything! He told me that his greatest desire was that no money be made from the drawings... Something about anything you gain from this work (money) would be taken 10 fold in the next life. I don't know if he was serious but all the knowledge is payment enough for me.

Angel Palmoni

I actually made printable versions

Print Version Scrolls

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lol, ya sure,

He's about 75, lives in England, I met him on my mission and took a huge interest in him when in a class he mentioned that the Holy Ghost was an Intelligence I had never really thought about it but it made sense so next time we were at his house I grilled him for answers. I found that he had answers to everything I could ask which was really exciting, but he always made you look for them or come to the answers yourself by asking a better question. I didn't know if they were right but they sure made sence. He's married and has 3 kids all grown up. He was an architect for the LDS in England. That is why he has this gift to draw everything by hand. He always has a calm way about him. He loves studying egyptology and you'll see his research on that throughout the drawings. I lost touch with him after my mission but then in my personal studies I came across a question that I needed and answer to and I dug up his number and called him up. Funny enough he had just finished a 3 day fast because he wanted to know if he should start sharing his work with others. He learned very quickly that some people just really are not ready for more than the basics. I called him and asked him my question which he had an amazing answer for (all his answers are right from the scriptures) and then I asked if he could send me some of the drawings that he was doing. He asked if I could do a website and said I would try and that was that.

Since then I have studied the scriptures more than I would have normally and my testimony has increased greatly in the understanding of the gospel.

The majority of people in the stake know him as the doctrinal GURU which he doesn't like to much.

Funny enough he doesn't want any credit for any of his work he doesn't even want people to know his name.

Angel Palmoni

p.s. He just sent probably his last set of drawings off last week, it's about 50 feet long and it's going to go through the entire history of the world until the end of time and then all the way back again. I am hoping to get it in the mail this next week. Every date and event referenced to from history.

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TheAngelPalmoni p.s. He just sent probably his last set of drawings off last week, it's about 50 feet long and it's going to go through the entire history of the world until the end of time and then all the way back again. I am hoping to get it in the mail this next week. Every date and event referenced to from history.

All the scientific evidence coming forward about the age of earth and bones of human being aged way back, etc. It doesn't shake my testimony 'cause I know that however the truth turns out to be is/was all Heavenly Father's plan. Does your friend have any explanations on this?

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