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You know, for those who are investigating the church, it all boils down to the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. If the Book of Mormon is scripture from God and you know this from revelation from the Holy Ghost, then the origins of it are true. That is, Joseph Smith is really who he said he was and had the experiences he said he did. It also means that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is who it says it is. And if the LDS church is the true church, then its doctrines are true.

That's how I look at it. Once one receives an answer from the Holy Ghost regarding the Book of Mormon, then it has a domino effect.

I have received such an answer. When I prayed about the Book of Mormon, I had an unmistakable experience that I can only ascribe to a sacred, holy moment with my God. I know it and He knows it. It took many years--I was actually baptized into the LDS church for about 5 years before I had THAT experience. Previously, when I decided to be baptized, I had a testimony, but it was a child's version. I felt that it was the right thing and nothing taught to me contradicted the truth as I understood it. But 5 years after living it every day and struggling with it, I came to a moment that when I prayed to know the truth, the Holy Ghost gave me an answer that was distinct and impressionable.

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You know, for those who are investigating the church, it all boils down to the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith. If the Book of Mormon is scripture from God and you know this from revelation from the Holy Ghost, then the origins of it are true.

Interesting. This is quite similar to what millions experience from reading the Qur'an. Once they have that experience from Allah they know that the Prophet was the true Messenger of Allah and the seal of the prophets. Many others turn to Islam because it makes logical sense, but there are many who revert because of a special experience from reading the Qur'an.


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