Dig Deeper into Fasting

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I would like to start a discussion on fasting. One that will enlighten us more then just the standard sunday school understanding of the subject.

The standard understanding of fasting is thus:

  • Fasting brings us closer to God
  • Fasting teaches us self mastery
  • Fasting is a sacrifice and brings forth blessings

Some questions that I would like to hear thoughts on.

  • How does fasting bring you closer to God?
  • If Fasting is a sacrifice of bodily discomfort than why dont we participate in inflicting pain upon oneself as a form of sacrifice? (Think of the monk on Divinci Code)
  • Why do the prophets put such an emphasis on fasting?

I would welcome any thoughts or other questions that you all might have.

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  • How does fasting bring you closer to God?
  • If Fasting is a sacrifice of bodily discomfort than why dont we participate in inflicting pain upon oneself as a form of sacrifice? (Think of the monk on Divinci Code)
  • Why do the prophets put such an emphasis on fasting?
My two cents:

1- Denial of the physical enhances our ability to sense the spiritual.

2- It's not about discomfort. Pain would drown out the spirit.

3- Because God tells them to.


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How does "Denial of the physical enhances our ability to sense the spiritual?"

This is a question of mechanics, akin to asking, "How does prayer increase our spiritual sensitivity?" It is not a bad question per se, but it is probably a useless question. We are not given to understand most of the mechanics of spiritual things. Perhaps one day, but not today.

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We are to follow Christ's example in every way we can. He overcame this world, all the passions, treasures, fame and even death. Fasting when combined with prayer can allow us to listen to the spirit more closely and learn how to not be be distracted by temporal passions. But it is also a way of being thankful for the things we have. We are told in D&C section 59 that it should be done with joy. It's not supposed to be a painful thing but a way of saying I know I have so much, I will give of my abundance to someone else. And by making sacrifices God listens to our prayers.

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Just as Seminarysnoozer suggests I think fasting is often also meant to cause us to feel empathy on multiple levels. First of all, it helps us to relate to the sacrifices that Christ made for us. Secondly, it helps us to reflect on all of those in the world that are without physical or spiritual nutrition. Thirdly, it makes us more fully appreciate the plenty that we have. All of these are non-physical benefits of fasting.

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  • 1 month later...

If you consider fasting a sacrifice or punishment you have missed the meaning. Fasting cleanses the body and prepares it for spiritual feast one seeks from the Holy Ghost. Their is no distraction from worldly functions for the term of the fast. We have been told not to fast more than 24 hrs. We know the spirit works best when working with in a prepared accetable physical body. The key is union of spirit flesh and bone.

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