The new math


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I've only been retired from the classroom for five months, but already I don't understand the new math. It goes something like this:

1.Nearly half a million dollars of stimulus was funneled to a school system in North Chicago. We were told that money saved 473 teaching jobs. The Chicago Tribune, which is no friend to the Republican Party or the conservative cause, investigated and found the school district employed only 290 teachers.

2. We were told in Febuary if the stimulus bill was not passed unemployment would surge to 8.7 percent. It was passed. Unemployment is now 10.2 percent and expected to go higher.

3. President Obama was to bring new hope to the country. (Everytime a Democrat is elected he is to bring new hope to the country. The same was said about Carter and "The Man From Hope" Clinton) I'm beginning to wonder if the hope is that they can elect someone that has some personal morals and knows how to govern. An approval rating of minus 12 doesn't give me much hope.

I guess I'll have to take a refresher course in math. I hear us oldtimers can audit a class for free in Ohio.

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I've only been retired from the classroom for five months, but already I don't understand the new math. It goes something like this:

1.Nearly half a million dollars of stimulus was funneled to a school system in North Chicago. We were told that money saved 473 teaching jobs. The Chicago Tribune, which is no friend to the Republican Party or the conservative cause, investigated and found the school district employed only 290 teachers.

2. We were told in Febuary if the stimulus bill was not passed unemployment would surge to 8.7 percent. It was passed. Unemployment is now 10.2 percent and expected to go higher.

3. President Obama was to bring new hope to the country. (Everytime a Democrat is elected he is to bring new hope to the country. The same was said about Carter and "The Man From Hope" Clinton) I'm beginning to wonder if the hope is that they can elect someone that has some personal morals and knows how to govern. An approval rating of minus 12 doesn't give me much hope.

I guess I'll have to take a refresher course in math. I hear us oldtimers can audit a class for free in Ohio.

Are you sure it wasn't the New York Times you were reading? :lol:

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Who has an approval rating of -12?

The approval rating is found by taking the number that strongly agree with the Presidents policies and subtracting those that strongly disagree with his policies. At the beginning of his administration he was +18. Ten months later he has dropped 30 points. Overall 49% think he is doing a somewhat good job. Fifty one percent disagree. This is down from 68% in January.

This is the Rasmussen Poll. The one that has called the races since 1998 closer than any other poll. They poll only potential voters.

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I've only been retired from the classroom for five months, but already I don't understand the new math. It goes something like this:

1.Nearly half a million dollars of stimulus was funneled to a school system in North Chicago. We were told that money saved 473 teaching jobs. The Chicago Tribune, which is no friend to the Republican Party or the conservative cause, investigated and found the school district employed only 290 teachers.

Not it says teaching jobs not public school teacher position. It saved the jobs of the politicians who TAUGHT us not to listen to them;)

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