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Originally posted by Please+Nov 14 2005, 11:10 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Justlooking@Nov 14 2005, 02:23 AM

Oh by the way, I found the website for




so I emailed a copy of this.

After all, I blame FABIO for distracting me  :wub:  while doing the dishes when I should have been babysitting Daddy more closely.

I wonder what he is going to say... and what will come of this... I hope something fun and exciting. :lol:

I am hoping for a bottle of fine Italian wine and some freshly baked Italian bread!!! :wub::lol::P

Who knows? ...Maybe, even a cameo appearance on Fabio's next I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER! commerical!


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Originally posted by Lindy@Nov 14 2005, 11:34 AM

ROFL...... never did get into FABIO..... not my cup of tea

I was/am more your HANS SOLO type of gal!    oh yea baby!

I have a weakness for :wub: Italian men. Maybe its the accent, maybe its because I am latina... Han Solo never did much for me lol. Guess different strokes for different folks. LOL

I need romance to thrive!

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Originally posted by Justlooking+Nov 14 2005, 07:42 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Lindy@Nov 14 2005, 11:34 AM

ROFL...... never did get into FABIO..... not my cup of tea

I was/am more your HANS SOLO type of gal!     oh yea baby!

I have a weakness for :wub: Italian men. Maybe its the accent, maybe its because I am latina... Han Solo never did much for me lol. Guess different strokes for different folks. LOL

I need romance to thrive!

ROFL...YOU are too much!

Haven't really met any Italian men...And I do love a good accent myself ;)

However.... I did met some Coatian men yesterday... One about floored me when he told me "yes, but we are so much better than the Italians" (Italy was mentioned in the conversation we were having) ...... It was great! Accent and ALL! LOL

Romance? What the heck is that? LOL

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Originally posted by ldsgurl_2002@Nov 15 2005, 02:37 PM

OMG you arent gonna believe this! I just got an email from The Offical Fabio International Fan Club and well i will post it :

I will put this on the web site - it MUST be shared--------


well where is it?? im very curious to know what it says!!!

My question exactly... do you think she meant her blog?

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well here is a scary story that happened to me wehn i was 5

It was going to be a great day at Kings Dominion!! For those who don't know this is a theme park in Virginia...First off my dad tells me and my 3 bros and sis to pay attention to him at all times..and if we get separated to go to the Eiffel Tower that you can see from just about anywhere in the park..

Well we go on rides, mostly little children rides because of course me and my 3 yr old sister can only ride older brothers are 8 10 and 11..or around there somewhere....we take turns picking rides but dad won't go to the "big kid rides" much because i can't ride those...but we take turns picking and we walk past a boat that just goes around in circles...well it just happens to be my brothers turn to pick a ride and he didn't want to ride a baby ride like that...but we stand watching the ride for a minute...well i stand watching it for who knows how long but when i turn around my whole family is gone!!!!!

well i stand there for no telling how so scared..i start to cry and turn around and around but i still don't see them....i really don't know what to do and so i just stand i said it could have been 10 minutes for all i knew...well after standing htere some woman comes and takes me to a trailer...i guess someone told her that i looked lost...well she asks me my name and my parents name but i don't tell her...she leaves me in the front room with some toys and i play there for i dunno how long..coulda been an hour..or just 5 minutes...but i look out the window for any sign of my family and eventually i see my mom bascially running towards the trailer and i run out the door without waiting for the woman...well the woman tells my mom that i wouldn't give her my name and she asked me why..i tell her that she told me never to talk to strangers!!!

i got this story from my memory and my mom filled in the blanks like the don't talk to strangers part....but that was so scary....well after i was found we sat and watched some clowns juggle for a while..then we went on the boat ride!!!!

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Originally posted by Please+Nov 15 2005, 02:42 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-ldsgurl_2002@Nov 15 2005, 02:37 PM

OMG you arent gonna believe this! I just got an email from The Offical Fabio International Fan Club and well i will post it :

I will put this on the web site - it MUST be shared--------


well where is it?? im very curious to know what it says!!!

My question exactly... do you think she meant her blog?

As soon as I get the email back with the link for The Official International Fabio Fan Club I will post it here. :)

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Good job! But remember even if Fabio wants you for his leading lady in a romantic movie ... you still need to contribute to LDS talk based on your past practice that created the demand for your post. I think it is a binding contract that you must honor first. :) :P

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Originally posted by begood2@Nov 17 2005, 06:06 AM


Good job! But remember even if Fabio wants you for his leading lady in a romantic movie ... you still need to contribute to LDS talk based on your past practice that created the demand for your post. I think it is a binding contract that you must honor first. :)  :P

Dont worry, I will remain faithful to my fan base here! I wont forget my roots no matter how much I CAN'T BELIEVE ITS NOT BUTTER! Fabio plies me with...

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k another scary story.... but not scary for me... lol

Once upon a time (I like it when a story starts this way!), my cousin Paul was visiting us for winter vacation. He and uncle Ned were in town for a week and were busy dropping in and staying over at different relatives homes.

Currently, Paul and I have been banished to the lowest recesses, the ultimate pit, the bowels of the earth; the basement, due to our incessant giggling, yelling, and the thwarted food fight at the breakfast nook earlier today. Our teen age imaturity is waying on everyone's nerves.

Paul and I are inseperable due to our inherited nature of playing pranks on unsuspecting poor souls. We have bought just about every practical joke that is sold in the back of comic books. From the electric hand shaking buzzer, to the fake fly in the plastic ice gag, to the hot pepper chewing gum, we have financed homes, cars, and college tuitions for the children of these inventors.

Having exausted every means possible offered on the market, we plot something new that hasn't been done before. Born out of boredom, mischanneled creativity, and downright brattiness, our latest ploy has been hatched.

Victum: Aunt Lori who is a cross between Carol Brady and Martha Stewart. She bakes the best pies we have ever tasted, has a floor so clean you can serve said pies on, and is as sweet as the pies as well.

Objective: Freak her out big time!

Method: Present her with her worst fear, nemesis, and Waterloo.

Now planning something of this scale takes lots of observation, study, and investigation. One learns alot by just looking, taking notes, and asking questions, a skill I have sharpened over the years.

Paul supplies the means to achieve this. He is currently the starting pitcher on his high school baseball team. As a freshman, he has excelled in winning various trophies which has uncle Ned beaming and dreaming of major league.

Once I explain every last detail of the plan to Paul, I notice the glimmer in his eye and the malicious smile on his face, reassuring me that this will be good.

Now to keep it all secret. So much of this plan depends on the elements of good timing, surprize, and irony.

"The plan is great", he asks me, "but how do we get one?"

"Come with me." I answer. "I saw it last week, in the pharmacy, when I was buying some eye shadow."

With that we are running like a pair of unbridled wild horses up the stairs to the front door, down the block, and into Flora's Drug Store.

Going past the makeup, greeting cards, and stomache remedies, we reach the pet department. Reaching on the shelf, I pick up a cat toy. This is not just any old catnip, feathery do dab, or bouncing ball. It is a lifesized small mouse. It is so real looking that one has to take a second look, due to its carefully placed red beedy eyes, glued on rabbit fur, and squiglely thin leather tail.

Even Paul is fooled when he first sees it. He laughs, because he was just about to warn me about the mouse sitting on the shelf. He asks to hold it, looks at it intensely, and agrees, that this will work!!!

With our treasure now in a brown paper bag we rush back to the basement like two crazed mad scientist heading down to the secret laboratory.

I tell Paul to wait a few minuets while I get the supplies we need. I don't think he hears me as I head into the storage closet to get the fishing wire from dad's tackle box, since he is soooo taken with our new toy "Roger". I also grab mom's sewing box and come back into our lab and close the door.

Choosing the largest needle eye, I thread it with a 9 feet long piece of fishing wire that Paul has cut for me. Then we move on to the surgical part of our scheme. On the underside of what is Roger's chin, a stitch is placed attaching the fishing wire.

Now for the moment of life. I place Roger on the table, and gently pull the fishing wire. Since the wire is transparent, Roger slides across with the grace of a prima ballerina.

He's alive!!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (evil laugh)

"What do you think?" I ask.

"It looks real, but I dont know. Something is missing." Paul answers.

I agree, because Roger is just too adorable looking, not scary at all.

Paul picks up Roger, rubs his fur on the bottom of his shoe to disheveled it. Roger's make over makes him look fierce. Between the dirt on him and the ruffled fur he resembles the offspring of the dreaded subway rats that are infamous in the city. Like other make overs on tv, this one makes Roger's eyes stand out more, revealing more of the red in his stare.

Paul the muscle in this plan, now practices throwing Roger across the floor and reeling him back in like a yo-yo. After almost taking out my left eye on one of these pitches, I tell him to aim a bit lower and use the curve ball instead.

Just as warm up in the bull pen is about over, Dad calls down to us and tells us to get ready to go over to Aunt Lori's.

Aunt Lori's home is immaculate, beautiful, and looks like a palace. How the people at Better Home's and Gardens haven't stumbled upon this treasure has always been a mystery to me.

She lavishes us all with a 7 course feast that is the norm in her culinary repetroire. Fresh baked bread, salad, soup, appetizer, main course, side dish, and dessert.

Stuffed out of their minds Uncle Ned and Dad retire to the living room to smoke their cigars. Paul and I unable to move as well, now sit at the kitchen table and watch Aunt Lori load the dinner dishes into the dishwasher.

Thru this all she is so nice to us, asking us about school, friends, and sweet hearts.

Paul almost blows it when he whispers to me if its time yet?

With Aunt Lori's back to us I frantically shake my head side to side while mouthing, "NO". There have been similar exchanges all night and after numerous kicks from me under the table, Paul either has shins of steal or a high threshhold for pain.

"It hasn't happened yet. Wait a bit," I whisper.

Getting a pail from under the kitchen sink, a white towel, and some toothpics, Aunt Lori fills the pail with water and MR CLEAN. She then proceeds to kneel on the floor with it, and carefully begins to scrub the kitchen floor.

When I first saw this behavior as a child years ago, I instinctively asked her why not use a mop as mommy did.

She explained that this way she could get very close to the floor and see if she missed any spots and get into the cracks in the tile and edge by the floor board with a toothpick.

The cleaning ritual has begun, so its just a matter of time.

Paul is amazed since he has never seen this. When I had told him about this earlier in the day, he thought I was exagerating. I give him a smug ,"I TOLD YOU SO!" look.

With the floor drying, Aunt Lori exits the kitchen with pail, towel, and toothpics in hand, goes down to the carport to wash it out, leaving us warned not to walk on the wet floor and fall.

Now our giggling ensues again. This will be sweet, sweet as pie.

Returning to the kitchen with the pail and towel that looks brand new and wreaking of bleach, Aunt Lori, inspects the now dried floor and replaces her equiptment back to the cabinet.

I wink at Paul giving him the signal "Play Ball!"

Paul asks Aunt Lori for another piece of pie.

She heads off towards the side by side refrigerator and Roger is now sailing thru the air and lands 6 inches from her big toe. With Aunt Lori in the frigde now she also asks us if we would like some milk with the pie.

"Yes, please," I answer, "and by the way, how cute, I didnt know you had a pet hamster."

"What?" Aunt Lori asks, "You know I dont have pets, they will wreck the house."

"Well, then what is that?" I continue as I point to "the something" by her foot.

With that Aunt Lori looks at the floor and discovers Roger's threatening gaze.

As she shreiks, Roger scampers across the floor, fur blowing in the air, tail whipping back and forth, and seeks refuge under the table.

As Uncle Ned and Daddy rush into the kitchen, Roger sprints back into the safety of Paul's pocket, and Aunt Lori leaps unto a chair.

Perched on the chair Aunt Lori is hysterical about "the rat montser" that just dirtied her clean floor.

The men look around the kitchen inspecting and inquiring about where it went.

For the first time all day, Paul and I are silent.

Aunt Lori looses it further, when she realizes that Roger ran towards us and she fears he may now attack us poor, innocent, dear children.

Paul and I tell her we are ok, because we also have our feet on the chairs too, so that "the killer mouse wont get us."

That starts a discussion about all the urban myths about mice and rats in the city.

Uncle Ned recounts the story about a rat who drank a bottle of coca-cola by dipping its tail repeatly in the bottle and licking it off.

Daddy adds the story about how some man who lived in a housing project woke up to find the bottom of his feet chewed off by a hungry rat. Turns out it was a cold winter night and the place had no heating being in a poor part of town, so the man didnt feel the gnawing.

Aunt Lori begins to cry out of fustration of working so hard to keep a spotless house. She mentions she has never even had a roach or an ant walk on her counter. How could a rat ever invade her home?

Noticing the gag has gone too far, Paul and I confess. We introduce Roger to everyone after Paul takes him out of his refuge in his pocket.

Dad and Uncle Ned have every intention of punishing us severely for our stunt, but Aunt Lori, who always spoils us, begs them not to. She composes herself, and serves us the pie and milk as she teases us saying, "Oh, you played a trick on Auntie Lori I see."

All seems to end well, except for two things.

Til this day Paul and I will never leave an open bottle of coca cola laying around and we wont go to sleep without a good pair of sock on, be it winter or not.

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I agree... lets hear from Setheus... then you can tell some more...

Mean while I will tell you the one about when I was 4 and almost got kidnapped by a child molester guy...

One day there was this this great excitement on our street as one of our neighbors, Brother Thomelson, was having some work done on his water main. There was a large van truck parked in the street and three men wearing sweaty tank tops... and digging this big hole in the lawn. Of course it was a main draw for all the little kids in the neighborhood... me and my sister being the only girls who stayed around after a while...the rest were boys.....

Well one of the guys comes over to us and says I have some really cool pictures in my truck... do you want to see them? Well we have lived a very sheltered live thus far.... and all the men in our neighborhood always treated us special... so we thought nothing of the fact that the boys were not invited...

Anyway... we get into the truck and it is wall to wall playboy junk.... neked women all over the place...

I was raised to never say anything to anyone that would make them feel bad about what they were doing... just because I didn't think it was right... so I tried to keep my cool and say... wow... nice... ... ummm I think it is time for us to go home now...

The guy didn't want to let us out of the truck... but just then my brother John came over and asked what the heck we were doing in the work truck... and could he come in if the girls were able to... why not him...

The guy didn't want our older brother to see what he had shown us... and let us go and said no more kids were allowed in the truck....

So we go home and forget all about it..

Me and my sister who was just 19 months older than me were out in our back yard... there was an alley at the end of our property which ran behind all the houses.

I don't know what time it was... just that the work in the front street was done and the big truck was gone...

We had been playing really close to the chainlink fence and its gate when up drives this big white convertable with this worker guy who had shown us the it.

We were so engrosed in our playing with this noise maker my brother's pulled out of some organ or something... that we didn't hear him come...

He gets out of the car... and comes up to the fence... un zips his pants ... pulls it out and says.... girls..... girls.... real soft and coaxing like...

We both look up and see what he has stuck between the wires of the fence...and is wiggling at us..... and we start screaming and running to the house... which started to feel like a hundred miles from the fence...

When we got to the door, we looked back and he was gone....

My mother called the cops and this really young officer is sent out... we tried to explain to him what the guy did... but he kept insisting upon using big official words to describe the guys thing... and we couldn't understand him... he was totally turning burnt orange and red....

I saw that white convertable a week later... but they never did catch the guy that we know of...

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So you want me to tell you the story of my life. I'll tell you my story. I'll tell you all of it.

I'm flesh and blood, but not human. I havent been human for 200 years. How can I put you at ease, shall we begin, like David Copperfield, I am born I grew up, Or shall we begin when I was born into darkness as I call it. That's really where we should start, don't you think?

1791 was the year it happened, I was 24 younger then you are now, but times where different then, I was a man at that age, the Master of a large plantation just south of New Orlands. I had lost my wife in childbirth, she and the infant had been buried less then half a year. I would have been happy to join them, I couldn't bare the pain of their loss, I longed to be released from it. I wanted to lose it all, my wealth, my estate, my sanity.

My invitation was open to anyone,to the whore at my side, to the pimp that followed, but it was a vampire that accepted....

I'll have to tell the rest another time. Got mod work to do. ;)

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Originally posted by Setheus@Nov 20 2005, 08:24 PM

So you want me to tell you the story of my life. I'll tell you my story. I'll tell you all of it.

I'm flesh and blood, but not human. I havent been human for 200 years.  How can I put you at ease, shall we begin, like David Copperfield, I am born I grew up, Or shall we begin when I was born into darkness as I call it. That's really where we should start, don't you think?

1791 was the year it happened, I was 24 younger then you are now, but times where different then, I was a man at that age, the Master of a large plantation just south of New Orlands. I had lost my wife in childbirth, she and the infant had been buried less then half a year. I would have been happy to join them, I couldn't bare the pain of their loss, I longed to be released from it. I wanted to lose it all, my wealth, my estate, my sanity.

My invitation was open to anyone,to the whore at my side, to the pimp that followed, but it was a vampire that accepted....

I'll have to tell the rest another time.  Got mod work to do. ;)

Awesome Setheus!!!

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