Scary Stories


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Now WHERE was the good vampire story at Halloween time? lol

And Peace....thanks for your helps remind us how helpless children can be in the world of nut jobs.

Great mouse story JL....thanks for the tummy ache for laughing so hard :)

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Originally posted by glindakc@Dec 18 2005, 04:27 PM

i'd have to say that several near-death experiences i've had have scared me a lot - mostly while they were happening. but we get over them and learn from them.

My worst experience is near-death too - It was five years ago (so i was 11), I walked from school, I was wandering what I will do in the evening and I was watching snowflakes falling down and then... I don't know what exactly happened, I just remember that in one second (as I walked over the bridge) I was hit by some car in my back and it fling me down to the river. :o Then I remember just hospital... doctor said that it was a miracle, I don't know what it was, but I am glad that I am still alive :P I don't know why that car hit me (I think that the driver was drunk), and I don't know how people get me out from that river (it was winter) but I can remember that I was really afraid in that moment... :(

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The scariest thing that ever happened to me was when I was 19 I had incredible pains shooting down my left leg. I had no idea what it was, thought it could be a pinched nerve in my back. So, I started going to a chiropractor and started exercising more. Well, after 3 months of no relief, in fact, it was starting to get worse. I couldn't sit for more than 10 minutes. Seriously, in sacrament meeting in church, I'd sit in the back, it was my goal to be able to sit until after sacrament was over, yeah, I reached my goal a few times but more often I wouldn't even be able to sit. Oh, I was in real serious pain. It was so bad that I started sleeping on the floor because my mattress was too soft and after my car ride to work, which was 5 min, I would limp through the parking lot. Finally, after 2 minutes being in the car I called my parents and said "I have had enough, I need some serious help. I am in pain and I can not handle it." We realized at that time that this problem was not going to get better unless something drastic happened. So we set an appointment up with an orthopedic surgeon who suggested an MRI and gave us these possible options of what was causing me pain. 1. Cancer. 2. Ruptured disc. 3. Pinched nerve. After talking to him I was even more scared. I cried to my mom that I was going to die of cancer, and I'm only 19! When the results of the MRI came back the diagnosis was not a bright one, but I was officially a medical anomaly! I had a ruptured disc in my lower back that was pushing my spinal cord against my vertebra. I had to have back surgery!!! I was only 19 and I had back surgery. I was so young and traumatized, I seriously thought the surgeon was going to nick my spinal cord and I'd be paralyzed or maybe he'd nick the part that went to my heart and I'd die. I think I had the best spinal surgeon in the country because I have never had any problems since. I've had sore days but, I can now sit for extended periods of time!!!! I can sit through sacrament meeting. OH, another scary thing, before my surgery, my doc's prescribed me Vioxx and Bextra as anti inflammatories and pain killers, and now they are pulled from the market. So instead of being paralyzed, I get to die of a heart attack!!! :wacko:

Hi, my brother had the same thing.He was in a lot of pain and he was on pain killers and he almost got surgery but he decided to talk to some friends about it and while he was talking to his friends he bumped into a guy that had the same problem and he had found a doctor that new some special exercises and now after 3 months of doing the exercises he is back to normal no medications and back to normal (he suffered for about a year and a half before he found help)
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About two years ago i was working in a coal mine down in southern utah and the day started out pretty normal but just before lunch time we started mining on face no one and we hit some rock on the left side and i was the cable boy. Now the job of the cable boy is to keep the cable from getting run over by the buggies (one thing to keep in mind the buggies are at least fifty thousand pounds)and the cable is fifteen pound per foot and you have to drag about thirty feet of it along with a two inch water hose the same length.Any ways just before lunch we hit rock on the left side and it made the face area tiped twards the right side where the cable boy has to work and the buggies are coming within a foot of the cable boy anyways because of the brattis and just before we was about to trade off and go to lunch (With this perticular miner uses water to cool of the bits and it makes every were it goes wet)and i was pulling a little more slack for the miner and all of the sudden the cable coiled on me so it was right in the way of the buggy and i pulled it out of the way (it only takes 10 to 30 seconds to load a buggie) and i got it moved and the buggie backed up and got loaded and then next thing i knew the buggie was coming right at me and it hit the piller and barely stoped(The buggie has a center piviot point wich is about 3 feet wide when the buggie is going straight)and i was barely in the piviot point area i was only a couple inches from being smahed from the bottom of my rib cage down and to make it worse the guy who was driving was a mexican and i didnt speak any spanish so i couldnt tell him not to go and if he would have gone any further it would have smashed me and then he also paniced and almost started going again. It is amazing how fast your life flashes before your eyes when somthing like this happens.

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One of the scariest things that ever happend to me was about 6 years ago me and my little bro was raising about 260 baby chicks and we put a wood furnace in there coop to keep them warm and the first time we lit it up the chicken coop exploded and sent me and my little bro flying to the other end of the coop and the whole place was instantly in flames. :combust:

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wow...this coulda ended up being scary...the other day after seminary i stopped for gas and my sister was waiting in the car....i was pumping the gas and this mexican guy comes up to me and heres basically all that was said with some comments of what i was thinking

him: hi how are you doing

me: im alright (go away)

him: whats your name

me: uhhh ashley how are you (im trying to be polite here)

him: im fine my names julian..(handshake) do you live around here

me: yeah i live around here somewhere (yeah im really going to tell him where i live)

him:you lived here long

me: my whole life, you?

him: a little while..can i have your phone number? (what the heck???)

me: uh i don't think so im only 17..(a minor)

him: oh well then can i give you mine? (didn't you get the hint?)

me: um i don't think i would call you i don't even know you (go away!!!)

him: thats the point, so we could get to know eachother (umm i don't wanna so go away!!!)

me: i dunno

him: is that your mom in the car? (what the heck?)

me: no thats my sister she is ONLY 15!!!

him: can i give you my number do you have a pen? (this guy doesn't quit)

me: no i don't have a pen

now i finish pumping gas and to hopefully give him a hint i get into my car and ignore him but he walks up to the open door

him: (starts saying his phone number) and then do you have a pen? (i just said i don't have one!!!!!!!!!!)

me: no i don't have a pen!

now he says hi to my sister and how is she

my sister: im fine (in kinda a mean voice lol)

i whisper to her to tell him to go away cause im too nice to do it

my sister: can you please leave?

him: alright

and this part is so hilarious!!! when he turned to walk away he fell off the platform that the gas pump was sitting on and turned around really fast to see if i noticed LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL

now if he had tried something that woulda been scary

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Yes, you were right to be leery of and even frightened by some strange man that was trying to force his attention on you.

It's sad, but it is a fact of life, that a large number of people in this world are not nice people, but are mean and looking for/or to cause trouble.

I feel that this guy sized you up: 1. could tell that you were a minor, 2. by the tone of your voice and your hesitance to tell him to "get lost" knew that you were use to accepting the authority of older adults leaving you venerable and at a loss for words and actions from a pushy older man. 3. went up to your car to either make sure an older adult was not present or knew it and wanted to try his luck at an even younger, possibly more venerable female. Remember being minors meant nothing to him ...he was still trying to solicit a contact by trying to get you to take his number even when he knew your ages.

This was a wake up call ....child molester, rapist alert ...if a stranger tries to be pushy in the future ...DON"T BE SHY AND TIMID but in a loud voice state that "I DON"T DATE OLDER MEN", ..."LEAVE ME ALONE OR I WILL REPORT YOU!" :angry2:

Remember when someone gets in your personal space and makes you feel uneasy then I"d throw politeness out the window and tell the jerk to "BACK OFF NOW!" :angry2:

Far to many people have become victims of abuse and sexual assult by these encounters.

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About two years ago i was working in a coal mine down in southern utah and the day started out pretty normal but just before lunch time we started mining on face no one and we hit some rock on the left side and i was the cable boy. Now the job of the cable boy is to keep the cable from getting run over by the buggies (one thing to keep in mind the buggies are at least fifty thousand pounds)and the cable is fifteen pound per foot and you have to drag about thirty feet of it along with a two inch water hose the same length.Any ways just before lunch we hit rock on the left side and it made the face area tiped twards the right side where the cable boy has to work and the buggies are coming within a foot of the cable boy anyways because of the brattis and just before we was about to trade off and go to lunch (With this perticular miner uses water to cool of the bits and it makes every were it goes wet)and i was pulling a little more slack for the miner and all of the sudden the cable coiled on me so it was right in the way of the buggy and i pulled it out of the way (it only takes 10 to 30 seconds to load a buggie) and i got it moved and the buggie backed up and got loaded and then next thing i knew the buggie was coming right at me and it hit the piller and barely stoped(The buggie has a center piviot point wich is about 3 feet wide when the buggie is going straight)and i was barely in the piviot point area i was only a couple inches from being smahed from the bottom of my rib cage down and to make it worse the guy who was driving was a mexican and i didnt speak any spanish so i couldnt tell him not to go and if he would have gone any further it would have smashed me and then he also paniced and almost started going again. It is amazing how fast your life flashes before your eyes when somthing like this happens.


I would never have the nerve to work in a coal mine. I don't care if it paid $50.00 per hour. I've just read and heard too many horror stories about them.

The situation that you described would be very scary and stressful to deal with.

I'm glad that you were able to avoid serious injury while in that situation.

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thanks for your advice..yeah i know i need to be more dad said i shoulda walked into the gas time that happens i will do my best and hope for the best


Good advice from your dad. It's better to be safe than sorry. :idea:

Besides, we kind of like reading your post and we don't want anything to happen to might be pretty hard to replace right? :P

Take care my friend! :)

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Another scary thing about working in coal mines is the risk of explosion and also hitting underground lakes the mine that i work for hit a hot spot and we was working in 220 degree conditions the funny thing is that a lot of guys were cooking there food on the equiptment but the scary thing is much over 220 degrees and you have the chance for explosions and fires. :D

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Another scary thing about working in coal mines is the risk of explosion and also hitting underground lakes the mine that i work for hit a hot spot and we was working in 220 degree conditions the funny thing is that a lot of guys were cooking there food on the equiptment but the scary thing is much over 220 degrees and you have the chance for explosions and fires. :D


I don't know how you can do that kind of work. I think that it would give me cluster phobia and I would need treatment for anxiety disorder. :wacko:

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