First time in the temple

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I've recently become engaged. I've been a member my whole life, but only been to the temple for baptisms. This may sound strange but I'm really scared of going to the temple for my endowments and my wedding...I love the Church and I want to make all the right choices. But I'm afraid of what happens in the temple because no one talks about it. I know it's sacred but I don't understand why its been kept from me my whole life. Does anyone have advice for me? I don't want to be scared, I want it to be a great experience.

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I was anxious about my first time through, you have very little clue what to expect beyond the most generic idea (you learn some stuff and you make covenants). Don't worry though (I know, easier said than done), there will be somebody there to help and make sure you don't do anything embarrasing, and even if you do you'll just be gently corrected, tis not like people are going to point and laugh.

There is a lot to take in (and you will not remember it all), I found subsequent visits a better experience as the anxiety was gone.

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There are many things that we can speak about concerning the temple. Very few things are (tokens, for instance) that are prohibited.

In the temple, you will begin by receiving the initiatory work. In this, you will be symbolically washed and anointed to be clean in the temple.

In the endowment, you will watch a film about the Creation and the Garden of Eden. It will be explained to you in terms of your own life and how each of us must go through a Creation, Fall from God's presence, and then through the atonement be able to ascend back to God's presence in the Celestial Room. Along the way, we make covenants that are also found in the scriptures concerning obedience, chastity, etc.

We basically go through a practice of entering into God's presence. And entering into God's presence would be scary for any/all of us, I think. So practicing doing so should make things easier in the long run.

Many of the things we do in the temple are found in the scriptures and other ancient documents.

You do not have to memorize or understand things the first time through. I have been attending the temple for 30 years, and the Spirit still reveals new things to me continually concerning the temple ordinances. You will quickly find it to be a great spiritual boost, and awe inspiring experience. And you will quickly come to love being in the temple.

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I've recently become engaged. I've been a member my whole life, but only been to the temple for baptisms. This may sound strange but I'm really scared of going to the temple for my endowments and my wedding...I love the Church and I want to make all the right choices. But I'm afraid of what happens in the temple because no one talks about it. I know it's sacred but I don't understand why its been kept from me my whole life. Does anyone have advice for me? I don't want to be scared, I want it to be a great experience.

You are making the right choice and the final covenant before your GOD - receiving the fullness of the priesthood or the sealing of a eternal marriage.

You may ask your local Bishop to attend the temple prep classes.

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I've recently become engaged. I've been a member my whole life, but only been to the temple for baptisms. This may sound strange but I'm really scared of going to the temple for my endowments and my wedding...I love the Church and I want to make all the right choices. But I'm afraid of what happens in the temple because no one talks about it. I know it's sacred but I don't understand why its been kept from me my whole life. Does anyone have advice for me? I don't want to be scared, I want it to be a great experience.

Just bear in mind that everyone in that room is or has been through the same thing as you at some point (i.e. going into the endowment for the first time). You have your chosen escort sitting next to you to help you through most of it, and during the times the escort cannot be there, you will have a temple worker to guide you.

You are not expected to know anything about what you are supposed to do as you enter that room. The officiator and other temple workers know this, and therefore will guide you accordingly. And don't think they are expecting you to have a brilliant memory either - even though you are asked to remember certain things, 100% of people I've seen go through for the first time forget the vast majority. So don't panic at this.

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jenna, I would strongly suggest you sit down with a relative, friend, VT, someone female who is temple endowed and ask them to walk you through. Rameumpton did a great job in generally describing what to expect.

The night before I went to the temple for my endowments, my escort (who was my best friend) sat me down and basically told me everything to expect (except those things that are too sacred to speak of). I was able to ask detailed information and she gave answers (some answers she had to say, I can't talk about that outside the temple). Having done that took so much of the mystery away and I was completely relaxed while going through because I knew what to expect. I was able to focus more on the spiritual things rather than the "I hope I do this right" things.

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I went through the temple six months ago, right before I was married. Like you, I was unsure and frightened about what to expect. But despite my worries it turned out to be a good, peaceful experience. Luckily, I was well-prepared by a great bishop and my wonderful mother.

There's a little booklet I got from the distribution center called "Preparing to Enter the Holy Temple." It was an awesome resource. Since there are certain things we can't discuss outside the temple, sometimes members mistakenly think we can't discuss anything, which isn't very helpful! As others have said, find a trusted friend or family member and ask for appropriate explanations and information. Temple prep classes are also good.

Pray for comfort and understanding. God recognizes your righteous desires to enter the temple and will bless you accordingly. You won't understand everything, but it's not scary or bad. It is the Lord's house and he will help you, along with your escort and the temple workers.

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