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Thank you Justice for posting that - As an adult looking back on past Christmas' with my family, the best Christmas that we ever had was the year my little sister passed away.

Sounds rather grim doesn't it? We were never very well to do. Buying 7 children presents, clothes, candy, food, plus decorations was a real strain on the budget.

Daddy worked nights to earn more money just to pay our regular bills, so all of the holidays put a strain on an already strained budget.

When my sister took ill, and then passed away on Thanksgiving day- we as a family bonded together tighter than if we had all been dunked in gorilla glue.

That Christmas Dad & Mom told the family (extended family of 3 uncles/aunts & their children) that Christmas was going to be our family only and that the gifts were going to be un-bought gifts. Meaning we were to either make a gift from what was already there, or give of our time/talents/ skills.

I gave of my time/talents/skills. To each family member except the baby of the family (he was 2) I made coupon books of twelve pages stating that I would do a service each month. For the baby, I found fabric scraps and made finger puppets for the books my older sisters were giving him.

That Christmas, we were united in love. Christs true love. Commercialism was cast out and the true meaning and spirit of Christs birth was embraced.

From that Christmas forward, we only gave simple, often inexpensive gifts and lavished hand made, and/or personal time/talents/skills type of gifts.

It has been 36 years since my little sisters passing. The gifts I tend to give to my family are still simple, inexpensive and mostly of my time, talents or skills. My siblings are still more involved with the spirit and less with commercialism. Christmas is not the only time we gift more of ourselves and less with store bought/expensive gifts - socially commercialized holidays (easter mainly) but also on birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, etc.

My little brother and his wife, when their children were toddlers, taught their children that Christmas was about the birth of Christ. They gave their children one toy only. Then they gave of their talent/skills/time to those in their neighborhood and ward who were needy.

Took a simple meal to a family. Cleaned the yard of the elderly woman down the block. Babysat for the young mother so she could have some 'Down Time" of her own (actually she wanted to take a bubble bath without any interruptions from her own children), etc.

My niece and three nephews are in their late teens now, the eldest is serving a mission in England. They still practice this. They give each other only one token gift, then they plan together the gifts of talent/skill/time they will give and to whom they will give to.

Not only do they do this at home, but they also have their school friends doing this at school.

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Thank you Justice. I had not seen that video yet and definitely needed it. DH and I sound a lot like the parents in that video.

Iggy, thank you for sharing your story. It's given me a lot of food for thought. I wish it was something I had started years ago, when my kids were little and not yet indoctrinated into getting a lot of gifts for Christmas.

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Amen to all that! Satan has masterfully masked the meaning of this holiday season to an extent that it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

Each year I have a talk with my 4 boys about the Christmas season. I try to convey to them the ramifications of the scripture, "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." I explain that, just like everyone else's birthdays, we're going to get the Savior some nice gifts - and that this scripture (and Mosiah 2:17) tells us HOW to do it, and what He wants for His birthday.

Among our varying efforts, we take them to school, the bank, Shopko, etc and have them continue to pick the snowflakes off the "Giving Tree" (Secret Santa type stuff) all through December and let them get all the shopping out of their system by allowing them to help us select the best gifts we can for those who are truly in need. It allows them to feel the excitement of reaching out, of lifting up, and of providing joy for others.

It's not perfect, but it's how we have managed to live IN the world (of Commercial Christmas) but not OF it.

(Note: I share this NOT as a matter of self aggrandizement, but in the spirit of mutual encouragement to any of those of you out there who might feel the same conflict that I do about the current traditional celebration of the Savior's birth.)

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I've never had a problem with YouTube. But I can't see videos on Disney's official website with Mozilla, while I can with IE (which then doesn't work for other websites I visit). I've never been able to figure out why, nor have the more tech-saavy people in my life. Sometimes the workings of the internet are just a total mystery to me, lol.

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...I can't see videos on Disney's official website with Mozilla, while I can with IE (which then doesn't work for other websites I visit)...

To simplify your life, install the Internet Explorer Engine into Firefox. Then all you have to do is click the firefox logo in the lower righthand corner of the window to switch back and forth between the two rendering engines. Also, it might be that you're trying to view Silverlight in Firefox. It can be fickle.

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What's Silverlight?

I don't have any other trouble with Firefox/Mozilla, just that one website. So I'm pretty reluctant to fiddle with it. I'm not a big fan of IE myself, and only use it for that one site if I feel like viewing the videos. I can see everything else on the site with Firefox, just not the videos.

Edited by MormonMama
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