I am new here!


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I just signed on today. I was looking for Food Storage info to put together for our ward. I am the 1st counselor in RS and my job is the monthly RS meetings (Enrichment). I was the stake canning specialist before.

I live in Utah near Ogden. I am a landscape designer and teach class on gardening, food storage, emergency preparedness, gardening, Word of Wisdom, gardening, canning, drying and storing produce, natural healing and gardening.

Hey, it is a cold, snow covered day here....I guess gardening is on my mind!

I am excited to find this website and look forward to learning something new.

Edited by Earthmother
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Does that mean you aren't telling the truth on your profile? *gasp* hahahaha Because that wouldn't have put you back in the sixties. lol But that's okay..we're allowed to tell little fibs about our age. I'm really only 29. Not 92 like some might tell you.

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Hi there young lady! Dont worry the feeling of getting old you get used to it ;)

I am glad you are here .. there is so much I would like to learn on the subject you are teaching and doing! You could blog about it... dont worry you will learn eventually how to do things around here... even I did :D

Go to User CP to cange your profile and to add on it. It is underthe LDS Mormon Forums> Lds.NET polular forums> and so on... first on line with FAQ ect... If you go on HOME you see new things around and find the blogs.. cant recall now how to start a blogg and where... :D Pam is good in helping... but I can help too... just PM me , click my name and choose a Personal Message. On teh right you can see yopur name and how many messages you got... I got a 0 there ...

So officially:

Welcome to LDS.net. You will find here an ecclectic mix of LDS and some non-members. While the site is dedicated to the Gospel, and to promoting the Church to a world that often does not understand us, we also make room for conversations about current events, and about social and cultural practices within the Church. If your main desire is to learn about the Church, consider starting with the "Learn About Mormonism" forums. For more advanced teachings, that will often include a variety of perspectives, some non-LDS, consider the Gospel section of forums.

While you are welcome to all main sections, be aware this site makes room for a variety of opinions and personalities. Some posters can be passionate about their views, and occasionally more so about them than about the souls of visitors. If you find something particularly offensive, feel free to make a report by clicking the appropriate tab.


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Thanks Maya for all the info. I will work on changing my profile;)

About the blog...I don't know how to do that:(. I am not sure I even know what that means.

THERE, I said it! I am not very computor literate! You all might as well know that up front!^_^

Anyway, it is great to be here and I will learn as I go.

Thanks for all the help from everyone.

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That is ok.. everybody starts somewhere... If you go to HOME... on leftside up... there on right side is some things listed that you can do one of them si write a blog (dark blue letters). Just klick on that. You ahve to choose in which gategory yopur blog will be ther are several, waht you choose depends on waht you write about. You can teach us something about ... like storage... how to can strawberries, pears, peaches, blueberries.... or how to storage the vitamines in fruits and vegetables... oh and how to can vegetables...

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