1 Nephi Chapter 9


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OK guys here it is. I hope you like it. :)

1 And all these things did my father see, and hear, and speak, as he dwelt in a tent, in the valley of Lemuel, and also a great many more things, which cannot be written upon these plates.

It's no coincidence that Nephi decided to write that his father had the vision in the valley of Lemuel. The word "valley" in Hebrew is עמק (emek) which has the gematria value of 210. As already explained every letter of the Hebrew alphabet has a value. And what's so special about this word? The gematria of 210 is particularly relevant because it's in connection with the exile that began with Joseph.

The Bible tells us that the period of exile of the children of Israel lasted for 400 years. In Jewish tradition this counting is done from the birth of Isaac because it refers to dwelling in a land that is not theirs. The actual time spent by Israel in Egypt itself lasted for 210 years as Rashi explains in his commentary on Genesis 15:

"the 400 years of exile and affliction began with the birth of Isaac. When Isaac was sixty years of age his son Jacob was born, and at the age of 130 Jacob came to Egypt, that makes 190 years. In Egypt the children of Israel actually spent 210 years, that makes 400 years in all."

So what Nephi is revealing in a deeper reading is that the visions of Lehi were given in connection to the exile of the tribe of Joseph which was also foreseen by Scriptures.

2 And now, as I have spoken concerning these plates, behold they are not the plates upon which I make a full account of the history of my people; for the plates upon which I make a full account of my people I have given the name of Nephi; wherefore, they are called the plates of Nephi, after mine own name; and these plates also are called the plates of Nephi.

Plates: If Nephi had such a short space why would he bother using the word "plates" so often? Once again the reality could be in the Hebrew. In Hebrew the word used for "plate" (as in a tablet kind of plate) is the word לוח (luach) which in Hebrew also means "calendar" because ancient Israelites would mark the time in tablets. So notice how in this chapter he uses this word, which also means calendar, 12 times. The number 12 cannot be a coincidence as at the very beginning of this chapter we can see how he hints at the exile of the tribe of Joseph. It was typical of Jewish writers to conceal prophetic warnings in the gematria of words. The Bible is full of such examples and even Christian writings such as the book of Revelation make use of such a resource. As a scribe Nephi would have been familiar with such methods as we have already previously explored. So to the outsider it would simply look like a waste of space but to those who knew the Israelite way of reading Scriptures it is not a coincidence that the same word used for "calendar" is used 12 times. It's likely that Nephi was hinting at the fact that his plates would be discovered at the time nearing the regathering of the 12 tribes of Israel. This is confirmed by the next sentence in which Nephi reveals that "plates" were used for a special purpose.

3 Nevertheless, I have received a commandment of the Lord that I should make these plates, for the special purpose that there should be an account engraven of the ministry of my people.

4 Upon the other plates should be engraven an account of the reign of the kings, and the wars and contentions of my people; wherefore these plates are for the more part of the ministry; and the other plates are for the more part of the reign of the kings and the wars and contentions of my people.

It was a common practice in ancient Israel to make distinct accounts for the secular affairs of the governments and for the religious affairs. Also notice that the word used for ministry in Hebrew is the word כהונה (kehunah) which comes from the same root as the word כוהן (kohen) which means "priest". So here it becomes clear that Nephi was aware of the fact that he would have a priestly calling. Considering what we previously saw about the Torah foreordaining those with the birthright of first born to this office we could also speculate that Nephi knew he would inherit such a position in his father's house.

5 Wherefore, the Lord hath commanded me to make these plates for a wise purpose in him, which purpose I know not.

If Nephi had just stated that he would make the plates for the purpose of recording the affairs of his people why would he immediately afterwards say that the purpose of G-d was unknown? This is very interesting because the expression "wise purpose" in Hebrew would beמטרת חכם (matarat hacham). What is relevant of this is that the word "matarah" also is used for someone who is "a guide" and the word "hacham" is also used for a sage who guides the people. In the history of Israel several leaders were called "hacham" and in fact still are among the Sepharadic communities. Now Nephi could be hinting at the fact that he was writing his plates unto a future wise leader of the people who would guide this regathering of Israel.

6 But the Lord knoweth all things from the beginning; wherefore, he prepareth a way to accomplish all his works among the children of men; for behold, he hath all power unto the fulfilling of all his words. And thus it is. Amen.

Nephi ends this portion with an ancient Israelite proverb. Notice how he says that G-d has power to fulfill all his words and then says "and thus it is" followed by "Amen". Our sages believe that the word אמן (amen) not only means "truly" but is also an acrostic for the phrase אל מלך נאמן (El Melech Ne'eman) which means "G-d is a faithful king". According to our sages in the times of Moses the people would respond "amen" to every word of G-d meaning "G-d is a faithful king" meaning that He is faithful and powerful to fulfill all his words. This is exactly the ancient Israelite proverb that Nephi ends this chapter with.

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I know one commentary says that as it was said spesifically that he lived in the telt so one can think of it that it was not usual for them to live in a tent.

Do you think this living ina tent has something to do with the Jewish feasts? Was it a new feast or was it stil the same fest as when they left Jerusalem? Just a thought.

About the plates.. somethign very interesting hit me... I just red a book called:

Ancient America Rediscovered: Including an Account of America's First Settlers Who Left from the Biblical Tower of Babel at the Time of the Confusio by Donald W. Hemingway, W. David Hemingway, and Mariano Veytia. The book was first time printed a bit before 1778 in Spanish. Veytia was born 16 July in Puebla de los Angeles Mexico.

He tells that indians used somekind of written picturelanguage alike Eqypt. He also knew well Fernando de Alva Ixtlxochitlis (1578-1650) writtings. Yes about the plates.... In the book he mentioned plates that someone else had found and had possession of... that were a calender where all things were written down for years and that only some, who had been thought to could read it.

Father Gregorio Garzia tells that when they came to Zapotexin indians came to them with their own very old "Bible" that was written with some kind of picturewritting. When Father Alfonso de Escalona San Fransiscosta travelled through city of Nepaja (Nefphi?) in Huaxacan the preast showed him plates that had the same things written in them as what Christians believe: creation, the bannishment from paradise, the fload, The Tower of Babel, inkarnation, birth from virgin, suffering, death of Christ, task of Apostles.... I just thought that is so interesting.

The book also tells about how to read the different calenders that stil excist....

Interesting is also how Nephi humbly keeps his place in the enheritance order and dont try to be earthly leader. The mantel of spiritual leadership falls on him as his older brothers are not interested in that. Sometimes I wonder of Sam... did he only get girls ahen he married ... or was he... for some other reason unable to lead, he was on Nephis side... or was he a doubter, but followed Nephi rather than his brothers. All others have a tribe from their name not Sam.. there are no Samities... But he wa mentioned as beeing on Nephis side, maybe because Nephi was a good man and tok care of him?

About writing the plates. I am sure it hinted that God had a good reason to have these plates made for someone who came later... a translator or a gatherer or both. Anyway it is obvious to me that the plates were to be to unite Josefs and Efraims books and tribes.

Thank you kabalist this is realy interesting...

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That is one of the things I have always believed. That the words in the Book of Mormon are all there for a purpose. Your commentary on the significance of the word "plates" repeated twelve times, and your conclusion that they point to a future time when this record will come forth and a commencement of the gathering of Israel is quite remarkable. The conclusion fits quite well with LDS theology concerning the coming forth of the Book of Mormon. Quite fascinating. Thank you again. This was a nice short chapter. :)

I really appreciated your commentary on the use of "amen" as well. Thanks.



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I thought your explanation of kehunah was interesting:

…the word used for ministry in Hebrew is the word כהונה (kehunah) which comes from the same root as the word כוהן (kohen) which means "priest".

The word Kahuna (click here) in Hawaiian has a similar meaning.

I know that one coincidence doesn’t mean much but it is interesting to me.


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I thought your explanation of kehunah was interesting:

The word Kahuna (click here) in Hawaiian has a similar meaning.

I know that one coincidence doesn’t mean much but it is interesting to me.


That could be more than a coincidence. There is a belief among some Church members, especially LDS Polynesians, that they are Nephites.

5 And it came to pass that Hagoth, he being an exceedingly curious man, therefore he went forth and built him an exceedingly large ship, on the borders of the land Bountiful, by the land Desolation, and launched it forth into the west sea, by the narrow neck which led into the land northward.

6 And behold, there were many of the Nephites who did enter therein and did sail forth with much provisions, and also many women and children; and they took their course northward. And thus ended the thirty and seventh year.

7 And in the thirty and eighth year, this man built other ships. And the first ship did also return, and many more people did enter into it; and they also took much provisions, and set out again to the land northward. (Alma 63:5-7)


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This is really interesting, thekabalist made me truly beleive again in The Book of Mormon... I was being convinced by a Jewish friend that TBoM wasn't real and that the plates never existed, he started teaching me about Judaism and I became very interested in it, but I still have my doubts... I am now like an investigator of both religions (even I've been mormon all my life).

This is really lighting to me, i shudder reading thekabalist threads and I think they worth to be published to the whole world.

Edited by Lolita
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