I need a special lock?


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I GOT THEM! Caught! You'll never believe this one. The apartment under me are a bunch of thugs if you ask me and I've had issues with them making hissing sounds when I walk by. Well guess what? THEY were breaking into my apartment using a lock-pick kit and were playing my Wii and using my soap! Also the younger one was the one who went through my personal items. I spoke with the land lord and she said that two males had let maintenance in every time, hence the note. We triple verified my apartment number. I also noticed some food items missing. I've contacted the police and filled out a report, evidently these two have a record and they took my Wii for analysis of fingerprints. The landlord was very kind and we ended up replacing the locks with a good Schlag set. THIS IS NUTS. Who would break into an apartment to play a Wii and use my soap?!?

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That's awesome but I sure hope you get your Wii back. Sometimes items like that can sit for months while a case is going through the courts. I know from experience. I still don't have 2 computers back from 1 1/2 years ago.

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i'm glad you found out who it was.... now, this is just me but i would toss anything that isn't factory sealed (food, soap, shampoo, etc) and buy new stuff. i'm sorry that is just weird.... oh and i'd wash every article of clothing i own, sheets, towels, all of it. ewwww

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