Heath Care

Winnie G

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Government cannot create wealth. What are you going to do when the government goes bankrupt because of health care. What is going to happen is that eventualy people will stop producing as much no incentive to earn because they dont' get to keep it. When that happens there won't be money to go around for peoples medical needs. YOu can only guarantte one loaf of bread if one is baked for every person.

High taxation support of idleness has been a downfall of many great civilizations. Slavery is still slavery even if voted on. Jesus told the rich young man to sell what he had and give to the poor. He didnt tell him to steal it from other rich young men or take it from him himself that is luciferlike charity.

Charity can only be done willingly. If people were taxed less they would have enough money for other goods that would give you more money to buy the best health coverage necessary. Since governmetn cannot create wealth what are you going to do when there health care goes bankrupt because not enough people in the system pay enough money for it and too many people need it. That will happen if a countrys constitution guarantees those things.

In America the reason it was one of the most industrious countries was because there is no guarantee of thsoe things so people have to make them themselves and do. Interesting thing about the US it seems like the most generous people are not hollywood acotrs or people in massachusetts that think the government owes poor people. But people that dont believe in governmetn charity they themselves are often the most charitable people.

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You make some great points in your last post, but you lost me with your ignorance in previous ones... such as: "Those single mothers should get married and stay married. Most of them are single mothers because they jump in bed with an irresponsible sperm donor who does not care and want the government to pay for there and there sperm donors responsibility."

This is complete and utter BS!!!

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The US form of national health care is administered by the states. It is called Medicaid. It is for those of lower income, young and old. This is taken from their website.

Who Is Eligible for Medicaid?

Many groups of people are covered by Medicaid. Even within these groups, though, certain requirements must be met. These may include your age, whether you are pregnant, disabled, blind, or aged; your income and resources (like bank accounts, real property, or other items that can be sold for cash); and whether you are a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted immigrant. The rules for counting your income and resources vary from state to state and from group to group. There are special rules for those who live in nursing homes and for disabled children living at home.

Your child may be eligible for coverage if he or she is a U.S. citizen or a lawfully admitted immigrant, even if you are not (however, there is a 5-year limit that applies to lawful permanent residents). Eligibility for children is based on the child's status, not the parent's. Also, if someone else's child lives with you, the child may be eligible even if you are not because your income and resources will not count for the child.

In general, you should apply for Medicaid if your income is low and you match one of the descriptions below. (Even if you are not sure whether you qualify, if you or someone in your family needs health care, you should apply for Medicaid and have a qualified caseworker in your state evaluate your situation.)

Pregnant Women

Apply for Medicaid if you think you are pregnant. You may be eligible if you are married or single. If you are on Medicaid when your child is born, both you and your child will be covered.

Children and Teenagers

Apply for Medicaid if you are the parent or guardian of a child who is 18 years old or younger and your family's income is low, or if your child is sick enough to need nursing home care, but could stay home with good quality care at home. If you are a teenager living on your own, the state may allow you to apply for Medicaid on your own behalf or any adult may apply for you. Many states also cover children up to age 21.

Person who is Aged, Blind, and/or Disabled

Apply if you are aged (65 years old or older), blind, or disabled and have low income and few resources. Apply if you are terminally ill and want to receive hospice services. Apply if you are aged, blind, or disabled; live in a nursing home; and have low income and limited resources. Apply if you are aged, blind, or disabled and need nursing home care, but can stay at home with special community care services. Apply if you are eligible for Medicare and have low income and limited resources.

Some Other Situations

Apply if you are leaving welfare and need health coverage. Apply if you are a family with children under 18 and have very low income and few resources. (You do not need to be receiving a welfare check.) Apply if you have very high medical bills, which you cannot pay (and you are pregnant, under 18 or over 65, blind, or disabled).

The following websites provide Screening Tools to help you see if you may be eligible for a variety of governmental programs: www.govbenefits.gov and http://www.benefitscheckup.org/

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Thanks for that information Ben...that system sounds like our income support system for low income families/the unemployed/long term sick/disabled etc.

Do you know whether there is a limit to how much care a person can receive via the Medicaid system? or will they never be refused any amount of care? The NHS allows all people, of any income bracket/circumstances, to recieve all care free of charge, except for dental care which you have to pay a proportion of, unless you are on income support.

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There is no national health care for all in the US. Each person takes responsibility for their own via employer, self insure, buy personal insurance or pay as you go without insurance. Those least able to afford it are the ones that qualify for Medicaid. It is driven by each state with state and federal tax dollars.

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That is correct. When the constitution of the US was created it was about states rights. Many things done in the US are done on a state level as long as they do not violate federal law. Here we have federal laws, state laws and municipal laws. The lower laws cannot violate or cause the higher laws to be null and void. Federal law always triumphs over state or municipal laws.

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Originally posted by shanstress70@Nov 22 2005, 11:27 AM

You make some great points in your last post, but you lost me with your ignorance in previous ones... such as: "Those single mothers should get married and stay married. Most of them are single mothers because they jump in bed with an irresponsible sperm donor who does not care and want the government to pay for there and there sperm donors responsibility."

This is complete and utter BS!!!

There is a lot of people in inercity america born to unwed mothers. They often become government succors themselves. Not sure were I have seen statistics on it but that is a tragedy there is why many are single.

Not all people are single by choice. Death sadly does happen. Sometimes a man will walk out on w women and not pay child suport I have seen people in those situations. So not all people are single parents because of chastity problems.

That is why women have been counseled to be prepared with carrer and education basically have insurance for those things like that happening.

Then again people should be urged to be chaste before marriage and fidel after. That would keep many problems down in inner cities if people realized you need a father and mother and the only person you have a right to sleep with is your spouse after marriage. People doing that would save the government a lot of money in addition to a lot of heartache. Crime would go down as well.

Jesse Ventura when governor of Minnesota someone who got pregnant out of wedlock wanted more help he said why did you get pregnant. Guy ran out on her. Said will eventualy make him pay. But why should we.

The tragedy is when many people are single parents because they have babies out of wedlock. Then feel they need government help. Some people raised by a single parent fortuntly turned out alright. But that is the exception and not rule and people should do what they can to ensure there is not a lot of single parents by having both a father and a mother in the home.

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There is a lot of people in inercity america born to unwed mothers. They often become government succors themselves. Not sure were I have seen statistics on it but that is a tragedy there is why many are single.

Not all people are single by choice. Death sadly does happen. Sometimes a man will walk out on w women and not pay child suport I have seen people in those situations. So not all people are single parents because of chastity problems.

That is why women have been counseled to be prepared with carrer and education basically have insurance for those things like that happening.

Then again people should be urged to be chaste before marriage and fidel after. That would keep many problems down in inner cities if people realized you need a father and mother and the only person you have a right to sleep with is your spouse after marriage. People doing that would save the government a lot of money in addition to a lot of heartache. Crime would go down as well.

Jesse Ventura when governor of Minnesota someone who got pregnant out of wedlock wanted more help he said why did you get pregnant. Guy ran out on her. Said will eventualy make him pay. But why should we.

The tragedy is when many people are single parents because they have babies out of wedlock. Then feel they need government help. Some people raised by a single parent fortuntly turned out alright. But that is the exception and not rule and people should do what they can to ensure there is not a lot of single parents by having both a father and a mother in the home.

What does this have to do with heath care? :backtotopic:

You gone off on bashing the morals of others and lack of responsibility.

Can you stay on topic?

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Originally posted by Winnie G@Nov 18 2005, 01:12 AM

I left Edmonton aria in 94 and he was still Premier then.


Two questions for you:

1. There was a young elder from TX serving in the Edmonton area in 93-95. Did you happen to know an Elder Barrett at that time?

2. With your health care system there, do you get to pick your own doctor or do you have to take whatever doctor is available? With certain HMO plans here, you are not able to pick your own doctor, and with certain other types of insurance, you have to choose your doctor from a list that the insurance company provides.



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Someone didn't like my comments about single mothers that needed health care. Thats why I suggested follow the prophet and observe chastity before marriage and fidelity after there wouldnt be as many single parents.

Here is an excellent article by ecenomics proffeser walter williams on the matter. Why americans shouldnt get canadians system. http://www.townhall.com/opinion/columns/wa...6/22/15800.html I would rather pay fewer taxes have a choice and not have to wait as long. In countries with socialized medicne do you still pay for eye doctors and dentists. Things that are non emergency.

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Is it worth it, for me yes, some of the heath issues my family and myself personally would have wiped us out. I should not be alive from my cancer, months of treatment would have wiped us out. Recovery from two car accidents and months of orthopedic treatment for my son and me again would have crushed us.

He is 6'5 now and still walks with a rounded walking limp.

You keep saying you'd have been wiped out or crushed...I agree, BECAUSE that is the only system in place and without it you'd go under. In the United States there are too many health plans to count on both hands and your neighbor's feet.

A common myth that you cant go longer than 2 minutes without air...well tell that to all of us at BUD/s who learned very quickly that you can not only go without air for up to 5 or 6 minutes but that you can fully function and preform moderatly complex tasks like untying a knot or fighting another diver.

What I'm saying is that in the US people go without "free medical" all the time every day and do not go under.

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No I did not meet him, sorry.

And yes you can pick your own doctor.

You have a heath care number, it is accepted, and all doctors offices and hospitals.


do you still pay for eye doctors and dentists. Things that are non emergency.

Yes you do, things that are non-emergency,

Welfare covers only eng-dental. They pull teeth in the back, the front they cover more.

That is for self-worth and being employable.


What I'm saying is that in the US people go without "free medical" all the time every day and do not go under.

Yah some do but I see my sister struggling to stay alive with 3 stage ovine cancer because she could not afforded a check up.

My point is yes I know Medicare covers those who live under the poverty line, but only so much. but those just above it get the shaft.

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