Anti-"merry Christmas" Stores

Guest LDSister

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Guest LDSister

Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!


Target Getting the Message - Stock Drops 7%

"There is an anti-Christian bias in this country, and it is more on display at Christmas season than any other time." – Bill O'Reilly, The O'Reilly Factor, Fox News Channel – (Speaking about the decision of Target and other stores to ban the use of "Merry Christmas" in their stores and advertising.)

Dear Peggy,

On October 7 we brought to your attention that Target was banning the Salvation Army's kettles from the front of their stores. Now we've learned Target is also banning the use of "Merry Christmas" from their in-store promotions and from their advertising in papers, TV, etc.

Your efforts are having an impact. USA Today (11/16/05) announced that "Target alarmed investors by saying projected sales at stores open a year in November would miss the estimated 4% to 6% growth. Shares of Target fell $4.13 to $54.30." (A 7% drop.)

Target's ban of the Salvation Army and "Merry Christmas" expresses the same attitude toward Christianity as that held by Michael Newdow, who wants to ban "In God We Trust" from our currency and "under God" from our Pledge of Allegiance.

AFA is asking individuals to boycott Target during the upcoming Thanksgiving weekend—the busiest shopping weekend of the year. Please share this request to boycott Target on that weekend with friends, family and members of your church and Sunday school class.

Please sign the petition to Target. This petition will also be sent to other major chains banning the use of "Merry Christmas" including Costco, BJ's, Wal-Mart, Sears/K-Mart and Kohl's. It is basically too late to change their policies this year, but we can change it for next year. Last year we called for a boycott of Federated Stores because they banned "Merry Christmas." This year they are using "Merry Christmas!"

A successful boycott of Target will send a message to every company!

This is your opportunity to make your voice heard. Please act today and then forward this to friends and family.

Click Here to Sign the Petition To Target and Other Stores Now!



Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman

American Family Association

P.S. Please forward this e-mail message to your family and friends!

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Wal-Mart said it will make a $ 1 million matching donation to money raised online and in kettles outside its more than 3, 600 U. S. stores. Last year the Salvation Army raised $ 17 million of its $ 102 million in kettle donations at Wal-Mart locations, the most of any collection sites.

The Salvation Army gained media attention last year after Target Corp. said the charity could no longer set up its kettles outside stores. The no-solicitation policy, which applies to all groups, still stands

Wal-Mart is also expanding the number of days the Salvation Army can solicit donations outside its stores. This year the Salvation Army will be allowed to solicit from today, Nov 18 through Dec. 24, said Betsy Reithemeyer, executive director of the Wal- Mart and Sam’s Club Foundation. Hood said volunteers would be out every day except Sundays.

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Guest LDSister

My daughter was employed by Target a few years back. Her supervisor was a lesbian who made advances toward her. She was replaced by another homosexual employee. At least this Target is sympathetic toward the the heterosexual's demise.

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Originally posted by stellati@Nov 18 2005, 02:33 PM

That's ridiculous.  (Unfortuantley, I am a Target fan.)  Why are the atheists forcing their beliefs and opinions on christians?  Maybe everyone should just get real and grow up.  That way nobody would force their opinions and beliefs on anyone.  It's just crazy I tell you!  CRAZY!  :angry2:

The silly thing is.... they claimed we were forcing our stuff on them... by having things displayed.... but we never ever said they couldn't display there stuff... we didn't kidnap them and dunk'em in the pool muttering blessings on their head...

It is just a really creepy thing that they are literally FORCING everyone to come to their comfort zone.... leaving the majority in discomfort and losing more rights daily....

You know what? I could have a bigger complaint against people asking me how I was when they really didn't want to hear it... than I would about someone saying Happy Hanaka or some other religious thing or non religious thing...

These people are like Lawyers.... twisting stuff around until what they are saying has no truth in it at all... yet has the appearance of truth.... crazy crazy crazy..

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Guest ToasterOfen

Originally posted by stellati@Nov 18 2005, 01:33 PM

That's ridiculous.  (Unfortuantley, I am a Target fan.)  Why are the atheists forcing their beliefs and opinions on christians?  Maybe everyone should just get real and grow up.  That way nobody would force their opinions and beliefs on anyone.  It's just crazy I tell you!  CRAZY!  :angry2:

I agree. I am frustrated by this RIDICULOUS move to ban anything and everything Christian (or religious for that matter). I am not offended when I see a Menorah and I tell my Jewish friends "Happy Hanukkah". Two years ago, we went over to one of our Jewish friends home on Christmas to celebrate Hanukkah with them. And it was awesome.

I know that most of my non-Christian friends are not offended by the use of the word "Merry Christmas" Happy Hanukkah, and Seasons Greetings, it is a seasonal phrase, with great meaning for Christians, just as Hanukkah and the Menorah have great meaning for Jews. Neither should be taken offensively by those who don't share our/their beliefs. In fact, I am so grateful when any good religion is part of our culture and we can see symbols of their means the people believe in God, however they believe in God, and that is better than not believing in God at all.

I was going to look on-line to start getting my Christmas/Hanukkah/whatever shopping done (don't want to offend anyone, so can't just say Christmas or Hanukkah) and was going to look at Target. But I think I'll look more into their policy of removing Christmas from Christmas...HELLO...doesn't that just sound so RIDICULOUS???

When we lived in St Louis, there was a large Jewish population as well as a large Catholic population. During Mardi Gras, we were always told "Happy Mardi Gras" and never took offense, and would generally return the greeting. We are also greeted with "have a good Rosh Hoshana or Yom Kippur" during those Jewish holidays and it was nice. During Christmas and Hanukkah we were told on many occasions "Happy Hanukkah" as well as "Merry Christmas" and would reply with the like.

If I knew one of the stores began banning "Hanukkah" I would be upset, too. The holidays have religious fact, I want to get a menorah this year, and my kids loved latkas and dredels. Christmas and Hanukkah are about religion and religious symbols...the stupid :tinfoil: stores need to quit making it all about presents and money...maybe we need to do the same.

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Originally posted by LDSister+Nov 18 2005, 12:56 PM-->

My daughter was employed by Target a few years back. Her supervisor was a lesbian who made advances toward her. She was replaced by another homosexual employee. At least this Target is sympathetic toward the the heterosexual's demise.


@Nov 18 2005, 12:33 PM

That's ridiculous.  (Unfortuantley, I am a Target fan.)  Why are the atheists forcing their beliefs and opinions on christians? 

Well there's the good ole Christian ethic at work. If you are mad at somebody, fabricate some story and try and get other's to believe it. Someone who was less generous than I might call that lying.

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Guest Member_Deleted

ToasterOvenIf I knew one of the stores began banning "Hanukkah" I would be upset, too. The holidays have religious fact, I want to get a menorah this year, and my kids loved latkas and dredels. Christmas and Hanukkah are about religion and religious symbols...the stupid  stores need to quit making it all about presents and money...maybe we need to do the same.

I wish we as christian's were united enough to come together and just literally boycott all stores and places of business who put out this anti christian crap...

Maybe having a totally commercial free christmas one year wouldn't kill anyone... except those who were trying to kill God.

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I don't know what ya'll are talking about target banning christmas stuff... do ya'll not see the target commercials on tv EVERY day advertising their holiday specials? Well anyway.. I live in Canada and clearly there are no target stores here.. but if there was one I would sure shop there.. they have hecka good deals on all the time!!! I always think of driving down to minot just to take part in the good deals!!!!... ya'll should take advantage of what you have.. and stop being a bunch of babies.. there will always be somebody in the world who will make you mad.. so just ###### it up and deal with it..

Much love Amy

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 19 2005, 03:19 AM

How does Homosexuals figure into this??????????? may ask! I believe it was because the person in question worked for Target?

Personally, although I don't follow religion now...apart from reading about it all the time on here and other websites!!! LOL, I have no objection to anything religious being around in long as it's not preaching a gospel of hate and intolerance as some people appear to do in public!!

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Snow+Nov 18 2005, 08:46 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 18 2005, 12:56 PM

My daughter was employed by Target a few years back. Her supervisor was a lesbian who made advances toward her. She was replaced by another homosexual employee. At least this Target is sympathetic toward the the heterosexual's demise.

Well there's the good ole Christian ethic at work. If you are mad at somebody, fabricate some story and try and get other's to believe it. Someone who was less generous than I might call that lying.


I don't lie.

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Originally posted by LDSister+Nov 18 2005, 09:01 PM-->

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 18 2005, 08:46 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 18 2005, 12:56 PM

My daughter was employed by Target a few years back. Her supervisor was a lesbian who made advances toward her. She was replaced by another homosexual employee. At least this Target is sympathetic toward the the heterosexual's demise.

Well there's the good ole Christian ethic at work. If you are mad at somebody, fabricate some story and try and get other's to believe it. Someone who was less generous than I might call that lying.


I don't lie.

Hee , hee, that's a good one.

What possible evidence do you have [none - by the way] that Target or at least that particular Target is supporting homosexuality while attempting to suppress heterosexuality.... did I mention none?

Don't worry - it's a trick question - I know the answer is none.

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Guest Member_Deleted

Originally posted by Snow+Nov 18 2005, 11:13 PM-->

Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 18 2005, 09:01 PM

Originally posted by Snow@Nov 18 2005, 08:46 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 18 2005, 12:56 PM

My daughter was employed by Target a few years back. Her supervisor was a lesbian who made advances toward her. She was replaced by another homosexual employee. At least this Target is sympathetic toward the the heterosexual's demise.

Well there's the good ole Christian ethic at work. If you are mad at somebody, fabricate some story and try and get other's to believe it. Someone who was less generous than I might call that lying.


I don't lie.

Hee , hee, that's a good one.

What possible evidence do you have [none - by the way] that Target or at least that particular Target is supporting homosexuality while attempting to suppress heterosexuality.... did I mention none?

Don't worry - it's a trick question - I know the answer is none.

Actually I believe personal anecdoltal (sp)evidence before I would believe any statistic that most scholars throw around... LOL

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Guest ToasterOfen

I started writing this to LDSister:

I don't really want to get involved here, but I'll just throw my 2 cents in just the same and be done with it :sorry:: LDSister, although I do believe your story, it is only one, and unfortunatly can't be used to say that the entire Target enterprise is pro-homosexual.  One incident in one store unfortunatly does not prove it to be a "company wide" policy or stance.

I feel bad for your daughter, that would be very frustrating...but just like "one bad Mormon" does not represent the rest of us and make us all bad, I think that may be the case here.  Her experience is probably a good indicator of that particular store and feelings of a few in management.

But then realized she HAD mentioned it only being one store:

(LDSister @ Nov 18 2005, 12:56 PM)

My daughter was employed by Target a few years back. Her supervisor was a lesbian who made advances toward her. She was replaced by another homosexual employee. At least this Target is sympathetic toward the the heterosexual's demise.

Anyway, it was one incident, at one Target store so it doesn't prove anything other than this one supervisor at this Target is lesbian and hired someone else who is gay...I think LDSister realizes it, and so do the rest of us, so let's give it a break, and get :backtotopic:
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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 18 2005, 09:01 PM

My daughter was employed by Target a few years back. Her supervisor was a lesbian who made advances toward her. She was replaced by another homosexual employee. At least this Target is sympathetic toward the the heterosexual's demise.

I find this rather amusing my self,,,,, Only because last new years i was at a party a woman who ran the grocery store said to me MMMMMan i wish you were gay, You would be so perfect for me,

Ok now i responded........ well sorry but my middle name is gay so maybe we can just be friends

Not once did i go....look chick your going to hell cause your gay.......I thought it was flatering LOL , so what i'm getting at is ...............when you jump to judge it shows you truly don't know what you are juding,

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by ToasterOfen@Nov 19 2005, 12:10 PM

I started writing this to LDSister:

I don't really want to get involved here, but I'll just throw my 2 cents in just the same and be done with it :sorry:: LDSister, although I do believe your story, it is only one, and unfortunatly can't be used to say that the entire Target enterprise is pro-homosexual.  One incident in one store unfortunatly does not prove it to be a "company wide" policy or stance.

I feel bad for your daughter, that would be very frustrating...but just like "one bad Mormon" does not represent the rest of us and make us all bad, I think that may be the case here.  Her experience is probably a good indicator of that particular store and feelings of a few in management.

But then realized she HAD mentioned it only being one store:

(LDSister @ Nov 18 2005, 12:56 PM)

My daughter was employed by Target a few years back. Her supervisor was a lesbian who made advances toward her. She was replaced by another homosexual employee. At least this Target is sympathetic toward the the heterosexual's demise.

Anyway, it was one incident, at one Target store so it doesn't prove anything other than this one supervisor at this Target is lesbian and hired someone else who is gay...I think LDSister realizes it, and so do the rest of us, so let's give it a break, and get :backtotopic:


WoooooHoooo! Finally, a voice of reason...with ears to hear. :)

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Originally posted by lisajo+Nov 19 2005, 06:23 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 18 2005, 09:01 PM

My daughter was employed by Target a few years back. Her supervisor was a lesbian who made advances toward her. She was replaced by another homosexual employee. At least this Target is sympathetic toward the the heterosexual's demise.

I find this rather amusing my self,,,,, Only because last new years i was at a party a woman who ran the grocery store said to me MMMMMan i wish you were gay, You would be so perfect for me,

Ok now i responded........ well sorry but my middle name is gay so maybe we can just be friends

Not once did i go....look chick your going to hell cause your gay.......I thought it was flatering LOL , so what i'm getting at is ...............when you jump to judge it shows you truly don't know what you are juding,

LOL...Nice story Lisajo! :D

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Originally posted by pushka+Nov 19 2005, 04:44 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-lisajo@Nov 19 2005, 06:23 PM

I find this rather amusing my self,,,,, Only because last new years i was at a party a woman who ran the grocery store said to me MMMMMan i wish you were gay,  You would be so perfect for me,

Ok now i responded........ well sorry but my middle name is gay so maybe we can just be friends

Not once did i go....look chick your going to hell cause your gay.......I thought it was flatering LOL ,  so what i'm getting at is ...............when you jump to judge it shows you truly don't know what you are juding,

LOL...Nice story Lisajo! :D

Thanks............It got even better this Lady was a little drunk....she kept sending my Hubby back to the bar for her to get her Jack and diet coke.........He only got her just the diet coke LOL she never even noticed :lol:

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