Trollish Behavior...

Guest ToasterOfen

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Guest ToasterOfen

Okay, I've been here a few short weeks now, and have unfortunately come across quite a few threads that end up being thread-jacked and ultimately turn into a mud-slinging contest.

I, for one, am growing very weary :yawn: of the senseless arguing. We start out good, with a good topic that makes one think, and within a few posts all decency and common sense goes out the window. Then it's down to criticizing, name calling and the like.

My thought is: if you want to argue about it and make snide remarks to one another, create another thread and have at it. There have been a few in the last little while who have been courteous enough to actually offer to take it up in another forum (Jason comes to mind [thanks, BTW] because I've seen him do it a time or two) so as to not destroy the intent of the original poster.

I am not trying to point any fingers (although I'm sure you may have figured out why I chose this topic) because we all can be snotty at some point...but I really think we need to do a better job of sticking to the subject at hand and being courteous to all the other posters.

I do enjoy hearing about peoples different perspectives as much as the next guy or gal...just be respectful and compassionate when doing so. Don't be mean spirited and arrogant...and for goodness sakes, don't start making personal attacks on one another.

So (without getting mad at me or anybody else) what do you think? Do you think we can and should be nicer to you think we should make a bigger effort to stick to topic? Should we not encourage "trollish" behavior? Tell me what you think...

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I agree, and so when it starts the thread will be blocked and if the individuals responsible start again somewhere else they will have to go on a temporary ban.

You can dicuss topics while still choosing to have a kind "Debate". If the topic talks about s*e*x , drugs or anything not positively up lifting or informational, then they will be deleted.

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Guest ToasterOfen

Originally posted by Laureltree@Nov 19 2005, 12:00 PM

I agree, and so when it starts the thread will be blocked and if the individuals responsible start again somewhere else they will have to go on a temporary ban.

  You can dicuss topics while still choosing to have a kind "Debate". If the topic talks about s*e*x , drugs or anything not positively up lifting or informational, then they will be deleted.

Hey you wonderful people...thank you for the support! And rock!

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Guest LDSister

You have my support. I didn't come to this site to be badgered and bombarded with negativism or criticism, yet that is what I have experienced, even by some moderators. In my 5 yrs experience in chat, it is typical when one loses an argument, to resort to personal attacks.

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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 19 2005, 11:14 AM

You have my support.  I didn't come to this site to be badgered and bombarded with negativism or criticism, yet that is what I have experienced, even by some moderators. In my 5 yrs experience in chat, it is typical when one loses an argument, to resort to personal attacks.

TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ahhh:

[will shakespeare]

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by lisajo+Nov 19 2005, 01:34 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 19 2005, 11:14 AM

You have my support.  I didn't come to this site to be badgered and bombarded with negativism or criticism, yet that is what I have experienced, even by some moderators. In my 5 yrs experience in chat, it is typical when one loses an argument, to resort to personal attacks.

TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ahhh:

[will shakespeare]


Amen! One of my favorite quotes:

This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night and the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. - William Shakespeare

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Originally posted by LDSister+Nov 19 2005, 11:49 AM-->

Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 19 2005, 01:34 PM

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 19 2005, 11:14 AM

You have my support.  I didn't come to this site to be badgered and bombarded with negativism or criticism, yet that is what I have experienced, even by some moderators. In my 5 yrs experience in chat, it is typical when one loses an argument, to resort to personal attacks.

TO THINE OWN SELF BE TRUE!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ahhh:

[will shakespeare]


Amen! One of my favorite quotes:

This above all: to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night and the day, thou canst not then be false to any man. - William Shakespeare


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Guest ToasterOfen

Originally posted by DisRuptive1@Nov 19 2005, 12:58 PM

Even Heather posted a 15+ page or whatever thread that was titled, "Do you post with love?"  I bet she saw this coming.

Yeah, I think this has been brewing for a while...I'm just tired of it, whether you are the instigator or retaliator...let's just all be nice to one another....

If you don't start behaving, I'm going to make you all kiss and make up!!! (Ya know, I'm a mommy of 5 kids, so I could "make ya" do it. :D )

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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 19 2005, 12:14 PM

... I didn't come to this site to be badgered and bombarded with negativism or criticism, yet that is what I have experienced, even by some moderators. In my 5 yrs experience in chat, it is typical when one loses an argument, to resort to personal attacks.

First let me just say that no Mod has done any of those things to you Ari. I'm sorry if you have felt that one has. I assure you it was not their intent and either they were not clear or you mistook them.

And about "loosing arguments"...I think that is the whole of the problem with this board at the present. We seem to be comming here to win fights. I declare that there is no official right or wrong here. Only beliefes and points of view.

God allows us our own beliefs and opinions so lets follow that example. Feel free to counter someone's thoughts with your own...but do it in a way that expresses that you may not beleive like they do but that you enjoy the opertunity to exchange ideas. This is the only way to grow. When we fight no information is exchanged. Walls just go up and we're all a little dumber for it.

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Setheus+Nov 19 2005, 02:34 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 19 2005, 12:14 PM

... I didn't come to this site to be badgered and bombarded with negativism or criticism, yet that is what I have experienced, even by some moderators. In my 5 yrs experience in chat, it is typical when one loses an argument, to resort to personal attacks.

First let me just say that no Mod has done any of those things to you Ari. I'm sorry if you have felt that one has. I assure you it was not their intent and either they were not clear or you mistook them.

And about "loosing arguments"...I think that is the whole of the problem with this board at the present. We seem to be comming here to win fights. I declare that there is no official right or wrong here. Only beliefes and points of view.

God allows us our own beliefs and opinions so lets follow that example. Feel free to counter someone's thoughts with your own...but do it in a way that expresses that you may not beleive like they do but that you enjoy the opertunity to exchange ideas. This is the only way to grow. When we fight no information is exchanged. Walls just go up and we're all a little dumber for it.


WoooooHoooo!!!! I support that 100%...and thank you, Setheus. :)

Apology accepted...onward and upward!

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I'm glad to see something done...told someone earlier today I was thinking of leaving for awhile..... Hearts just not in it anymore. I don't like the sour taste left in my mouth. Life has enough problems without adding to it with spam..

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Originally posted by Lindy@Nov 19 2005, 12:56 PM

I'm glad to see something done...told someone earlier today I was thinking of leaving for awhile..... Hearts just not in it anymore. I don't like the sour taste left in my mouth. Life has enough problems without adding to it with  spam..

I for one would be SOOOOOOOO sad If you left!! I am glad you are still here,

Ya know Spam does leave a bad taste in your mouth even if you fry it :hmmm: LOL J/K :wow: (You know spam the food...had to add this for those who dont get it) :wacko:

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Originally posted by USNationalist@Nov 19 2005, 02:10 PM

Whats that people? I think i can hear the worlds tiniest violen playing in the distance.

*bah dum chish*

Hey kid~ you just blew it!

Your mac and cheese dinner just went out the window!

:wow: :wow:

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I fer one am ginna post like I always post. I think it is a bunch of nonsense to think that if a disagreement or annoyance occurs in a thread that all the sudden you would break it off and pick it up in another thread.

In real life, a conversation takes on a life of it's own meandering from one topic to another, from agreement to disagreement. No one ever says, "Whoa there Gertrude, we're off topic. Let's stop talkikng now, get up from our chairs, move over there to yonder tree and resume with the new topic."

We get calls to action like this all the time. It's not unusual for the worst offenders to be the first to agree that something ought to be done and after a day or two it is those same offenders that are the first to slink back into their old ways. I see no difference this time.

If you want to moderate your own behavior, go ahead. If you want to comment on my behavior, be my guest. If you want to not read what others have written - then for heavens sake, pray that somebody comes along and removes the ropes that tie you down in from of the monitor and removes the sticks that are propping your eye open so that you are no longer forced to read what is written... but I'm gonna post like I always post.

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Originally posted by USNationalist@Nov 19 2005, 06:06 PM

<<Hey kid~ you just blew it!

Your mac and cheese dinner just went out the window!>>


I apologize... must have just been crickets i was hearin.

LOL...once again you have redeemed yourself for the Kraft Blue Box

(with extra cheese)

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Originally posted by lisajo@Nov 19 2005, 06:40 PM

Bang........Now their off.................who's in first,..............who cares is in second


Can't we all just get along :wub:

ROFL...... Thanks lisajo For being who YOU are.....LOL

I'm just to the point of "who gives a flying rats backside?"..... :wow:

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