The Power Of Ignore

Guest LDSister

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Guest LDSister

The use of ignore is a powerful tool! It can change the atmosphere of a forum for the better, if you should encounter ppl who continually harass you. I've not been in this forum for very long, but I have just added a new poster to my ignore list, as this person has gone out of his way to attack and malign me.

Snow, you are now being ignored!

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I guess we could ignore everyone who doesn't agree with us, but that would make it a dull conversation. I choose to ignore only when I am offended by not responding. I have found that as I get older sometimes I am quick to get offended and it is not necessarily the persons intent. I think you have to give people room for error. (error in judgement)

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Originally posted by LDSister@Nov 21 2005, 04:07 AM

The use of ignore is a powerful tool! It can change the atmosphere of a forum for the better, if you should encounter ppl who continually harass you. I've not been in this forum for very long, but I have just added a new poster to my ignore list, as this person has gone out of his way to attack and malign me.

Snow, you are now being ignored!

Now Ignored! :wacko: ^^^^^

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Tammy@Nov 21 2005, 10:37 AM

I guess we could ignore everyone who doesn't agree with us, but that would make it a dull conversation.  I choose to ignore only when I am offended by not responding.  I have found that as I get older sometimes I am quick to get offended and it is not necessarily the persons intent.  I think you have to give people room for error. (error in judgement)


I have chosen to ignore those who have continually sought to discredit me in this forum, because they simply aren't worth wasting my time reading their rhetoric!

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LOL I remember a long time ago in a galexy far far away the Mods of the board accused Snow of hacking the board. Well, he of course didnt. But I know who diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid :ph34r:

Trust me ladies, Snow is not whom you need fear or ignore. Once you learn to pick apart his serious thoughts from his humor you'll find he's quite an interesting read.

Maybe I'll just quote Snow everywhere I're not gonna ignore me too are you? :lol:;)

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by Josie@Nov 21 2005, 11:56 AM

If no one is worth wasting our time on and we are going to ignore anyone that disagrees with us, why bother to come?


The ignore function is for that very purpose. I have chosen to ignore those who have attacked me personally, which is offensive. There are ways to disagree, without attacking personally. But it has been my experience, that when one loses the argument, they resort to personal attacks.

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I believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, I may say that I follow the admonition of Paul—I believe all things, I hope all things, I have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, I seek after these things. - Article of Faith, #13

And btw, I also believe I can do good to all men without seeking to associate with men [or women] who seek anything other than that which is virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy.

Or in other words, why not seek to associate with the best of all people on Earth, or at least those who try to help encourage us, instead of those who seem to enjoy taking "jabs" at us or other people?


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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by gwell@Nov 21 2005, 01:10 PM

The power of the ignore option is indeed a good one...however I do not understand the need for someone to announce it to the site....


Some ppl may not be aware that this function exists, such as in Tammy's case. She felt attacked by someone, and didn't realize she didn't have to subject herself to his attacks, and could use the option to ignore.

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Originally posted by Outshined+Nov 21 2005, 11:59 AM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-LDSister@Nov 21 2005, 12:36 PM

I have chosen to ignore those who have attacked me personally, which is offensive. There are ways to disagree, without attacking personally. But it has been my experience, that when one loses the argument, they resort to personal attacks.

In this case, "attack" apparently means anyone who dares to disagree with her. Not that it's any loss... :lol::lol:

My thought too, I think the ignore count is up to 5 people now....not sure maybe higherLOL :P

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You just stood there screaming, fearing no one was listening to you. They say the empty can rattles the most. The sound of your own voice must soothe you.Hearing only what you want to hear and knowing only what you've heard. You, you're smothered in tragedy. And you're out to save the world!

Misery, you insist that the weight of the world should be on your shoulders.

Misery, there's much more to life than what you see. My friend of misery.

You still stood there screaming. No one caring about these words you tell. My friend before your voice is gone, one man's fun is another's hell. These times are sent to try men's souls but something's wrong with all you see. You, you'll take it on all upon yourself remember, misery loves company

You just stood there screaming. My friend of misery

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Guest LDSister

Originally posted by gwell@Nov 21 2005, 01:33 PM

Fair enough......Explaining the use of it is fine....specifically stating who you are placing IMHO is a tad bit offside....


I don't have any trouble being direct with ppl.

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