I Am Curious


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:hmmm: ok I was just wondering how many of ya'll have seen the movies such as: The Singles Ward, The RM, and movies like that? well that is not the question the question is: Well assuming that the writers and the 'in-charge' people who were 'in-charge' of making these movies are members. How many of you would still think the movies are funny if the 'in-charge' people were not members? just a few random people that got together one day and decided to make fun of mormons? How many of you would think that is appropriate? or would you think that is prejudiced? and if you don't think it would be ok for a non-member to make that movie.. what makes it ok for a member to do it??

Just let me know.. Thanks!

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Originally posted by Amy@Nov 22 2005, 03:37 PM

:hmmm: ok I was just wondering how many of ya'll have seen the movies such as: The Singles Ward, The RM, and movies like that? well that is not the question the question is: Well assuming that the writers and the 'in-charge' people who were 'in-charge' of making these movies are members. How many of you would still think the movies are funny if the 'in-charge' people were not members? just a few random people that got together one day and decided to make fun of mormons? How many of you would think that is appropriate? or would you think that is prejudiced? and if you don't think it would be ok for a non-member to make that movie.. what makes it ok for a member to do it?? 

Just let me know.. Thanks!

I am sorry Amy what i wrote earlier was rude ........I have shell shock right now from another poster, and did not mean it...i also miss took what you said,
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I don't think it matters if the one making the movie is LDS or not. I think that there are a lot of things that we can find humor in that is not sacrilegious.

RM for example. It is so true that the sisters have fancy displays and make sure that the doily under the flowers is in just the right position and that hours have gone in to the lesson and that when the brethren meet in priesthood they wonder who has the lesson and if no one knows they just read it together and see if some discussion can come from it.

I have not seen any of the other movies but RM was hilarious to watch once.

If we cannot laugh at ourselves we should laugh at no one.

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AMY calm down...........this is not a place to bash.......first of all i know people who make these movies and you are wrong....what do you know about them? Have you even seen them? and yes they are Mormon,.......Get your facts stait before you bash.............actually donrt even bashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I don't think Amy is bashing the movie makers. She brings up a valid point. We think movies that poke fun at Mormon situations are funny when they are put out by Mormon movie makers but what if they were not members of the church??

Huh? I am puzzled as to how I would feel. I think I would still laugh if the situations in the movie were honest to real happenings or at least respected our beliefs. It is hard to say though. Being open minded is not always easy for us.

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Originally posted by lisajo+Nov 22 2005, 05:40 PM-->

<!--QuoteBegin-Amy@Nov 22 2005, 03:37 PM

:hmmm: ok I was just wondering how many of ya'll have seen the movies such as: The Singles Ward, The RM, and movies like that? well that is not the question the question is: Well assuming that the writers and the 'in-charge' people who were 'in-charge' of making these movies are members. How many of you would still think the movies are funny if the 'in-charge' people were not members? just a few random people that got together one day and decided to make fun of mormons? How many of you would think that is appropriate? or would you think that is prejudiced? and if you don't think it would be ok for a non-member to make that movie.. what makes it ok for a member to do it?? 

Just let me know.. Thanks!

AMY calm down...........this is not a place to bash.......first of all i know people who make these movies and you are wrong....what do you know about them? Have you even seen them? and yes they are Mormon,.......Get your facts stait before you bash.............actually donrt even bashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

no no no..... I clearly did not state that message the way I wanted it to be... I am just wondering if a non-member made the movies would you still think they are funny.... I don't know anything about the people that made the movies that is why I said ASSUMING... and I have never seen them nor do I want to.. but from all the reviews I have heard and seen from my friends and elsewhere those movies 'make fun' of LDS steriotypes.... so I just wanted to know if you would think it is funny if a non-member did it...

if this still does not sound right to you then never mind.. I will take the topic out..

and I promise I really was not trying to bash anything.. I am really just curious...

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AMY calm down...........this is not a place to bash.......first of all i know people who make these movies and you are wrong....what do you know about them? Have you even seen them? and yes they are Mormon,.......Get your facts stait before you bash.............actually donrt even bashhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I don't think Amy is bashing the movie makers. She brings up a valid point. We think movies that poke fun at Mormon situations are funny when they are put out by Mormon movie makers but what if they were not members of the church??

Huh? I am puzzled as to how I would feel. I think I would still laugh if the situations in the movie were honest to real happenings or at least respected our beliefs. It is hard to say though. Being open minded is not always easy for us.

Thank you Tammy!!

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Originally posted by Jason@Nov 22 2005, 07:23 PM

I'd like to see a remake of the movie "Witness," which starred Harrison Ford.  Except this time, let's do it with a compound-living group of Mormon Polygamists.

Now that would be a good flick!  :lol:

HBO is going to have a mini-series about a polygamous family in SLC, produced by Tom Hanks... should be interesting.

Click here

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Originally posted by Amy@Nov 22 2005, 04:37 PM

How many of you would still think the movies are funny if the 'in-charge' people were not members? just a few random people that got together one day and decided to make fun of mormons?

I really doubt a non-Mormon could make a movie like "Singles Ward". To truly understand and laugh at the peculiarities of LDS culture, I believe those who live it can adequately portray the uniqueness of life as a single person in LDS land. One of the writers of “Singles Ward” is also a stand-up comedian, so he not only understands LDS culture, he knows how to make it funny without being disrespectful.

I’ve seen “Singles Ward” and thought it was average funny just for the fact it’s definitely made for the LDS audience. You’ve got to be able to relate to the situations to be able to get the jokes. My only pet peeve about the movie was the character of Cammie, she had no sense of humour at all. I recommend when looking for a marriage partner, find someone with a sense of humour.


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As an example of recent Mormon mentioning through entertainment channels, there was a little tidbit on the Gilmore Girls in the last episode.

Rory is explaining to her mother how her grandparents had a minister talk to her about keeping herself virtuous. Lorelai replies back with how her parents made 5 attempts to have religious people talk to her about such things – and one of these attempts was with a Mormon missionary. Now if the writers knew better they should have said Mormon missionaries, since they always work in pairs. -_-


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HI AMY!!!:)

Just my 2 cents...

I would still think the movies were funny if a non member had made them yes.

It would only show me how well they planned and researched things to make it so hilarious.

I have no problem laughing at myself, and we do come from a religion that can have some great one liners! :D

I have seen several of the "mormon" movies... and laughed and laughed. It was great to be in the theatre and hear someone say "Oh my heck! That's ME...that's how I was!" or "I thought I was the only one who did that!"

If you haven't seen "Singles Ward" it's a must see!

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