need help with seminary and parents


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Ok, the story goes like this;

I live thirty minutes away from the school I attend. They have seminary, but it is early morning seminary. I wanted to transfer to a school closer to where I live, but my parents won't let me. I really want to attend seminary, but my parents won't let me. Help?

By the way, I'm not sure if this is in the right place, so if it's not, Pam, feel free to move it.

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There may be a reason beyond what you know that your parents are not for this. Perhaps there is a financial or logistical reason. It would be best for you to have a straightforward conversation with your parents concerning this. Be prepared to provide reasons why you want to do this, the benefit to your future and your testimony or spiritual growth. Tell yourself you won't whine or complain. And be ready to negotiate the situation. Be open to offering suggestions and listening to theirs. Typically these things can be worked out, maybe not to the complete satisfaction of both parties. But at least if you present a good case, and remain mature and open, they will see that you are growing into a mature adult, and may be more likely to respect what you want and need.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There may be a reason beyond what you know that your parents are not for this. Perhaps there is a financial or logistical reason. It would be best for you to have a straightforward conversation with your parents concerning this. Be prepared to provide reasons why you want to do this, the benefit to your future and your testimony or spiritual growth. Tell yourself you won't whine or complain. And be ready to negotiate the situation. Be open to offering suggestions and listening to theirs. Typically these things can be worked out, maybe not to the complete satisfaction of both parties. But at least if you present a good case, and remain mature and open, they will see that you are growing into a mature adult, and may be more likely to respect what you want and need.

and if you can "convince" them about going to seminary, do not ever lack...not going to the seminary after that would give them the right to forbid you from doing other church stuff.

Talk to them wide and open, tell them this will you grow as a man, it will make you mature and it will help you doing the right choices in the rest of the day...even if they're not members they will want what is best for you, so just tell them it will help you being a good boy ^^

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