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Everything posted by AELK

  1. We were on that schedule last year. It was difficult as often it was naptime for the children. And the ones that were really tired were just allowed to sleep. What I found helpful and this goes for any teaching experience with toddlers, is that we have a set routine. We also are very flexible. Now those two things don't sound like they mesh, but really we do. Our routine is for them to have social time (which might be called freeplay, but it is more than that, as with 1s,2s, and 3s- they are just learning about peer interaction, and we help them have positive interactions, redirecting problems, helping them learn to be kind, and gentle, plus praising any prosocial behaviors we see). After that, we have clean-up, as it is important for them to learn the value of taking care of the environment. The children do most of it. I call them to lesson with a fun song, and incorporate singing (often to them but sometimes with finger plays and their participation) throughout the lesson. I have a brief lesson. Children are never forced to come, nor are they scolded for not. We use no form of punishment in our group (no scolding or other verbal reprimand, no isolation-aka "timeout") all children are respected and guided when needed. I think this is what makes our program work like it does. The stake nursery leader says that the children are very comfortable and happy. We also respect the child's needs- sometimes they just need their papa or other significant family member. So either myself or a nursery assistant takes them to their parent. Forcing them to stay would erode their trust in us. Recognizing and responding to their need is respectful and humane. I understand that these little ones because of their cognitive development cannot keep the image of a loved one in their minds, so for many of them they are suffering as if their parent no longer exists. Anyway, back to our routine. After a lesson, and I use a variety of teaching methods that are developmentally appropriate for this age group.. we go for a walk. Sometimes outside, but because we live in the Pacific Northwest and it rains 300 days of the year, more often we walk inside. We have a walking rope with loops that the children hold. They do very well, and it gives them a different enviroment and a break from the nursery room. Once we get back, we have snack and may do an art activity. After that I put our manipulatives that children can use together and we might also have bubbles... which takes us to the end of nursery time. I hope this was helpful, and not too wordy (as I know I can get) and please feel free to leave me a message.
  2. There may be a reason beyond what you know that your parents are not for this. Perhaps there is a financial or logistical reason. It would be best for you to have a straightforward conversation with your parents concerning this. Be prepared to provide reasons why you want to do this, the benefit to your future and your testimony or spiritual growth. Tell yourself you won't whine or complain. And be ready to negotiate the situation. Be open to offering suggestions and listening to theirs. Typically these things can be worked out, maybe not to the complete satisfaction of both parties. But at least if you present a good case, and remain mature and open, they will see that you are growing into a mature adult, and may be more likely to respect what you want and need.
  3. A good daughter-in-law loves your son more than you do. Wants for his happiness above her own. Beyond that a good daughter-in-law loves her husband's parents and likes being with them, calls them every Sunday just to chat. :)
  4. The definition is in the eye (hands) of the person doing the labor. How that person feels about it, defines what it is.
  5. We won't be mortal, so it won't be as it is here. We will each be placed where we belong, and it will be well. I do believe that those in higher kingdoms will be able to go to the other ones. But there is joy in each. And the kingdoms exist in another formation than there being borders. So we will be where we know and feel we belong. Spirit Prison isn't one of razor wire, like mortal prisons. It may be cliche to say this... but what it is, is beyond our mortal minds' comprehension.
  6. What I tell my teachers is that the child is wanting to sound big. They see just expressions as 'adult' and get a lot of attention for using such words. The recommendation I have is for the teacher to give the child a 'big' word to say. One that will draw just as much attention but isn't profane. Something that you would typically only hear out of the mouth of a highly educated adult. That way the child still feels big but the word doesn't offend anyone nor does it break any of the commandments.
  7. Sounds like with what your goals are.. the answer to your question is yes, you would be better off to find a member of the church. I have dated both. Members and non-members. Although the last non-member I dated was a really nice guy, and he said he understood, there were frustrating situations, simple things but to me they meant a lot, that kept coming up. "I understand and respect you won't go to a movie on Sunday" then the next week.. 'let's go to a movie on Sunday." I was married to an inactive member, and it became horrid... part of the reason it became a 'was'. It got so he chastised me about keeping my covenants. My own conclusion was that it really helped the relationship and was a lot better when the person I was dating (and eventually got married to) was/is LDS. Opposites may attract but they don't stay together. Why do you think eHarmony does so well? They match people based on compatibility. Being of the same faith is part of that. We may not think it is a major issue when we are falling in love. But that is a mere speck on the timeline of eternity... the falling in love stage.
  8. Although I am not certain of what you did or was accused of doing, I am going to try and help because you asked someone to. If you did do something to hurt someone or break covenants, you need to go to bishop and talk to him. Be upfront and honest, and he will guide you. It isn't better to keep it from coming out, it may seem hard to disclose it now, it will more difficult in the long run if you don't go through a repentance process. Sounds like there is a lot malice in your heart. To have such a strong desire for revenge is not good thing to have as part of your spirit. That in itself, the malice is enough to go to the bishop on. Part of repenting is forgiveness. Forgiving not only those you feel have transgressed against you, but also forgiving yourself. It is challenging when others do or say things that we may not perceive the same way. The only person we have control over is ourselves. One test to know where you are along the pathway is- does what I say make you even anger or does it make some sense? What is the outcome you want to take home with you? What conclusion of this event do you want to report to Father on? You ask if anyone has been through this. I believe to some extent everyone has this trial. Even those who seem like happy Mollys with a life of bliss...... it is a facade. And remember, we all perceive things differently, what this other person said or did probably did have a different meaning to her than it did to you. Some people thrive on conflict and discontent. It helps them feel in control of a life that is usually out-of-control. Like I said repentance is about forgiveness, love and understanding beyond one's own self.
  9. Gender isn't solely a matter of what genitalia one has or any factor of genetic make-up. There are characteristics of our spirits, our true selves, that have gender. Gender isn't all about sexual elements, it has a divine purpose that goes beyond procreation.
  10. I think that the thoughts you are having are completely normal and to be expected. If you find that this person is a potential life or eternity mate, you should be having some physical desires for her. If you were not, she's probably not the one. I have had too much experience with this type of situation, some of which I would not wish on anyone. But I have come to some good points of understanding that I wish to share with you: You are doing the right thing going out to public places, and being diligent not to cross the line and do something that should only be done once you are married. But I would recommend that you do talk about that subject. Because nothing is worse than being unevenly yoked when it comes to matters of intimacy. You don't have to go there to find out if you have the same feelings towards the subject. What areas of discussion are based on what is important to you, and your relationship. Be objective in how you deal with what she says and does. We often misinterpret what our significant other means or feels. Ask yourself- do you trust her? Love is a wonderful thing. But what makes a relationship good and it last is friendship. Can you see her as being your best friend forever? Can you see yourself sharing it all with her without reservation?
  11. I have felt the same way. But I realize it isn't the other people that are causing or making me have these feelings.... I am having them myself. For example, there was the subject of marriage one sacrament meeting. I sat there and watched all the couples, arms around each other.. and I felt so bad, sad, mad.......Eventually a member of the bishopric spoke and he talked about how he didn't find his companion until he was 40 something.. and what he said helped take away the hurt I was feeling. So are people actively saying "we don't want you around because you have no spouse"... or is it more passive, such as Valentine's Day couple's dance that you cannot go to because you are single? I see both single's activities and couple's activities in our stake. So I wonder if the couples feel badly because they are not invited to the single's activities? I know it is hard. I sit there without a companion week after week. I know I have one... and I have been blessed to know who he is, where he is and be loved by him more than he has words to express. We just cannot be together for a while. So I hold to that when I sit there alone... because really I am not alone. Not only is my future husband and eternal companion there with me in spirit, but our Savior and Father in heaven never leaves our side. Best wishes.
  12. Consider this... a year from now you could be still trying to make yourself worthy to go to the temple and probably keep going through what you are going through right now... or a year from now you could have been married for a year and be able to go to the temple. If you have already been intimate with this person, just get married. Because the line has been crossed, it will be difficult to not go there. I understand this. It is much easier to just stay a virgin and then get married, because once you have it, it makes you want it even more, so abstaining is more difficult if you have gone there already. Quit beating yourself up over the past. Set eternal goals with your spouse based on what you can do from this point forward. The longer you wait to marry, the longer your babies have to wait to get here. It is a worthy goal to want to be married in the temple. You can have it in a year from now, if you get married.
  13. There's no way she can care for these babies and her other children by herself, she cannot provide the human touch, the comfort and support, or even the milk (human milk that is) for so many. What is the answer? Either she gets the oodles of money from the novelty of it all and gets nannies and a constant supply of artificial baby milk or these babies will be physically and mentally neglected.
  14. Is your brother on an IEP? Keep in mind his world is much different from ours. The way the world is... the way he thinks... and acts are governed by a different set of rules. When asked why he does things, he just gives whatever answer comes to mind.. which explains what he said. Because he can't give the real answer which is "My brain is different from yours, and therefore the stimulus in my environment causes me to do things differently and respond differently to that stimulus. My motives are not the same as a typically developing person." I do have a lot of experience with PDD and autism both professionally and personally,as I have a son with a PDD-spectrum disorder. Please send me a message if you would like more insight.
  15. I hope that is something yummy for our dear squirrel friends to eat... perhaps a nut combo with peanut butter melted on it... don't tell me if it is what I think it is..just let me believe you are preparing a delicacy for the squirrels.
  16. My assumption is that the man she wishes to marry is the one she committed adultery with. So perhaps this is an action to make right what was done? I know of the exact same situation that occurred with a man that I was dating. His marriage ended when his wife committed adultery with his best friend. All she wanted was a divorce so she could marry this other man. She begged for a divorce and was willing to give up her children if her husband would agree to a divorce, which he did on the grounds he got total custody. In that circumstance, both individuals, the wife and the man she was with, were excommunicated from the LDS church. My frank opinion is that I cannot be judgmental for I would be judged by the same I judgment I place on others. Is it okay? As far as what the individual in your scenario is doing. Who can say? Maybe it is an attempt to make right a wrong. Has she repented? Repented both with God and the prior husband she hurt? If truly so, she deserves to move on. Who are we to question what God has forgiven?
  17. China may be in a good position, but the Chinese people are not. I was married to an individual who grew up in Soviet Union. His views on life and morality are very different from God's plan. He learned and does believe that one needs to lie. That is part of being an adult, he says. Only little children who don't know any better tell the truth. He said that is what he learned growing up in a socialist state. One lies to live. Although there are some values in a socialist way of life, it becomes all too easily communistic.
  18. The one with the faith is the dear sister who asked for her bird to have a blessing. The blessing is really one of comfort for her.
  19. Being someone who has completed her Ph.D. I can provide some of my own insights to the dilemma . And post some questions you may want to ask yourself. I have had several relationships, none what they should have been, none that have led me to that which I need to be to be an eternal companion to someone. That in itself is my fault, or rather I needed to learn some things, and these things were nothing that I could learn in graduate school. What you need to consider is that if you give up your program to be near someone, will it cause resentment in the long run? This would not be good for your relationship. Just quitting and moving to be close to a boyfriend? Nope. If he were your husband and eternal companion, making allowances so that you can support him might be legitimate. In my case, I have found someone who I can be an eternal companion with. I felt this even before I agreed to marry him. Funny thing to think of eternity before one thinks of time, but that is how it happened. I was at the dissertation stage of my Ph. D when we met, and while we were still just friends, I talked to him about this. Even the counselor I was seeing (because I was abused in my former marriage) told me that I needed to consider if in the long run, having more education than my man would cause issues. (this is something you need to consider if yours is not gettting a doctorate). The other issue was age, if I was okay with the difference.... (there is 9 years). I talked to my boyfriend about both, the age thing is no big issue... we both realize it just took me longer to learn that which I need to be. The education issue, he has an AA, and that is all he is going to get, is a non-issue. He is proud of me for what I have accomplished. And I know he is very intellent, knows and can do a lot more than I can..... I realize there are many ways to be intellegent and to have knowledge, skills, and abilities. Love isn't enough. A lot of people say they are getting married or they are in a relationship because they love each other. Beyond love, how do you feel about each other? Can you be each other's best friend forever? The fact of the matter is, that you are questioning this. I would look at this fact as a key sign in what you should do. Yes, you should marry and yes, you should have children, if you can. Is it this man that is to be your companion? Ask the question, and then go to the temple and in the Celestial room find the answer. Don't lead yourself to the answer... let Father give it. That is what I did. And now that I focus on following the path He directed things just feel right. You will know, dear sister, because it will feel right when you do it. And it will feel confusing when you don't.
  20. In the brain there are chemicals that help the brain function. Sometimes these chemicals are not working right, or are in an imbalance. This imbalance can be caused by a lot of things even philological (problems that are of a physical nature) situations. Sometimes no matter what sort of psychotherapy (talking to the therapist) you do, it can't help get these chemicals back into the way they need to be so that you feel okay. A lot of the medications that are used to treat brain disorders help the chemicals get back into balance. I can't give you much personal insight into these medications, as I have not been on them myself. And I don't know how much help professional insight is when faced with personal issues. But I do hope something that I said is helpful. :)
  21. Hello Emily, I applaud you for what you are doing. I had the same situation. I was inactive for many years, but I told myself when I returned to the United States after an 8 year work related stay in Europe, I would be active. And I did it. I just started going to my new ward as if I was always an active member. There was no problems. It felt right. I have been active, very much so since then, and that was eleven years ago. I have regrets as my older children are not active, the ones that grew up during my inactive years. Because where the (mama) sheep goes, the lambs do follow. Please don't hesitate to message me. Angie
  22. Dear Rico, Sounds like there have been some struggles in your family but that they have bonded you and your siblings. I have heard a variety of answers to your question about how we came to have the family we have here in mortality. For sure, Father is guiding this. We chose our parents before we come. I have a feeling that some of us were essentially in the same relationship with our family members in the pre-existence as we are here in mortality. For each meeting, there is a purpose. I look at my own children, at their relationship with each other.... it is different from my relationship with my siblings. Fortunately the relationship that my own children have with their siblings is very close, supportive and caring. My sisters and I are a touch-base every once in a while sort of relationship. I wish on you the kind of relationship with your brothers and sisters as my own children have. And no question is a 'stupid question'. There are probably many who wonder this same thing, and are glad you asked. I hope that someone else will also reply with a more in depth and detailed response. There is a lot of knowledge in the collective here. :) And yes, in the temple you will learn more about your purpose and your understanding of the plan of salvation, to include pre-existence, mortality and our destiny will become more clear. Will you be able to go to the temple soon? Angie
  23. Holidays are hard especially because we Americans, and most of the rest of the world, tend to celebrate everything with food. You have probably heard this before, but just in case someone who is reading this hasn't look at the other aspects of the holiday and focus on that. I too have a problem with food, although mine is probably different from yours, it is a psychological and physical issue just the same. What I really enjoy about the holidays has to do with food, but it is making it for others that gives me delight. My kids just took plates of brownies to the neighbors today. Do any of your memories of your grandmother have to do with something other than food? If so, consider those. Why start new traditions that have to do with food? That perpetuates the cycle. There are many things families can do other than eat. I wish you a holiday full of joy, comfort and peace. I know the weight thing is a struggle, maybe more so emotionally than physically. Take care.
  24. Thank you. I am going to send it to someone I like to hug. :)
  25. AELK


    I know people will say things. Well meaning but it hurts. Things like, You should feel blessed to have the two you have or ask something about when the next one is coming. Secondary infertility can be frustrating on two levels.... it seems like your body worked okay so why is there a problem now, and people telling you you should be happy with the two you have. There are many brothers and sisters who have felt and are feeling pain similiar to yours. Often times just knowing them and talking with them helps. Keep in mind that although well meaning statements hurt, that the individual making the statement just has good intentions. They just want to make you feel better or say something encouraging. Although there are a lot of methods and treatments for infertility, sometimes it just doesn't work. Our fertility rate drops first at 25 and then again at 35, and by 45 well there is only a 5% chance it will happen at all. And this is for women who don't have other issues. I am sure that you have explored options... I mean to figure out the real issue. Often we consider it is our bodies that are not functioning properly, when in fact it is something about the sperm count, or the fluids that are not allowing sperm to survive. Sometimes, and I don't know how you feel about this, IVF is needed, because the egg and sperm will not or cannot meet naturally. I don't know where you live but if you live on a coast there are some wonderful clinics that have speciality procedures... I have heard of one in Virgina, and there are many here in the pacific northwest. I found when I had pregnancy issues, that reading all about it and trying to resolve and work through it in my own mind, helped a lot. Perhaps that is something you can do. It feels better for me at least, to be working towards understanding and maybe a solution than just relying on someone else's expertise. I know when my fertility specialist went on vacation for a month, he came back and I was pregnant.. no pills no just happened, after months that turned into years of wanting her. Now she is a senior in high school. I love her more than life. Hope something I said is helpful, I tend to ramble. :) Angie