What Would you Do....

Guest DeborahC

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I can’t attend church in the traditional manner, sitting in the chapel attending my Sunday meetings. My former Bishop was very thoughtful and came up with this suggestion. I use one of the ward hearing impaired receivers so I can listen to sacrament meeting just outside the building. We also made the arrangement for the Aaronic priesthood to meet me at a tree just outside our building so I can partake of the sacrament each Sunday. When it’s cold I sit in my car and bundle up in my mountaineering gear. I pull out my lawn chair in the summer months and sit underneath a tree. My family joins me for outside church several times a year.

I realize this may not be suitable for everyone but it works for me. If I can camp in zero degree weather and hike in 100 degree heat, why not sit outside and listen to sacrament meeting

When I was first diagnosed with MCS my doctor suggested wearing a full face mask when I went into the church building. The only problem with that, other than frightening every little kid in the building was my MCS issues were causing minor anaphylactic reactions. After consulting with my doctor I learned that continued exposure only increased the ill effects of MCS.

When I tell people I’m sensitive to perfumes/colognes most people say, I only wear a little but you get a chapel full of people wearing a little perfume/cologne and it’s overwhelming for someone with MCS. What I learned through research was most people with MCS can be sensitive to an irritant as small as one part per million or even one part per billion.

I realize there will always be someone who does not understand MCS and makes a stupid comment like, “so your allergic to church” or “maybe the Lord’s trying to tell you something.” I know I can’t go in a ward building because of the overwhelming perfume/cologne odor, so I attend church in a manner that I can. My Bishop talked with the stake leadership about making our ward building a scent free building but all three wards would have to comply and the stake did not want to pursue that request.

I think its great that you don't let MCS keep you from attending. Best Wishes

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In our building they turned off the buzzers at the end of every hour because it distracted a kid with Autism. People just knowing is the best approach. 99% of all of them would probably think "sure!" And to my wife's relief I would have a reason to stop wearing my Hai Karate aftershave...

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  • 1 year later...

I used to be able to ware a mask but I got really bad to the point that I cannot enter the building with a mask on I am not taking about a I can breath mask or a 3m 8577, cheap masks. I am taking about a gas mask. Fact: The Chemicals get absorbed through the skin and eyes. Short of being bubble boy I cannot enter the church ad have it been able to do so for 6 years before this I would hang out in the kitchen. I do not have the funds to get bubble boy not to mentions that it would freak people out if I walked into the church with $5,000 wroth of S.U.B.A gear and the cost of filling bottles every week.

It is unreasonable to ask people to cut out the perfume. It only takes one. Most people try but they just don't or can't get it. I do not blame them it is just the way that it is. don't bother trying it will not work unless you are in a small ward that is the only one that is meeting in the chapel. I have had only one person that has said anything negative to me about the mask when I could go. Don't let that stop you. Right now I Skype in to some meetings.

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We have two or three chemical sensitivity folks in my ward. They're often unable to enter the building, regardless of what people are wearing. They say the 'chemical free' room doesn't work for them, the paint, or carpeting glue or something still gets to them. So our ward broadcasts the microphone over the radio, brings them the sacrament meeting, saves seats for them by a door they can keep open, and just otherwise do everything we can to love 'em and help them be as included as possible.

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if Jesus walked into Sacrament and said,

"There are people in the world who would like to attend their meetings, but who have something called Multiple Chemical Sensitivities which makes it impossible for them to be around scented products, such as your perfume or scented fabric softener.

Would you be willing to NOT wear those products if it meant that your sacrifice would allow just one soul to attend meetings and be faithful members of this Church?"


What would I do? I would ask how I can meet the needs (as I don't know which things to change) and do it. We are fortunate enough to live in a world where there are options, if there is an option to help I would take it and be happy that I could help someone else.

I have had to give up work as the combination of air conditioner, fluorescent lights and focussing for extended periods of time causes migraines that last for up to 5 days and for my muscles to go into spasm around my eyes and I go blind.

I have to wear sunglasses nearly everywhere and wear a cap at all times, a pretty hat doesn't work as I need the tightness around my head. I have had some horrible comments, not from church members thankfully, and some insensitive behaviours around me and have used them as teaching opportunities (whether they like it or not :) )

I did not attend church for a long time as it is the same environment as work. Thankfully, I have worked with Bishop and I now have a the lights off in the overflow area and designated seating just for our family in the dark. When I need to, I go outside. I still get headaches, but they aren't so bad. Funny, there are a lot of people in the overflow joining us now as the muted lighting seems more calming on the children.

We have created nut free areas, egg free areas and cater for coeliacs with sacrament bread, we have ramps for the less mobile and take sacrament to those unable to attend. I don't see why we can't try and help with this issue as well. Maybe we would all be healthier if we reduced the chemicals in our environment.

Perhaps a combination of most people helping, and wearing a mask, will work.

To be honest I have been pretty disgusted lately about the attitudes of a couple of ladies in the RS in our ward. We were assigned the task of making lunches for the stake YW camp, I happily agreed to assist. The menu was egg rolls, fruit and biscuits. A lot of kids are allergic to eggs these days and a lot simply don't like them. I mentioned this and suggested that maybe we do half egg and half something simple like vegemite, or at least offer an alternative. It would make no difference to our workload. The comment received back was that those with allergies need to take their own food, and those that don't like it can starve. These girls are doing hikes and other activities that mean they need sustenance. When making the egg mix, this particular sister added so much pepper that I don't think I could have eaten it despite loving pepper. The biscuits that were made were peanut butter cookies - thankfully someone stopped that one from happening.

It didn't seem like much Christ like love happening there at all and I was embarrassed to be a part of it. I was glad my daughters weren't at that camp.

Edited to add that they YW were told not take extra food unless they had allergies and it was arranged with the leaders. So they were trapped in an isolated area with no other options.

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Perhaps a combination of most people helping, and wearing a mask, will work.

This does not work for many people. I do not even think that people are trying to be unchirst like it is just the way it is. People can't get this. We say don't were perfume but that is only the tip of the ice burg. The list is any thing included any one that burns candles plug-in etc etc etc etc etc bla bla bla bla. at there house transfers over. Hair spray deodorants, deterrents, dryer sheets that are on most clothes are usually very bad. Even the cleaning chemicals that the church uses now are bad. Incorporated that with the gym floor or carpet being redone you have a very toxic place at least for some of us. And here is the best part "It Only takes one" person that forgets a visitor or most of the time just plain don't know or understand what is going on. You nor I can dictate what laundry soap that people can were that is pure unattainable. x 350 people x 3 wards in a building. Yea right.

So what is the solution? Most of the time people just become inactive not by choice but by situation. This is a chronic condition that there is nor cure no matter what the newest and latest thing says. Don't you think that the 3-8% of the populations that is estimated to have this on one degree or another would try to get better to be able to go to work, a movie, or church? Church is one of the first things that you quit because of the toxic over load that people get. Again I am not blaming anyone it just the way that is. Like a person that is deaf or speaks another language or that is blind they all can come and learn because there is money and time that is decided to these groups.

With MCS it has been only around for 1950 ish with the chemical revolution. It has only been recognized as a problem in the last 20 years by anybody. So here are the solutions for people like me. So it is new not many people have really bad total home-bound (2-3%) like me.

1. You hide away become a hermit never leave your home never have anyone over ever. This is the safest thing that you can do I this is what many people have to do not because of choice but because passing out and the sick for 3 weeks on the couch after a 2 minute chemical exposer is no fun either.

2. Maybe you have a good ward and maybe you want to attend church you can try a mask which for some people will work for a while but it is short trem maybe a couple of years a decade maybe but then you get bumped into slot one. Maybe you have a great ward that truly wants to help so they bring sacrament to you which is gratefully received that you can precipitate in something. It is even wroth the people that come are usually covered with stuff and most of the time the have tried really really hard no to were anything. The don't where cologne, hairspray, gel or even deodorant but alas there is more there is always more. The dry clean suits brother me and most people like me Ok so I fire your air filter up and seal off the room for a couple of hours until the chems clear out. Maybe you can get permission to skpe into some meeting. This does work but you have to get permission from upper up. S.P I think. Do you see how much work this is for the people that associated with me and people like me it is like visiting a mine field. I am a sheep all you got to do is get to me but don't step on a trigger because then I will get really sick or run away or pass out. ready . . set . . go .

So again I do not blame anyone that tries to help it is just so difficult for anyone that deals with this including me and I know my triggers.

3. A Chem Free branch is formed. Ok so lets crack open this pile of worms.

1. Is there enough people to support this. I live in Utah and I say yes from a numbers standard. All if not most of us are considered inactive again most if the time not by choice.

2. Building or remodeling a place to meet. This is a hugh problem. I think that this would be as difficult as building a mini temple. With a insane expensive air filtering system. No mini spits here full on air handlers with many yards of carbon air filterers that would have to be ran all the time. Water filters cleaners and then there is the carpet or lack of carpet issues. Paint which is a no no for us. Etc etc etc.

3. Everyone would have to be total Chem Free. Period!!!!

4. Who get to go. The person that has s small headache after church at what point you get to go?

I do not know what the solutions is. it would be interesting to see how may of "us" are out there.

So that is the questions and the call out. Do you know people that are chemical sensitive in you area. If they are please have them contact the MCS home bond group just to get the numbers.

P.S I did not mean to highjack this discussion but I did anyway sorry.


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