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Some revelations apply to the time they are givin. Perhaps this might for some reasons we are not aware of, be the case here. In such cases it is neccessary to rely on present day revelation which it seems in this case to somewhat contradict a former revelation.

Pam's first post there made a lot of sense to me as well.

Edited by marts1
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Wow, this thread sure has a negative defensive 'ready to jump down your throat' tone all in the name of debate.

Thats because is a touchy subject. I think we boast ourselves in not drinking coffee, tea, smoke or do drugs or hey no coke but we shovel down our throats a t-bone steak or lamb leg daily with apple pie for dessert. :rolleyes:

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Guest Alana

Thats because is a touchy subject. I think we boast ourselves in not drinking coffee, tea, smoke or do drugs or hey no coke but we shovel down our throats a t-bone steak or lamb leg daily with apple pie for dessert. :rolleyes:

In this thread I see the argument that we eat meat too much and that we shouldn't eat it at all. I'd be much more interested in seeing a debate about how much is too much and if when we eat it (winter/famine) is relevant today. As far as being vegetarians, that is a personal decision that is obviously not a church mandated position but does have pros (and cons) and I'd love to see more respect for both sides in this thread.

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I see.

Well I am not a vegetarian and I think thats a personal choice however eating meat sparingly does not equal (in my view) eating it every single day which I personally find most people do. The scripture is clear to me I'm not sure what is the issue at hand really.

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I'd be happy to have a respectful discussion with anyone. As long as they are showing the same respect instead of posting derogatory comments to any comment that might disagree with them.

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It hurts my feelings to think of the slaughter of animals

that go on in a daily bases but I do know it is necessary

for the health of mankind.

I eat as little meat as I can but I find myself lusting

after a steak or Wopper every once in a while.

In my heart I understand why "I" would be a vegan.

I have no problem referring to a Male animal as "he",

or a female animal as "she".

But I still love a stake every once in a while.

Sorry to all the beasts of the field out there.


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On another website that I assist with, there was a question and answer that I have come to enjoy. Forgive me for quoting it here:

Its interesting the "comma" issue on that reply (the fact that according to that answer the comma did not appear in the original version of the Doctrine and Covenants) because it goes against a whole bunch of statements from Brigham Young to others talking specifically about the use of meat.

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Guest Godless

Humans are omnivores. We have evolved to survive on a diet of both plants and animals. Don't believe me? Look at your teeth. Yes, abstaining from meat can be perfectly healthy, but it goes against our nature.

And I also have to agree with those who have said that the non-canonized things that your prophets have said can and do carry just as much weight as scripture. After all, the reason why they address you so often is to explain and clarify scripture, is it not? And sometimes it may be necessary to make some changes to adapt to modern times. These changes may never become scripture, but they came from your prophet, and thus from your God, yes?

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Guest Godless

I think he was just debating (and its okay in my opinion) to debate strongly in a point without name calling.

While there may not be name-calling, there does seem to be some judgmentalism and holier-than-thou attitudes poking through in this thread.

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Not against any commandment I know of to be too sensitive however contention...:)

Hahaha. You're something else. :D

To be honest, I dont see anything contentious about his point. He just seems passionate about it and people took it the wrong way. Not everything must be agreeable and served with sweet and honey. ;) Sometimes when debating is taking place you need to be straightforward about a point.

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While there may not be name-calling, there does seem to be some judgmentalism and holier-than-thou attitudes poking through in this thread.

How can we really judge intentions? I know I can't.

Its funny that you mentioned holier than thou because I find that in more than one occasion when a person politely declines to drink coke for example, there is always someone in the group who thinks the person is trying to be holier than thou. Sometimes it is not the other person's issue but our own.

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To be honest, I think it's time to close this thread. It's been discussed ad nauseum and has turned into nothing but a debate on debate.

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