Middle Single Adult Wards


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Mesa is the city that's primarily LDS.. I sure wouldn't want to live there... :P

The best mexican food in Arizona, believe it or not, is gotten off the roach coaches that go to construction sites; cheap, good, and not too greasy. For a sit down meal, Casa Del Rio in Tucson on the corner of 22nd and Pantano has the best machacka I've ever eaten, and I've lived in central/south america.

There are just so many excellent mexican hole-in-the wall places in Phoenix, its hard to remember the absolute best.

I will say that for Chinese you should try Diamonds; they're a little west and north of downtown. They're a true Cantonese style (lots of seafood) with aquariums full of live fish that they serve, including shrimp.

The best steak is a ma and pop steakhouse called "Hunters Family Steakhouse," and I believe that's in Gilbert. But it may in fact be Tempe.

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Guest mirancs8

Thanks for the suggestions. Gilbert is catching up to Mesa believe it or not with the LDS population. We're actually getting our own Temple here in Gilbert as well. Mesa unfortunately has some shady sections what's worse is they surround the Temple... so sad actually (adult stores and such). I bet once it was a nice neighborhood but it's went down hill. You would think where there is a Temple there would be nice areas surrounding it.

Have you ever gone to Anthony's In The Catalinas? It's off Cambell in Tucson. It's Italian food but really good and the atmosphere is wonderful. I use to go there with my old boss when he did his seminars. It was a treat after the seminar when he'd treat me to dinner and a view of those mountains.

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I used to dine at the Sheraton El Conquistador up that way, don't think I've been to Anthony's.

One of the best Sushi restaurants in the country is in Tucson over on Cambell and 22nd; Sushi Cho - huge portions of fish flown in fresh daily, moderate prices, great atmostphere. I order 1/2 of what I would anywhere else in the country and still end up with more than I care to eat, so I have a late night snack - at less than 1/3 the cost of what I would pay in Phoenix or LA, or LV.

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Guest mirancs8

NO did you just say Sushi LOL! I will confess that when I live in the Philly burbs I would take the train into the city just to get sushi. My family thought I was nuts but it was the best, most fresh, and reasonably priced sushi anywhere. I found the place when I was working in the city and long after I left that job I would take the commute once a week to get that Sushi. Small hole in the wall place too. I have a place here that's OK but nothing like the place in Philly. I've tried several places in this area but wasn't that impressed. I like it fresh and simple. Whenever I'm down in Tucson again I'll have to make a stop there to try their sushi.

Was there a lot of LDS in Tucson? I never got to really go around to much the times I was down there but it seemed to be many year round retired people. There are young people of course but seems like more older people who like the cooler weather. It's just to close to Nogales and the border. Were you ever based out of AZ? It's always fun sitting in the back yard with the kids and the fighter jets fly over our house.

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A primary residence within Salt Lake County or Davis County.

Thats actually kind of interesting. I have been going to singles wards for the last 8 years now. But now I'm falling into a different catagory. Looking for a Mid-Singles ward didn't turn up much. What actually was pretty surprising is that Weber and Davis County doesn't have a Mid-Singles ward. (That means, Logan, Salt Lake City, Prove all have them) Now I see this listing that I guess they are grouping Davis County with Salt Lake City. That seems to more be a way of filling the gaps then actually filling the need. Who is going to drive from Layton to Salt Lake to go to Church (this is Utah remember), let alone any activity. This last year has had a couple of different wards push out all the 31 years and old. I know there are enough 31 year and older in Davis county to form its own ward. I just have to wait and see.

Singles wards are different, they go through different stages and most seems to be connected with how the Bishop runs the ward. There are younger Singles wards that have younger people in them, where I'm sure most of the Young Woman in there are more about dating. But most of the wards I have been to, is more about getting to know others. It really is just trying to provide a way for everybody to hang out. Now it really comes down to each person. If you want to put the effort into it, you probably have more chance of success and probably enjoy it some what more. But if you don't, then you won't get as much out of it.

But don't worry, you are the guy, so you can control how much you date!

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Guest mirancs8

But don't worry, you are the guy, so you can control how much you date!

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

So are you saying us women lack "control" on how much we date?:rolleyes: I think you've gotten the sexes mixed up there a bit bud... Just being sarcastic :lol:!!

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:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

So are you saying us women lack "control" on how much we date?:rolleyes: I think you've gotten the sexes mixed up there a bit bud... Just being sarcastic :lol:!!

Traditionaly, sure guys get to ask but woman get to say yes or no. Seems like woman might have the upper hand.

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To the OP, Emigration 2nd Ward is NOT a Midsingles Ward but a Single Adult Ward 31+, that really is a 45+ ward.

For a listing of all 30-something Midsingles Wards, Midsingles Conferences, Midsingles Wards, and local Midsingles groups, there's the LDS Midsingles of the World facebook group with over 3,000 members on it. Here's the link LDS Midsingles of the World | Facebook (You need to join the group and then click on the Info Tab for the list)

Also a growing trend in many areas, is to have a Mixed Midsingles/Family Ward, where all 30-something Midsingles within the stake, can all attend the same existing family ward together. Here's the approved Mixed Midsingles/Family Ward approach which spells how such wards work. LDS Midsingles Blog

Edited by mattai
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o the OP, Emigration 2nd Ward is NOT a Midsingles Ward but a Single Adult Ward 31+, that really is a 45+ ward.


I'm confused by this statement.

Single Adult Ward = 31+

Midsingles ward = 45+

The Emigration 2nd ward is a Single Adult ward (31+) but really has mostly 45+?

The facebook link didn't work for me.

Here's the approved Mixed Midsingles/Family Ward approach which spells how such wards work

Approved? Who approved it? The idea is nice. I have never heard of it. I do think they need some more 31+ wards. But honestly probably only going to age 40 (but thats just me). Actually after thinking about things more (right now I'm kind of with out a ward). I think they need to redo the Young Single adult wards.

I think they need to have a ward that pretty much is from 18 to when you graduate from Collage (25-28) then have singles ward that is for just people that are graduated up to 40 or so. Just because a lot of the "requirements" for a Young Single adult ward start to not apply once you graduate. Thus the need for a little different organization or requirements.

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No, Traditional Midsingles Wards are typically for 30-somethings only (31-40), or for singles ages 31-45 for the three Midsingles Wards in Utah.

Single Adult Wards however, are for ages 31+, meaning 31 to 101. But often most "31+" Wards have no one under 40 or 45 attending so they are really 45+ wards, like Emigration 2nd Ward. For the OP Monument Park 19th Ward (31-45) would be a better fit.

Approved? Who approved it? The idea is nice. I have never heard of it.

Stake Presidents, then Area Seventies and then the First Presidency approves it. There are over 20 such Mixed Midsingles/Family Wards are over the country. Here's the outline again that spells it out. LDS Midsingles

The mixed Midsingles/Family Ward approach is the direction more areas are going towards to better serve the needs of 30-something Midsingles.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've been attending a midsingles/family ward for a little over a year here in Seattle. The MidSingles have their own Sunday School and FHE, but otherwise interact with the rest of the ward.

It's a weird experience for all involved. Not much dating happens, really. But it's nice to interact with kids and older folks. I think many of the midsingles are comfortable in the ward. I also think that some of the young marrieds are apprehensive about the situation. But no situation is perfect.

I only attend our Sunday School half the time. There is a really good teacher who teaches the regular SS, so I attend there on off weeks. I've gotten a few "Really?" looks in there for doing so, but eventually people get used to the idea. I'm there to experience the ward, not be cordoned off.

Ultimately, though, I do believe that it is a cordoning off. It's good that it involves a geographic ward, but it's still gathering up the "failures" of the YSA system into one place to make it "safe" for them to go to church. But I feel the same way about YSA wards, so... :)

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Wow, such negativity....So being single means you're a "failure"? I guess being divorced too is a "failure" too. Therefore being married is a "success"? Such black and white thinking. Are there other means in life to determine if one's a sucess or a failure besides one's martial status?

Perhaps in the Seattle 5th Ward, it's a little different, but most other Mixed Midsingles/Family Wards not only serve 30-something Midsingles who graduate from the YSA scene, but newly divorced single parents in their 30s and their children too. I never get the "I'm a failure" vibe being in these wards. Quite the opposite. Active Midsingles are the ones who haven't given up and are still active and serving in the Church to build the Kingdom in ways that marrieds can not. Our Bishop refers to us as the "Sons (and Daughters) of Helaman", brought in to strengthen and support others.

All of us have our own timetables, and while I agree Midsingles tend not to date with other in same ward, if other stakes also their own Mixed Midsingles/Family Wards and had occasional joint regional Midsingles activities, you will see more dating and marriages with other Midsingles.

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Mattai, I never meant to offend. You'll notice that I put that word in quotation marks so as to indicate that I myself do not consider the word to be an accurate descriptor.

But in truth, there are many in our culture who do feel that way about Midsingles. There are many who regard us as if we're broken. Even amongst our own, for every dozen that remain active there are hundreds who no longer come to church. Isn't that an indication that some feel the descriptor is accurate? I believe so.

But it's the logistics of the system that are a little messed up, not the Midsingles. I agree totally that we all have our own timetables, and there are roles for all to fill.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Sharpie...haha...depending on where you live there are all-age 31+ Single Adult Wards and/or activities for 40-something Singles or 40s Friendly SA activities. Feel free to join the LDS 40-something Singles of the World facebook group as a good start with links to such wards. LDS 40-something Singles of the World Facebook Group

Also what you are you doing to help your local singles scene? Maybe there are other 40-something Singles in your area who feel the same way, and would appreciate someone like you reaching out to them. Maybe you can start unofficial 40s Singles Restaurant Dinner Groups or Game Nights or other activities that are easy to plan and then go from there...

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  • 1 year later...

Hey Mr T!


I also am trying to figure out what to do. A little older and alot wiser finally. But what now? I dunno. Have been out of these circles for 18 years I definitely don't want to attend the meat market and if I do I want fillet mignon. I really would like to find some cool friends to hang with. Definitely this time around I'm not in a hurry. Been alone for 7 months now and pretty lonely. All of my friends are married? What now?


Like to dance!

Love sports!

Love to read!

Like to workout!

Like being a girl!

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