Boyd K. Packer - Saturday a.m. Sesson

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hi forum,

I have a question concerning Elder Packers talk, which I enjoyed listening to.

He is relating the story of a young soldier who is about to leave for Vietnam. He is asking Pres. Lee for a Priesthood blessing before he would have to leave. Pres Lee answers that his father should give him the blessing, the boy says the father wouldn't know how. Pres Lee says to tell the father that he should place his hands upon the boys head and say whatever comes.

I'm not sure if I understand the story correctly. Is the father a member/Priesthood Holder or can every father give a fathers blessings? (because of his fatherhood or whatever?) I have to admit I kind of like the idea... but am I on the right track???

Thanks for your answers,

ehkape - Media

*edit: clarification on the story*

Edited by ehkape
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Anyone can pray that someone else receive a blessing. There is even precedent for non-priesthood-holding individuals (i.e. women) laying their hands on the head of their children; though I understand the practice is now discouraged.

But such blessings are realized by the power of faith, not by the authority of the priesthood. It would be improper, during such a blessing, for someone to invoke the authority of a priesthood they do not rightfully hold.

Edited by Just_A_Guy
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As others have stated..any father can give a family member a blessing. Those that do not hold the Priesthood can not do it by saying "By the Holy Melchizedek Priesthood which I/we hold."

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