Church unveils solar powered meetinghouse


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As the sun crept over the Wasatch Front early Tuesday morning, its rays not only fell on a new, 20,000-square-foot LDS Church meetinghouse in Farmington but also powered it.

Featuring 158 panels mounted over about a third of the soon-to-be-opened stake center's south roof, the solar power system is one of several innovative uses of energy-efficient construction and utility technologies being tested by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.

You can read the full story at Mormon Church unveils solar powered meeting house

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You didn't see The Matrix?

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Yeah but they needed them alive to power things. You're just toying with me aren't you? Get me all excited that we've finally figured out how to power things by bottling the anguish of tormented souls and then pull the rug out from under me.

I see how it is, I expected more from you Snow.

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Yeah but they needed them alive to power things. You're just toying with me aren't you? Get me all excited that we've finally figured out how to power things by bottling the anguish of tormented souls and then pull the rug out from under me.

I see how it is, I expected more from you Snow.

And now you are toying with ME. You are referring to "whisperes" from Terry Goodkinds Sword of Truth books - or the TV show Legend of the Seeker. They are small gernade by canisters that contained the tortured cries of the souls killed by Lord Rahl. There are so powerful that they, when released, kill all life in all directions for miles. Fortunately, the Seeker was protected by a spell of deafening.

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Guest mormonmusic

I thought Snow's reference was to the steady rise of the socialist agenda, from environmentally friendly power sources, to more federal/government control, ending with extreme social engineering which leads to the removal from society of certain out-groups that won't subscribe to their philosophies.

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I'll be the unpopular voice here, but this seems like a waste of money to me. Currently available photovoltaic panels are expensive, along with the necessary inverters and grid tie-in gizmos. Want to go green on the cheap? Increase insulation, add skylights, and add a passive solar heating system- most of the activities that go in inside a meeting house take place during the day- let the light in! Converting sunlight to AC, and then using that to power a lightbulb inside the building doesn't seem to be the best idea...

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