Another Look at the 50's ;-)


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i remember it all VERY well...the way the pat boone would totally sanitize, bleach, and simply destroy a popular "race" song.

i did really enjoy seeing the picture of the DA hair style, other wise know as the ducks...butt, seeing as we are all so genteel here.

i remeber rebelling, and beatnics, our parents beleiving that our music was the work of the devil.

lets not forget movies like..."rebel without a cause", "the wild one", "state fair" (lol..i really liked this one), " the music man",.......

frnkie valenze singing, La you even KNOW what it's about?

how about "west side story"......

how about the very present PLAYBOY magazine because, HELLO, not all of us were born LDS and they were everywhere..AND EVEN IF YOU were lds...C'MON....NONE of you ever saw one?

how about HARLEY'S....there was a shop near me and i drooled over them everyday after school..

how about the Congressional, Industrial War Complex, a phrase coined by President Eisenhowser describing the corruption of war profiteers in American Industry as well as Congress.....

let's remember McCarthy.....THE most UNAMERICAN american in the modern era......and all those who supported him.....

okay, so let's remeber our youth, when we were just children...are we all so unhappy as adults that we refeuse to see the .."stuff"...from our childhood for what it is?

maybe it isn't all that different from today.....

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I remember a lot of that too.

Yes, I ran across a "Playboy" once or twice:rolleyes:

and maybe one or two much worse.:mad:

But those are not the kinds of things I like top dwell on:mellow:

It has been remarked that we become what we surround ourselves with.

I have found the more I move away from such things in thought as well as deed,

the better off I am.:o

Good and evil political as well as social is with us.

It is a fact of life.

I just try to look to "The Brighter Side of Life."

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