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December 13, 2004

"'Tis the season to be jolly." But, as usual, not for all of us.

It is the Christmas season, that time in December when all good Christians celebrate the birth of the Savior of mankind, born in a stable in Bethlehem, 2,000 years ago.

It is a time of family gatherings and gift-giving, of joyous music and fond memories. For some, it is one of the few days of the year, Easter being the other, when they return to the old church for the feast day that yet retains its hold upon them from childhood.

Even many non-believers celebrate, for Christmas joy is contagious.

But not for all. For some, it is not too much to say that they hate the idea of Christmas with a deep abiding hate, not just the "Bah, humbug!" dismissal of old Scrooge. They want Christmas dead.

As usual, they are busy at work, going to court to get Nativity scenes expunged from public squares, demanding that statues of Mary, Joseph and the infant Jesus be removed from department stores and parades, checking vigilantly to see that any and all caroling at public schools is free of such outrages as "Silent Night." For people such as these, even Santa has become an intolerably divisive figure who must be purged from public life.

And this year, again, they are meeting with some success, especially with a business community for whom Christmas has always been about sales volume, not salvation.

Target stores have told the Salvation Army it may no longer station volunteers at store entrances, with their red kettles, and solicit charitable contributions for the poor. The 30-year tradition that reaped the Army $9 million a year has been terminated

The reason? Says Target, unconvincingly, it is so the company can have a consistent policy of no solicitations outside its stores. But in recent years, the gay lobby has pressured Target to ban the Army because it is Christian and rejects homosexuality as sinful.

Now Macy's has stopped using the phrase "Merry Christmas" in all store advertising, replacing it with what Macy's calls the more inclusive "Season's Greetings" and "Happy Holidays."

But how is it "inclusive" to exclude the Christians' greeting? Is that not anti-Christian? Why would the Macy's of the "Miracle on 34th Street" do such a thing? Why would Federated Department Stores, Macy's parent company, impose such a policy?

By Newton's laws of motion, an object moving in a given direction will continue to do so unless an outside force intervenes. What hidden force intervened to cause Macy's to reverse course and suddenly sever its ties to Christmas? Who insisted that Macy's cease to mention Christmas, the holiday around which its selling season is built?

It is hard to believe some Macy's executive took it upon himself to make so offensive a decision as to expunge "Merry Christmas" from the store, when so many of Macy's most loyal shoppers were certain to be disheartened and hurt. Who is trying to kill Christmas?

It needs to be said. What we are witnessing here are hate crimes against Christianity – the manifestations, the symptoms of a sickness of the soul, a disease a Vatican diplomat correctly calls "Christianophobia," the fear and loathing of all things Christian, coupled with a fanatic will to expunge from the public life of the West all reminders that ours was once a Christian civilization and America once a Christian country.

Americans are among the most tolerant of peoples. No one demands that any dissenting adult or child be made to say the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, or join in Christmas caroling, or be forced to say a prayer before class, or go to church at Christmas. The Christian majority only asks that they be free to be themselves, to exercise their freedom to express their love of their Savior as the First Amendment has always guaranteed.

But what are we to make of Maplewood, N.J., where the Columbus High School brass ensemble was ordered not to play a single Christmas carol at their holiday concert, not even an instrumental version. Parents and students were outraged. "This is censorship at its most basic level," said student Ryan Dahn. Correct, Ryan.

In Denver, officials of the annual Parade of Lights refused to permit in the parade a float carrying the banner "Merry Christmas" with members of the Faith Bible Chapel congregation, who were to sing Christmas carols. Approved was a float sponsored by Two Souls, an American Indian group that considers homosexuality holy.

While Christmas often brings forth the best in some of us, because of who and what is being celebrated, that is not true for all of us. For some, it brings forth the purest malevolence. Why? Sadly, because they do not know Him. Nevertheless, Merry Christmas – to all.

- Pat Buchanan


Pat Buchanan's newest book, "Where the Right Went Wrong," reveals why America is being led to disaster ... and how to save our country.

Pat Buchanan was twice a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and the Reform Party’s candidate in 2000. He is also a founder and editor of The American Conservative. Now a political analyst for MSNBC and a syndicated columnist, he served three presidents in the White House, was a founding panelist of three national TV shows, and is the author of seven books.

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Texe Marrs presents an exclusive report, documenting the fact that hate crimes against Christians are escalating to monumental heights. Although the FBI is required to keep statistics on all categories of hate crimes, the agency refuses to track or report hate crimes against Christians. Hate crimes against Christians often go entirely unpunished in today’s increasingly bigoted and cruel anti-Christian culture. Indeed, federal, state and local governments are the biggest perpetrators of hate and bias crimes against Christian believers.


The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) specializes in constitutional law and is based in Washington, D.C.

Through our work in the courts and the legislative arena, the ACLJ is dedicated to protecting your religious and constitutional freedoms.

In addition to providing its legal services at no cost to our clients, the ACLJ focuses on the issues that matter most to you – national security, protecting America’s families, and protecting human life. You can learn more about our work through Jay Sekulow Live! -- our daily radio broadcast and through ACLJ This Week -- a nationally broadcast weekly television program.

While there is a wealth of information about our work online, you can also receive up-to-date developments from the ACLJ on the most critical issues facing our country today by signing up for our e-mail list.

Jay Sekulow

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My general usual daily schedule (not today as I am ailing).....

wake up at 6:00AM. Morning abolutions till 6:30AM

6:30 - 7:15 Schedule my day, homeschool day, get the kid up, grade,

7:15 - 9:00 Pest Control

9:00 - 10:00 Work with kid homeschool, grade, college

10:00 - 12:00 Pest Control

12:00 - 1:30 Homeschool and college stuff

1:30 - 2:30 Persecute Christians

2:30 - 3:00 Nap

3:00 - 7:00 Wrestling/fitness/college work

7:00 - 8:00 Eat shower, etc...

8:00 - 10:00 Various computer wrestling sites. Watch CSI

10:00 - 6-00 Sleep

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You still think Freemasons are conspiring to control the world? :rolleyes:

Of course they are! I saw that episode of The Simspons...

Who controls the British crown?

Who keeps the metric system down?

We do! We do!

Who leaves Atlantis off the maps?

Who keeps the Martians under wraps?

We do! We do!

Who holds back the electric car?

Who makes Steve Gutenberg a star?

We do! We do!

Who robs cavefish of their sight?

Who rigs every Oscar night?

We do! We doooo!

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My general usual daily schedule (not today as I am ailing).....

wake up at 6:00AM. Morning abolutions till 6:30AM

6:30 - 7:15 Schedule my day, homeschool day, get the kid up, grade,

7:15 - 9:00 Pest Control

9:00 - 10:00 Work with kid homeschool, grade, college

10:00 - 12:00 Pest Control

12:00 - 1:30 Homeschool and college stuff

1:30 - 2:30 Persecute Christians

2:30 - 3:00 Nap

3:00 - 7:00 Wrestling/fitness/college work

7:00 - 8:00 Eat shower, etc...

8:00 - 10:00 Various computer wrestling sites. Watch CSI

10:00 - 6-00 Sleep

Heh, if you learned to tolerate more Christians, perhaps you'd have fewer pests. :)
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Texe Marrs presents an exclusive report, documenting the fact that hate crimes against Christians are escalating to monumental heights. Although the FBI is required to keep statistics on all categories of hate crimes, the agency refuses to track or report hate crimes against Christians. Hate crimes against Christians often go entirely unpunished in today’s increasingly bigoted and cruel anti-Christian culture. Indeed, federal, state and local governments are the biggest perpetrators of hate and bias crimes against Christian believers.

So your proof that Christians are persecuted is to suggest that we spend $20 to hear some fringe nutjob tell us about his conspiracy theories?

Why am I not surprized.

If anyone is wondering who this nutbar is, take a look at his looney home page:

Maybe you can get him to talk in Relief Society and substantiate your theory that Emma Smith is attempted multiple murderer.

How big of a nutbar is Ari's source?

""People that are Christians now, but were satanists, recognized President Clinton’s signal at his inauguration as a sign of Satan. That seems fairly cut and dried, and it is. Clinton communicated what he wanted to the people to whom he wanted to communicate. The whole affair with him flashing the satanic hand signal took only a couple of seconds."

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Is satanism a conspiracy theory? Another case of shooting the messenger...

Sometimes when the messenger is crazy as a loon it is a good idea to shoot them. Or at least hope they don't breed.

PS..... I am still wondering if you have purchased any large amounts of fertilizer and an rental truck. You and you mate seem the type.

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Is satanism a conspiracy theory? Another case of shooting the messenger...

For the most part yes, but anyone who says that Clinton flashed a statanic sign at his inauguration is a moron is anyone who believes him is a guilble moron.

Poster posts opinion.

Fellow poster asks for facts opinion is based on.

Poster posts source of information.

Fellow poster discredits poster's source of information.

Fellow poster posts source of information countering poster's information source.

Fellow poster discredits poster's credibility.

Yes. It called the Law of Natural Consequences. When you use morons as your source, you lose your credibility. When you run out of credibility, whoops, too late.

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So basically what your saying Aristotle is that my best source of information about hate crimes is guys like this. Following this line of rationale I suppose the best authority for racial information would be the Aryan Nation. My best source of information on human rights in North Korea would Kim Jong II. My best information on the LDS church would be the Mormonism Research Ministry. My best information on....

Are you for real? Or are you playing a game?

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For a hundred years, boys and girls born in America, and they who later obtained citizenship in this great country, have felt that they are "endowed by their Creator, with certain Unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness," and that these rights are endowed by our Creator.

Recent rulings of the Supreme Court would have all reference to a Creator eliminated from our public schools and public offices.

It is a sad day when the Supreme Court of the United States would discourage all reference in our schools to the influence of the phrase "divine providence" as used by our founders of the Declaration of Independence.

Evidentally, the Supreme Court misinterprets the true meaning of the First Amendment, and are now leading a Christian nation down the road to atheism. - President David O. McKay, CN-6/22/63, Prophets, Principles and National Survival

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Is satanism a conspiracy theory? Another case of shooting the messenger...

Okay, I'm a little confused. Was Clinton flashing gang symbols, making him a satanist, or was Tex Marr suckering 1000s of nutjobs out $20 each, making him a satanist? :dontknow:

:offtopic: So, back to the issue of "Christian persecution." Of course, by global standards, we are not persecuted, harrassed, or hated. However, there is a sense that Christians have lost their unofficial status as the civic religion and ethical foundation. And yes, it's increasing okay to poke fun at Christians in ways that other groups are protected from.

Two examples:

1. At a public university in Kansas, a student creates a statue of a Catholic cardinal, done in the shape of a male private part. The student more or less said that as a child he saw the bishops and cardinals this way. The statue was part of a permanent display of student art. Catholics complained, and the university went to court to defend the artistic and free speech rights of the student and the university.

2. A single Muslim patron of Burger King (overseas--Europe or England, I believe) complains that the icecream cone symbol on its wrapper looks too much like the Arabic name for God, and is offensive. Burger King immediately pulls the wrappers and issues an apology for any untintended offense it may have caused. The ingrate customer was later interviewed and said that Burger King's anti-Muslim attack cannot be washed away so easily, and that he feels that it is his personal jihad to oppose Burger King at every step!

Why such a discrepancy?

1. A public university is a government agency, and academia does have a pro-liberal and anti-religious bias. It has no need to guard against offense, and occasionally revels in doing so. It's the politically correct way of earning gang-member status--by offending organized religion.

2. An international corporation (be it Target or Burger King) has a strong financial incentive for NOT OFFENDING its customers. Despite this years hullabaloo, most people are not offended by a generic "Happy Holidays." But a few sensitive and politically active Jews may be offended by Merry Christmas.

So, there is no conspiracy here. Besides, if we really are the 85% majority we keep hearing we are, then quite confidence should be the order of the day.

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Excellent post, prisonchaplain!

In addition to your examples, I recall an incident whereby The National Endowment of the Arts allowed a picture of Christ to be displayed in urine.

No. The Endowment of the Art has no ability to allow or disallow freedom of expression. The Endowment was criticized because as a publically funded institution, it gave financial support to the artist who created the piece.

It's a question of freedom of expression and taxpayer money.

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So, there is no conspiracy here. Besides, if we really are the 85% majority we keep hearing we are, then quite confidence should be the order of the day.

The Book of Mormon warns us that when we see these murderous conspiracies in our midst that we should awake to our awful situation. The definition of conspiracy is: a joining secretly with others for an evil purpose. It ceases to be a conspiracy once it is exposed.

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<div class='quotemain'>

So, there is no conspiracy here. Besides, if we really are the 85% majority we keep hearing we are, then quite confidence should be the order of the day.

The Book of Mormon warns us that when we see these murderous conspiracies in our midst that we should awake to our awful situation. The definition of conspiracy is: a joining secretly with others for an evil purpose. It ceases to be a conspiracy once it is exposed.

Stupidity Alert:

There is no conspiracy involving murder to promote atheism and eliminate Christianity in America.

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Recent example of a "murderous conspiracy"...a "hate crime" against Christians:


JAKARTA (Reuters) - Men in black clothes and masks beheaded three teenage Christian girls on Saturday in eastern Indonesia as they walked to school near the Muslim town of Poso, officials said.

President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono condemned the killings, which he described as "sadist and inhuman crimes," and called an emergency security meeting with his vice-president, as well as military officials and police.

National police spokesman Aryanto Budiharjo said up to six men in black clothes and masks attacked the students in Bukit Bambu village, on the eastern island of Sulawesi.

"The perpetrators wore black attire and veils and they used machetes to slash (the victims)," he told reporters in Jakarta.

The three headless bodies of the high school students, dressed in brown uniforms, were left at the site of the attack. Three heads were found at separate locations two hours later by residents.

Earlier, a police official in Poso gave a different account, saying two men wearing helmets on a motorcycle attacked the 16-year-old students.

He said the student who escaped said the attackers wore helmets and carried a two-way radio.

Poso, 1,500 km (900 miles) northeast of the capital Jakarta, is in an area where Muslim-Christian clashes killed 2,000 people until a peace deal was agreed in 2001.

Although religious fighting has largely subsided, tension is still high in the region following bombings in the neighboring Christian town of Tentena which killed 22 people in May.

Security experts have said local Islamic radicals may have been responsible for the bombings in Tentena.

Budiharjo said around 400 policemen will be sent to reinforce security in Poso.

About 85 percent of Indonesia's 220 million people are Muslim. But in some eastern parts, Christian and Muslim populations are about equal.

In Jakarta, president Yudhoyono also called for calm and pledged to hunt down the attackers.

"I want to tell all my brothers and sisters in Poso that such violence cannot be tolerated, and the police with the military will make sure that it will not happen again."

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Another recent example...



A pattern of hostility to free speech - specifically the rights of Christians to pray - is on the rise in our country.

We saw it in our nation’s public schools ... where prayer was officially banned. We have seen it in our workplaces.

Now, our United States military seems to have “jumped on the bandwagon” ... with Air Force leadership recently releasing proposed guidelines that will restrict how Air Force chaplains can pray.

If approved, these guidelines may well be implemented throughout the entire Armed Forces.

This is an outrage that we cannot allow! Already, it is documented that chaplains are “feeling the heat” to restrict their prayers and mask their faith.

Christian chaplains are being told NOT to pray in the name of Jesus!

For many Christian chaplains, praying in the name of Jesus is a fundamental part of their beliefs. To suppress this form of expression would be a violation of their constitutional rights and religious freedoms.

Furthermore, to censor Christian chaplains is a disservice to the thousands of Christian soldiers in the military who look to their chaplains for comfort, inspiration, and support ... just as military soldiers of other faiths look to their chaplains.

Again, we cannot allow these proposed guidelines to be passed. We cannot sit idly by while our honored Christian military chaplains are singled out and silenced.

I have assembled a senior legal team at the ACLJ, including a 20-year military veteran who worked at the Pentagon. We are drafting a legal analysis and comments to be used in this process.

Thankfully, a group of Congressmen has joined together to call on the President to protect by Executive Order the constitutional right of military chaplains to pray according to their faith.

In response to this outrageous and blatant religious intolerance and infringement of free speech rights, the ACLJ has embarked on a nationwide campaign to PROTECT PRAYER and the constitutional rights of military chaplains.

In our Armed Forces, all faiths must be respected. Christian chaplains must be permitted to pray in the name of Jesus.

The ACLJ is working to generate a massive grassroots effort, to let the President know that we will not stand for this type of blatant religious intolerance in our nation’s military. President Bush must step in to protect religious freedom.

Please add your name to our letter to President Bush urging him to protect the rights of military chaplains.

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Interestingly, the bloodshed in Indonesia has occurred on both sides, Christian and Muslim. So may we assume that this is also evidence of Christian conspiracy and hate crimes toward Muslims?

Indonesia is the world's most populous Muslim nation, but Central Sulawesi has a roughly equal number of Muslims and Christians. The province was the scene of a bloody sectarian war in 2001-2002 that killed around 1,000 people from both communities.

The Christian-Muslim conflict in Sulawesi was an extension of a wider sectarian war in the nearby Maluku archipelago in which up to 9,000 perished between 1999 and 2002.

By the way, the bit about military chaplains is hype; it is not accurate at all. Chaplains are praying with the troops in the name of Christ every day. That's experience talking, not an article. B)

In fact, the policy referred to only pertains to chaplains offering an invocation or benediction in public settings such as a change of command or other public ceremony where people of different faiths are in attendance, not a religious service. In services, chaplains are free to pray according to their beliefs.

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